Release Notes

Release Notes December 15, 2023

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.7.6


  • Minor bug fixes and stability improvements

Release Notes December 6, 2023

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.7.5

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where it was sometimes not possible to share screen or enable video in meetings when in the guest mode

Release Notes November 22, 2023

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.7.4

New features:

  • The "parallel ring" feature is now available only for extensions as well as external numbers and not for services, such as queues, skills and groups
  • The Outbound Trunk menu is no longer displayed

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where CRM activity logging did not work for contacts saved with special characters; now it works as expected

Release Notes October 25, 2023

Cloudya Web App

Current version:


New Features:

  • DTMF (touchtone) is now available in the ringing state. This enables outbound calls to public Italian numbers and special services

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where the CRM name was not resolved on incoming calls, due to the presence of a special character in the number saved
  • Fixed a bug where inbound calls were not resolved with CRM Outlook contacts

Release Notes October 9, 2023

NCTI Standard for Windows

Current version:

  • Windows:

New Features:

  • Added support for Yellink VP59 and T33G phones
  • Added CRM system Hubspot 

Bug fixes:

  • Added missing error strings for several installer update error case
  • Fixed a regression that caused the Drag & Drop dialing to no longer work
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Datev plugin to crash if it was activated on a host where no Datev client was installed
  • The screen popup for incoming calls will now only display the Open Contact button when a contact has been found and when the CRM can be opened
  • The provider list in the internet search plugin is now already populated when the app starts for the first time after the installation. Previously, this was only the case for subsequent app launches.
  • Fixed cases where the internet search no longer worked for these online directories: Das Telefonbuch and Das Örtliche (Germany), Herold (Austria), and (Switzerland)
  • Fixed a regression that caused the hotkey dialing plugin to no longer be activated by default
  • Fixed an installer bug that could potentially enable security issues

Release Notes September 13, 2023

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.7.2

New Features:

  • It is now possible to hide the coachee notification on every subsequent login by clicking Got it when getting the notification for the first time

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where the welcome tune was played while enabling the blurred background
  • Fixed a bug where when adding a new Cloudya user to an existing extension, the connection between the user and the extension was not saved; now the defined extension is saved, as expected

Release Notes August 31, 2023

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.7.1 (hotfix)


  •  It is now possible to transition from a floating window to the Cloudya main app using an expand button

Release Notes August 29, 2023

Cloudya Desktop App

Current version:

  • 1.7.0

New features:

  • Floating window is now displayed when minimizing the desktop app during an active call. Please get the version 1.7.0 to keep on using the floating window in combination with the Cloudya app for Teams.
  • Users can choose to use a custom ringtone instead of the default ringtone by uploading a MP3 file
  • CRM Connect version 5.2.2 is released which fixes several bugs 
  • Making a call with the Cloudya app from Teams using the desktop app in the background is now possible again
  • The app now supports Window Server 2019 and above
  • Easier access to the update file by changing the location of the file to the same as the installer 
  • Changed the installer location to C:\Program Files\xxx – only on clean installation 

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.7.0

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug related to a contact name resolution on an incoming call from a CRM contact; the contact name is now properly displayed as expected

Release Notes August 17, 2023

Cloudya Mobile App (iOS)

Current version:

  • 2.3.1


  • Preparatory adjustments for future versions.

Release Notes August 16, 2023

NCTI Premium

Current version:

  • 3.2.1 - 18616

New features:

  • Deployed Addin Library 2211.129
  • The call forwarding text box is now hidden in presence

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a problem with the terminal services logout
  • Fixed a problem with the phone number format in the preview window for Switzerland

Release Notes August 9, 2023

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.6.15

New features:

  • CRM Connect search results are now paginated
  • Cloudya passwords must now contain at least twelve characters in order to be accepted

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where the option to open a contact for incoming calls in a CRM was only activated if the Search through CRM contacts was activated; to open a contact is now possible with the search option disabled
  • Fixed a bug where CRM search results were updated according to the previous search results; now the CRM search results are updated according to the latest search request as expected
  • Fixed a bug where when activating or deactivating Call Forwarding, a forwarding banner wasn't updating automatically; now the call forwarding banner is updated automatically as expected

Release Notes August 1, 2023

Cloudya Mobile App (Android)

Current version:

  • 2.5.2

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug which caused the callee not to hear the caller after the call had been put on hold and then was taken off hold again; now both parties hear each other as expected

Release Notes July 19, 2023

Administration Portal

Current version:


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug when resetting the password via the Password Forgotten function, during which it was possible to enter special characters not accepted by the Profile page when changing the password while logged in; the same password requirements are now enforced when changing the password with the Password Forgotten function as when changing the password on the Profile page
  • Fixed a bug which prevented Panasonic devices from being registered


  • Added information about default blacklist profile to .../customer/<id> endpoint

Release Notes July 18, 2023

Cloudy Mobile App (Android)

Current version:

  • 2.5.1

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that limited the responsiveness of the app

Release Notes July 12, 2023


New features:

  • Change log: text-based filter for invalid json objects (SP4-1313)

  • Converting system timestamps to user's timezone (SP4-1182): If a browser detects that a user is not in the CE(S)T timezone, then the time stamps are displayed with the time difference in brackets after the time, for example, "2023-05-03 18:06:30 (+1:00)", the tooltip will show "2023-05-03 17:06:30 in the timezone Europe/London, based on the information of this browser". This is done in in the following tables:

    • CDR/Call data record (Column: Time)

    • Change log (Column: Time)

    • Devices table (Column: Created On)

    • Sites (Column: Obsolete since)

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug in Tenant -> General where the wrong contact information was displayed in some situations; correct contact information is now displayed, as expected

  • Fixed a bug where a device was not shown after paginating; now the device is visible, as expected

  • Fixed a bug in the Change log where "null" was visible in search results when, for example, filtering for inbound trunks; "null" is now no longer displayed for strings that do not match

Release Notes July 12, 2023

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.6.13

New features:

  • Cloudya now uses ISO language codes instead of ISO country codes for language selection
  • Fax is now available in Cloudya MS Teams

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug in Cloudya Tenant Management where a search for accounts in permissions resulted in a search dialog being broken; now the search results are displayed as expected
  • Fixed a bug where a caller name was missing in a call notification while using Click2Dial
  • Fixed a bug where users were getting two download notifications in Cloudya; now there is only one download notification, as expected
  • Fixed a bug where Cloudya didn't honor the language settings of the operating system; now it adapts to the OS language, as expected
  • Fixed a bug where Firstname disappeared after scrolling through the Cloudya wizard; now the firstname is visible as expected
  • Fixed a big where a Meeting view was broken after a pinned participant left the meeting
  • Fixed a bug where CRM settings showed multiple entries of the same CRM
  • Fixed a bug where a wrong number was displayed in the active call after transferring the call
  • Fixed a bug where after initiating a call via Salesforce CRM, the activity wasn't logged in the CRM

Release Notes July 5, 2023

Cloudya Mobile App (Android)

Current version:

  • 2.5

New features:

  • It is now possible to revoke the registration of a mobile phone number at any time
  • It is now possible to display the app log files and send them
  • It is now possible to send DTMF tones via the dialpad while the call is in the "ringing" status


  • Under Settings, it is now possible to switch the Android secure flag on and off, thus enabling users to take screenshots of the app screen
  • Authorisation is now required for the app to send push notifications (for incoming calls)

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where users were not able to scroll on the GSM register screen to select Skip or Register buttons; now the privacy notice when registering phone numbers is also readable on smaller displays


Cloudya Mobile App (iOS)

Current version:

  • 2.3

New features:

  • It is now possible to display the app log files and send them
  • It is now possible to send DTMF tones via the dialpad while the call is in the "ringing" status


  • It is now possible to turn the face-centering feature of participants in meetings on and off

Bug fixes:

  • Global stabilisations and improvement of the app codebase

Release Notes June 20, 2023

Administration Portal 

Current version:


Bug fixes:

  • Prohibited the change of the permission setting "intern" once it has been set to "intern"

Release Notes June 14, 2023

Cloudya Mobile App (Android)

Current version:

  • 2.4.1


  • Added an explicit confirmation dialogue for registering a phone number

Release Notes June 1, 2023

Administration Portal

Current version:


Bug fixes:

  • User can make controls writable and data is saved to database
  • Fixed a bug where while trying to set a new password users were receiving error messages that the password was invalid; now users can set a new password as expected

Release Notes May 17, 2023

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.6.10


  • Plantronics headsets now control an active call, not a call on hold
  • Jabra headsets headsets now control an active call, not a call on hold


  • Fixed a bug which prevented a blind transfer to an external number; now users can make a blind transfer to external (unsaved) numbers as expected
  • Fixed a bug where after the login the first CRM search failed and returned no result; now the CRM search works after the login as expected
  • CRM settings now have priority over server settings

Release Notes May 5, 2023

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.6.9

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug related to the login page when "Remember me" was activated; now, after first opening the app, the users are redirected to the telephony page, as expected
  • Fixed a bug which caused video subscriptions when using the Pin/Unpin participant functionality in meetings


Release Notes May 4, 2023

Cloudya Mobile App (iOS)

Current version:

  • 2.2.1


  • Improved audio output device selection in meetings

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug which caused some issues when transferring the registered phone number from older app versions; now the registered phone number is correctly transferred from older app versions

Release Notes April 19, 2023

Cloudya Desktop App and Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.6.8

New features:

  • Optimised the size for rich call notification for incoming calls
  • Optional activity logging for supported CRMs is now available

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where the shortcuts on the NumPad were not recognised; the shortcuts on the NumPad are now recognised as expected
  • Installing and deinstalling Cloudya will now require admin rights
  • MSI. & EXE. installer are now able to adapt to the OS language


Release Notes April 19, 2023

Cloudya Mobile App (iOS)

Current version:

  • 2.2

New Features:

  • When registering a mobile phone number, users now must verify its correctness by confirming it with a code which they receive per SMS; this way, possible typos in the numbers are avoided
  • A mobile phone number that has already been SMS-verified does not have to be verified again after logging out and logging into the app
  • The registration of a mobile phone number can be revoked at any time
  • As soon as the app goes into the background (e.g. in the App Switcher), the content of the currently open screen is covered


  • It is now possible to prevent the calls to and from the app from being entered in the iPhone's native call list as an option
  • It is not possible to reset the password (Forgot password) in the app
  • The sounds of the dialpad buttons have now been made audible
  • Switching manually from Wi-Fi to GSM is now seamless (without users noticing an information screen)
  • If no action has been selected in the default call forwarding profile, the "Always" banner is no longer displayed

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where the current status of the speaker in the call screen was displayed incorrectly in some cases
  • Fixed a bug that erroneously indicated that the camera was off during 1:1 calls
  • Fixed a bug that made the app available in the Apple Mac Store even though the app had not been released for Mac

Release Notes April 19, 2023

Cloudya Mobile App (Android)

Current version:

  • 2.4

New Features:

  • It is now possible to see screen sharing from other participants in meetings


  • User ringtone and video settings are saved after a logout and re-login
  • It is now possible to copy phone numbers to the clipboard in the most important parts of the app
  • The app launch is now faster

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that prevented a call from being forwarded from the app (in just a few cases)
  • Fixed a bug that displayed a misleading error message when deleting a voicemail
  • Fixed a bug that caused the widgets for favourites and conferences to be displayed without content on Android 12
  • Fixed a bug that caused difficulties when switching networks in a busy call (from Wi-Fi to a mobile network and vice versa)
  • Fixed a bug that, under rare circumstances, blocked the phone number format check when registering mobile phone numbers

Release Notes March 24, 2023

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.6.7

New features:

  • Visual reactions are now displayed in bubbles for the gallery view and pinned participant
  • Saving settings with Device Settings is now consistent across all instances in the Cloudya Desktop App and Cloudya Web App
  • Google Chrome notification now shows queue information for incoming calls

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed sporadic connectivity issues for Jabra headsets which occured during starting and after refreshing the app
  • Fixed sporadic connectivity issues for Epoc Senheiser headsets which occured during starting and after refreshing the app
  • Fixed a bug where the unmute button appeared disabled

Release Notes March 9, 2023

Administration Portal

Current version:


New features:

  • Added site information to endpoint for devices for extension

Bug fixes:

  • Removed voicemail service as a possible target from Timecontrol service
  • Resolved an issue with time settings for queue/skill when setting to OUTBOUND type
  • Fixed a bug during which calls to CreateCustomer resulted in timeout

Release Notes March 3, 2023

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.6.6

Bug fixes:

  • Resolved an issue related to audio playing over a default speaker

Release Notes March 1, 2023

Administration Portal

Current version:


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug which caused a "Telefony is offline" notification to appear in Cloudya do to an incorrect language code

Release Notes February 24, 2023

NCTI Premium

NCTI Premium Server

Current version:

  • 3.2.1 (18604)

Bug fixes:

  • Updated the ucusers.exe version so that it is deployed upon upgrade

  • Call forwarding text box is now hidden in presence

  • Added a possible fix for terminal services logging out crash

  • Fixed an issue with the telephone number format in the preview window for Switzerland

  • Fixed an issue which led to users being disabled if the ucserver restarted


NCTI Premium Client

Current version:

  • 3.2.1 (18604)


  • Added new Standard CRMs (Suppsonic, Codex, Efficy, Recruit, Now Cockpit, Zoho, Bigin, Catch, Microsoft Dynamics Business Central, Clio)
  • Added new Controlled CRMs (Emis Web, Zammad, CommTrak, Alliance, StaffManager, Cx Housing & Management, Acumatica, Vecta, InsuredMine, Servicem8, Rex Sales CRM)

Release Notes February 16, 2023

Administration Portal

Current version:


Bug fixes:

  • Added support for order-based efax extensions

Release Notes February 15, 2023

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.6.5

New Features:

  • Launched CRM Connect for MAC

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where the avatar in the top bar was not visible; now it is visible as expected
  • Fixed a bug where the Pull call icon was displayed without an active call; now the icon is not displayed in such a case

Release Notes February 11, 2023



  • Improved Change Log View:
    • Change log details are now displayed directly in table of Change Log View
    • Added filter control to filter json object
    • Go to next/previous change log entry is now available
  • Devices View:
    • "N/A" as device status is now displayed for device types which do not support registering
    • Primary device for extension is now indicated with a "*"
  • Tenant List View:
    • Added "Extend the "trial period" column for "trial permanent" tenants
    • Added filtering for "trial" and "state" to tenant list view

Release Notes February 8, 2020

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.6.4

New features:

  • Reactions in meetings (for customers using pilot mode)

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where the orbit button was not shown; now it is displayed as expected


In addition to the new features, improvements and bug fixes available in the Cloudya Web App, the Cloudya Desktop App contains the following:

Desktop App

Current version:

  • 1.6.4

New features:

  • MSI installer for Cloudya including CRM Connect for mass deployment
  • CRM Connect
    • Resolved uninstall issues when exe is removed from the system
    • Salesforce - Added support for Encrypted field

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug which led to a black pop-up window to appear when CRM connect was in the background with "No CRM" selected; now the feature works as expected


Cloudya Mobile App (iOS)

Current version:

  • 2.1.1

New features:

  • Introduced reactions in meetings (for customers using the pilot mode)

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that caused issues with the mute/unmute control and raised hand visualisation in meetings
  • Fixed a bug that caused the call screen to show the loudspeaker status as deactivated when it was in fact activated; now the loudspeaker status is shown correctly
  • Fixed a bug that showed a placeholder title in a call history item even though the call history item was empty
  • Fixed a bug that caused the moderator of a meeting to see a "Lower all hands" menu item even when no hands were raised in meetings


Cloudya Mobile App (Android)

Current version:

  • 2.3.1

New features:

  • Introduced reactions in meetings (for customers using the pilot mode)

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that suppressed the audio signal when switching the Internet connection from mobile data to Wi-Fi
  • Fixed a bug that caused the moderator of a meeting to see a "Lower all hands" menu item even when no hands were raised in meetings

Release Notes February 7, 2023

Administration Portal

Current version:


Improvements and bug fixes:

  • Various internal improvements and bug fixes

Release Notes January 26, 2023

Administration Portal

Current version:


Improvements and bug fixes:

  • Various internal improvements and bug fixes

Release Notes January 25, 2023

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.6.3


  • Minor bug fixes and stability improvements

Release Notes January 11, 2023

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.6.2


  • The Desktop App will no longer store login credentials locally

Release Notes December 29, 2022


Current version:

  • 7.6.2


  • MetaDirectory


  • MetaDirectory 5 Enterprise Web-Server as Microsoft Teams App  


  • The Microsoft Outlook Exchange Replicator (32-bit) will no longer be available with the next setup 5.0.21
  • The EXACTONLINE and Aranes replicators have been removed and are no longer available

Additional new functions/Improvements:

  • Users can now be read from Azure (MS Graph)
  • Added a note on use in NCTI Pro for database fields
  • The Google contacts API is deprecated and no longer supported. Migration to People API is required.
  • During an update installation it was possible to change the installation path; this is now prevented (the installation path is grayed out)

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where MS graph replication failed for empty or emptied mailbox contacts
  • Fixed an issue where the password was not requested correctly when reinstalling and updating
  • Fixed an error where the user rights in the VLV did not "take hold"
  • Fixed an issue where in the web service HTTP header the settings were reset after restarting the MetaDirectory service
  • Fixed a bug where some configuration files were missing in the config. directory
  • A manually specified path for exporting the configuration is now taken over

Release Notes December 23, 2022

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.6.1

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue which prevented the Desktop App from notifying about the latest update

Release Notes December 21, 2022


Current version:

  • Maintenance release


  • NCTI Pro Windows: 

New features:

  • Microsoft Teams presence integration now supports web proxy connections


  • Improved the mouse wheel scrolling in the NCTI Pro client for Windows monitor. Fixed a problem with skipping a line in the monitor while scrolling.
  • Fixed a display problem in the folder selection in the MAPI connection of the NCTI Pro client for Windows: In some scenarios, folders were displayed twice.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a  crash of the UCServer when blindly forwarding softphone calls
  • Fixed a problem on UCServer that with "Windows Authentication" and local file-based user management in UCServer users could not log in if the users were created in user management without a domain identifier (or even other differences in the user name), but log in to their workstation with one

Release Notes December 21, 2022

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.6.0


  • Improved behaviour upon performing multiple clicks on a button
  • Users can now see their external numbers/DDI (numbers people outside of your company can reach you at) and outbound DDI number range (number range you would use to make outbound calls) if these have been allocated to them
  • Users can now see the phone number or extension next to contact
  • Redesigned the Call with...  settings
  • Users now have a minimised call view (with call controls) when navigating through other pages in the app
  • Jabra headset users can now disable the reminder to download the necessary drivers and extensions
  • Users can now see the preview with the blurred background in the device dialogue
  • Users can now only see same day and future meetings in the Meetings tab
  • Blurred background on video is now more blurred

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where a ringback tone was heard in the first few seconds of establishing a new call
  • Fixed a bug where release notes were shown even if the user clicked on Got it; now they are not shown if the user has acknowledged them
  • Fixed a bug where logging out of System configuration logged the user completely out of Cloudya
  • Fixed a bug where users were not automatically redirected to the login page after inactivity in System configuration; now the login page appears after a period of inactivity, as expected
  • Fixed a bug where users without an extension assigned to them yet could not login in Cloudya; now these users can log in to Cloudya as expected
  • Fixed a bug where permissions were not saved when creating a new user in System configuration; now the permissions are saved as expected
  • Fixed a bug where the user could not see the cursor in the Search bar in System configuration while the search operation itself was carried out correctly;  now the Search bar is in focus as expected
  • Fixed a bug where the headline was shown twice when searching for users in System configuration
  • Fixed a bug where the caller name was not displayed in the Forward voicemail option; now the caller name is displayed as expected

In addition to the new features, improvements and bug fixes available in the Cloudya Web App, the Cloudya Desktop App contains the following:

Cloudya Desktop App

Current version:

  • 1.6.0


  • Users can now set shortcuts to zoom in and out of the app
  • Shortcuts now support other language keyboard layouts
  • Users can now see the app download progress
  • Windows 11 is now supported
  • CRM Connect:
    • Now supporting Controlled and Legacy CRMs
    • Now supporting additional PLUS CRMs
    • HubSpot add-in: Updated the add-in to use Private App Tokens
    • Added support for Slovak and Slovenian languages

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed several bugs regarding shortcuts
  • Fixed a bug where users were prompted to update to the latest app version even if the Check for updates setting was deactivated
  • Fixed a bug where calls were erroneously identified as CRM Connect contacts whether they had the CRM connect option or not; now CRM Connect is only shown if there is a matching contact
  • CRM Connect:
    • TAPI Driver – adapted the TAPI device name
    • Adapted the name for IntegratorHelper when launched from a browser
    • CRM name can now be changed, and the name is saved correctly
    • Focus Dialing buttons are no longer hidden behind the form

Release Notes December 5, 2022

Cloudya Mobile App (iOS)

Current version:

  • 2.1


  • Users can now continue their meetings in a small window when they put the app in the background (Picture-in-Picture for 1:1 calls and meetings)
  • Users now have a speaker view in meetings, which means the person who is currently speaking is in the foreground
  • Users now have a scrollable thumbnail view of the other meeting participants as well as preferred view of the participants in the thumbnail view who raised their hand
  • Users can now see shared content from others participants
  • Users now have a meeting view in portrait or landscape mode, depending on how they turn the phone in their hands
  • Users can now set a mute status and a camera status when entering a meeting
  • Users can now schedule one-time or recurring meetings and edit automatically generated meeting titles
  • With a menu item in the meeting list, users can now start an ad-hoc meeting and join an ongoing meeting by inserting a meeting URL,  and, with a Meet&SharePlus license, also schedule a meeting
  • Users can now see a list of all one-time and recurring meetings scheduled by them (with a Meet&Share Plus license)
  • Users can now see detailed information of one-time or recurring meetings (with a Meet&Share Plus license)
  • Users can now share a meeting invitation in other applications (e.g. email, SMS etc).
  • Information about an ongoing meeting is now displayed in the meeting information


  • Users are now informed by means of a dialogue when their extension is coached
  • If an administrator of a subscribed conference changes the user PIN, it is now possible to add the new PIN to the subscription

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that caused the external number of a meeting participant not to be shown if they joined a meeting via a dial-in number; now the number of a participant is displayed as expected
  • Fixed a bug that left GSM enabled even if the user temporarily removed their SIM card


Cloudya Mobile App (Android)

Current version:

  • 2.3


  • Users now have a meeting view in portrait or landscape mode, depending on how they turn the phone in their hands
  • Users can now schedule one-time or recurring meetings and edit automatically generated meeting titles
  • With a menu item in the meeting list, users can now start an ad-hoc meeting and join an ongoing meeting by inserting a meeting URL,  and, with a Meet&SharePlus license, also schedule a meeting
  • Users can now see a list of all one-time and recurring meetings scheduled by them (with a Meet&Share Plus license)
  • Users can now see detailed information of one-time or recurring meetings (with a Meet&Share Plus license)
  • Users can now share a meeting invitation in other applications (e.g. email, SMS etc).
  • Information about an ongoing meeting is now displayed in the meeting information


  • Migrated the app to Android 12
  • Analysed the App hibernation feature on Android 12 and adapted it for the use of the app on Android 12

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that showed a wrong number (a number from a previous declined call) instead of the phone number of the current caller; the app now displays the correct call number as expeced
  • Fixed a bug that caused problems with communication to connected Bluetooth headsets
  • Fixed a bug where, in rare cases, a Call with device was automatically changed; now this setting does not automatically change and works as expected

Release Notes November 30, 2022

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.5.5

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug for 1:1 calls which caused video and screen sharing options to be disabled; video and screen sharing are now working as expected

Release Notes November 24, 2022

NCTI Standard for Mac

Current version:

  • 5.2.1

New features:

  • macOS support
  • macOS Sierra (10.12) is no longer supported


  • Added a new app icon
  • Carried out GUI finetuning for a better look in macOS Ventura

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed two bugs that could have caused a wrong caller number to be displayed for calls from internal extensions (the trunk number was missing)
  • Fixed a bug where the redial list was no longer selectable by tapping from the input field when it was collapsed 
  • Fixed a bug where if the redial list was selected, it no longer remained selected when it was collapsed; now the selection will switch to the text field in such a case
  • Fixed a bug that caused a log file error message
  • Fixed a bug that could have caused the app to crash in rare cases

Release Notes November 11, 2022

Cloudya Web App


  • 1.5.4


  • Added a new drop-down control for selecting time slots in the Plan Meeting dialogue
  • Added a descripion for the Cloudya Web app search results when searching for it in a search engine


  • Improved the blurred background performance in meetings

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where a meeting created in the Outlook add-in wasn't saved correctly in the Cloudya app
  • Fixed a bug where the missed calls noification was not displayed upon subsequent logins
  • Fixed a bug in the Meeting Information dialogue where country code prefixes were separated after two digits 
  • Fixed a bug where green button on dialpad was not working as expected

Release Notes November 2, 2022

Cloudya Web App


  • 1.5.3


  • Users can now show/hide password upon login
  • Improved scheduling of meetings

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that caused users to be logged out of Cloudya when trying to log out from the system configuration
  • Fixed a bug where not all users were loaded in system configuration; now the complete user list is available as expected
  • Fixed a bug where typing too slowly/quickly in Search did not show any results
  • Fixed a bug when searching for a number that led to no results being shown
  • Fixed a bug where altering the text input in the search field did not display the correct results (e.g. when changing a letter in the middle of a search entry)
  • Fixed a bug where the search was not cleared when calling from context menu; now the search is cleared after the user starts a call 
  • Fixed a bug which made it impossible to set a meeting for less than 1 hour
  • Fixed a bug which made changing a camera input device during a call impossible; now users can change camera input devices during a call as expected
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the change in the order CRM systems appear in when using the drop-down option

Release Notes October 7, 2022

NCTI Premium

Current version:

  • 3.2.1

Client 3.2.1 (18587.27181)

  • New icon
  • Updated library (2206)
  • Added support for Busylight Alpha and Omega Model 2

Release Notes September 21, 2022

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.5.2

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug which activated the blurred background without the user setting it to active for new app users
  • Fixed a bug which caused the camera to still be in use (light on in the camera and red dot on the Cloudya browser tab) after having left the meeting with the blurred background activated
  • Fixed a bug which truncated the start date and end date in the Plan Meeting dialogue
  • Fixed a bug which caused a wrong date and version of the application to be shown in the in-app release notes


  • Improved the video performance for the blurred background use


In addition to the new features, improvements and bug fixes available in the Cloudya Web App, the Cloudya Desktop App contains the following:


Cloudya Desktop App

Current version:

  • 1.5.2

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where an incoming call and the handling dialogue did not disappear after having transferred a call
  • Fixed a bug which made the About application window to appear empty for Windows users
  • Fixed a bug which showed a wrong app version number in a prompt to download a new desktop app version
  • Fixed a bug where an incoming call and the handling dialogue did not disappear even after the user has declined the call or it has been accepted by someone else
  • Fixed a bug with Jabra headset controls
  • Fixed a bug for CRM Connect licensed users which prompted to download the Desktop app version without CRM Connect available; now the correct app version is downloaded
  • Fixed a bug which caused the Desktop app to be minimised when accepting a call; now the app stays in the foreground as expected

Release Notes September 16, 2022


Current version:

  • Maintenance Release


NCTI Pro Windows:


  • The memory, processing power, and bandwidth requirements for screen sharing have been reduced by keeping the screen sharing resolution unchanged, but sending fewer frames per second (fps). This is especially important for larger monitors when the target system has significantly less perfomance compared to the sender. It has been reported in some cases that target systems can be overloaded to the point of crashing during screen sharing
  • The adjustment fixed the tracked problems without noticeably decreasing the quality of the screen sharing
  • Via the profiles in the UCServer administration or the ADM(X) templates, the setting "General – Behavior – Show speech bubble for – Appointments" can be preset on the ProCall client for Windows
  • There is an improvement when applying the softphone location settings. At the item 'PBX' – 'Formatting' – 'Remove exchange code' there is the option 'Ignore ConnectedID'. The improvement causes a ' ConnectedID' signaled by the PBX (e.g. a PAI) to be ignored in the future. This option can be helpful as a last resort if the signaled PAIs are faulty and the problem cannot be solved by settings in the PBX or by location rules

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a problem on the NCTIPro client for Windows when the user does not want to log in automatically, but enters his username and password manually, but does not save the password: Users who do not save their password will now get the reconnect dialog to enter a password when the client is restarted. No automatic reconnect without password is performed
  • Fixed a bug in the NCTIPro Client SDK that the function asnAbsentStateGetUser did not output current user presences, but always iPresenceState = 0
  • Fixed a problem that when making a parallel call to an extension monitored by TAPI and softphone, a call that was answered on the softphone line, the TAPI capabilities were displayed in the call window. Therefore the call was no longer controllable
  • Fixed a bug in the NCTIPro client for Windows that when using the "Open calendar..." function, too many connections were established to the exchange server. This fix affects the ÈWS connection to Outlook
  • Fixed a problem with all-day appointments in the speech bubble
  • Fixed a problem in the MS Teams presence integration when Busy on Busy was active on the ProCall client and the screen was split in the Teams client. As a result, Busy on Busy was canceled
  • Fixed a problem when creating a softphone line group, if the phone number of a line is taken from the user name of the SIP registration. If a range was specified when creating the lines (e.g. 120-125), the lines were created as expected, but all lines had the phone number '120-125'. In the future, each line will be assigned its own phone number again (e.g. the line with the SIP user name 120 will get the phone number 120)

Release Notes September 16, 2022

NCTI Standard for Windows

Current version:

  • Windows:

New Features:

  • Added support of Yealink T4 phones with newer versions of firmware version 86

Bug fixes:

  • Improved error detection of IP phone communication problems that will now be reflected in the color of the app icon
  • Yealink T4U and T5 series phones will no longer display a remote access warning before the first call that is made by the app

Release Notes September 16, 2022

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.5.1

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed several bugs to improve the app stability

Release Notes September 13, 2022

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.5.0

New features:

  • Admin users are now prompted with a message when they create an account without an extension, app and admin rights
  • Admin users now see a notification if the tenant is blocked in the system configuration
  • Admin users are now informed whether the extension number is valid
  • Users can now delete characters entered by means of the dial pad using the backspace key
  • Users can now change the position of the presenter when the screen is shared
  • Enhanced scheduling of recurring meetings
  • Added a hint for the users to adjust old recurring meetings (due to the enhanced scheduling feature)
  • When using the video, users can now blur their background via a checkbox (the preview for blurred background in the device setting isn't available yet)
  • Added admin controls for the moderator when joining a meeting via the meeting link
  • Launched in-app release notes
  • Updated the Cloudya logo (favicon) to match the new NFON branding
  • Changed the Cloudya Outlook add-in logo to match the new NFON branding (if the new logo does not show, it is necessary to clear the cache) 


  • Improved the loading of the login page
  • Changed the queue logout symbol
  • Improved responsive design

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug in the call history during which if a user called someone and this call ended in a voicemail for some reason, and the user called this number again from the call history, the call went directly to voicemail. Now the user can call the number as expected
  • Fixed a bug which occurred in call history, voicemail, subscribed conferences and contact page which did not make a call possible when doing a right click and choosing the "Call" option; now users can call via the right click
  • Fixed a bug in Global Contacts which showed a checkbox creating an impression that it was possible to delete a contact which was in fact not possible
  • Fixed a bug in user interface when editing Global Contacts
  • Fixed a bug in the system configuration: when system configuration was opened in two tabs, clicking on the logout button did not result in a logout; now the user can log out as expected
  • Fixed a bug which caused a dynamic conference screen label to be shown in German even if the app language was set to English
  • Fixed a bug in Call History displaying the user's own number in the "Redirected by" text next to a call in a one-to-one call
  • Fixed a bug preventing admin users to log into the system configuration during an active call; now admin users can log into the system configuration at any time
  • Fixed a bug in the user interface causing an initial delay when accepting one of 2 incoming calls; now there is no delay
  • Fixed a bug which caused the shared screen to be displayed in the participants' list instead of the video of the participant sharing the screen; now the video is shown as expected
  • Fixed a bug which showed a spinning loader in the participants' list instead of the video of the participant who has just stopped sharing their screen; now the video is shown as expected
  • Fixed a bug in the Guest mode: When more than 2 participants were sharing their screens, each participant could only see their own screen; now they are able to see all shared screens
  • Fixed a bug during re-joining a meeting which did not automatically open the meeting in the cinema mode; now the meeting is automatically opened in the cinema mode after re-joining, as expected
  • Fixed a bug that caused the top banner with group/skill/queue information not to be displayed; now the top banner is shown as expected


In addition to the new features, improvements and bug fixes available in the Cloudya Web App, the Cloudya Desktop App contains the following:


Cloudya Desktop App

Current version:

  • 1.5.0

New features:

  • Introduced a prompt about a new app version available and a possibility to directly download it
  • Introduced shortcut functionality with the help of which users can now accept, hang up and dial a number from clipboard via shortcuts
  • Added a shortcut to close the app and let it run in the background
  • Introduced a possibility of handling incoming calls even if the app is running in the background
  • Updated the Cloudya Desktop app logo to match the new NFON branding

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug for macOS where the missed call badge was not shown in the taskbar; missed calls are now displayed as expected


Cloudya Mobile App (iOS)

Current version:

  • 2.0.3

New features:

  • New rebranded Cloudya app icon


Cloudya Mobile App (Android)

Current version:

  • 2.2

New features:

  • Users can now see meeting information in the conference information dialogue so that they can get the meeting invitation link and forward it, the meeting ID, dial-in-numbers; users can now copy numbers by doing a long press on the copy icon
  • Coachee feature: with a coachable extension, users can now see that they can be coached and so they are aware that coaches can listen to the calls (via a notification dialogue and an icon at the top of the screen)


  • Added a new NFON-rebranded icon on the Android homescreen and inside of the in-call/on-hold-call/incoming call/missed call notifications
  • Changed the buttons in the bottom menu so that there are now large, simple controls in the botton menu, the area for the buttons has been increased to avoid having problems pressing the buttons
  • Security improvement: If personal data is processed, the application recognises it and ensures that the screen data is obscured and not visible
  • Added a message in the app when the user cannot join a meeting via a meeting URL (in case the user has activated GSM only or has no mobility option)
  • Improved displaying a pinned user: the video of a pinned user is now shown in the PIP mode instead of the presenter's video
  • Users are now able to rejoin a meeting from Call history (list and detail screen)
  • Users are now able to copy data from the Support Page automatically via a long press on the field

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug which caused the lost internet connection banner to be missing on the meeting list screen
  • Fixed a bug where "No meeting" message was missing on the meeting screen when there was no meeting available
  • Fixed a bug where the top section in the meeting info page was blank and was not showing any time
  • Fixed a bug where the user name looked cropped on the menu drawer for PIxel 4A
  • Fixed a bug where the user could not see any notification icons in the toolbar, for example, battery percentage, Wi-Fi, time, network, icons of other apps (before loging in)
  • Fixed a bug where the call button was not working for external numbers of static conferences
  • Fixed a bug where the user could select "This device" option in "Device to call with" for users with no mobility option
  • Fixed a bug where the loading spinner kept on loading on the contacts screen of call forwarding profiles
  • Fixed a bug where the user could not turn the camera on in a 2G network connection
  • Fixed a bug where "Call history is empty" and "Voicemail history is empty" texts were not centered correctly

Release Notes September 6, 2022

NCTI Standard

Current version:

  • Mac 5.1.3 (v126.209)

New features:

  • Phones of the Yealink T4U and T5 series no longer ask for confirmation on the phone display before the first outbound call is made
  • Added support of Yealink T4 series phones with newer revisions of firmware version 86

Release Notes August 19, 2022

NCTI Premium

Current version:

  • UCFull TAPI

New Features:

  • Windows 11 is now a fully supported operating system


  • The TAPI registry location has been moved to avoid Windows 10-11 update issues

Bug Fixes:

Resovled an issue that caused the dialer app to crash with the message "Not responding" when upgrading the TAPI driver

Release Notes August 19, 2022


Current version:

  • Maintenance Release


  • NCTI Pro:
  • NCTI PRO MAC: 7.5.10 (22072001)
  • NCTI Pro Android: 7.5.10 (22072001)
  • NCTI Pro iOS: 7.5.10 (22072001)
  • ECSTA for SIP Phones:


New features:

  • The database connection of the UCServer has been revised so that parallel database accesses are possible. This generally improves the performance of the UCServer with regard to the database connection.


  • For phone calls on a line entered in the user account as "user's other lines" (1st/2nd phone), call details are now displayed again in Monitor/Favorites if the permission level between users allows it.
  • The event log (debug) of the UCServer now shows the exact query times of SQL queries of the database connection.
  • In the UCServer setup, error messages for the database connection have been adjusted.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a problem that caused the call window function "Pass data" to stop working during DATEV integration
  • Fixed a rare problem which caused the window frame to be drawn black
  • Fixed a problem in the UCServer administration when setting up a softphone line group for the first time. If the configuration of a manual number was activated for the corresponding PBX type and no manual number was entered, the menu entry was automatically hidden the next time it was called up. In the future, this configuration option will not be automatically deactivated. 
  • Resolved an issue with the Meetings integration that opened Windows Explorer in an incorrect state instead of displaying an error message



  • Minor bug fixes and stability improvements



  • Minor bug fixes and stability improvements

ECSTA for SIP Phones


  • Minor bug fixes and stability improvements


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where trial licenses could not be issued


Advance notice of the discontinuation of replicators:

Subsequent replicators will be discontinued as of 28 October 2022:

  • Exact Online
  • Aranes

Release Notes August 3, 2022

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.4.22-1

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug which prevented two outgoing calls to be merged to create an ad-hoc conference; now it is possible to merge the calls for this purpose.

Release Notes August 1, 2022

Cloudya Mobile App (iOS)

Current version:

  • 2.0.2

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug which caused the transfer dialogue to disappear during a call transfer
  • Fixed a bug that caused unwanted background noise when the volume was increased
  • Fixed a bug where the user could not join a meeting via the internal dialogue in the dialpad when Call With was enabled

Release Notes August 1, 2022

Cloudya Mobile App (Android)

Current version:

  • 2.1.2


  • Decoded a new list of headers provided by the backend

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug which prevented a voicemail to be deleted from the voicemail history; now the voicemails can be deleted as expected

Release Notes July 23, 2022


Current version:

  • 6.7.0-9.0

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug wich caused certain audit trails to not work as expected

Release Notes July 21, 2022

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.4.22


  • Improved the call history performance
  • Improved integration with Epos / Sennheiser headsets
  • Search is cleared now when navigating in system configuration
  • Users will be prompted to enter new conference PIN if it has been changed by the Administrator
  • Users will be notified if autoplay policy in Chrome is enabled and therefore no sound is played by the browser 
  • Enter or space key will no longer control microphone or camera
  • Users can now join Google meetings via Cloudya by pasting in the Google meeting ID
  • Improved the icon, tooltip and information message for a Pickup Call Group
  • Users are informed if they are "Coachees"
  • Round brackets are now supported by the user interface for a phonebook contact
  • Users have now the possibility to enable / disable setting for sound played upon login
  • Administrator users are notified if a email address already exists in system configuration

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where the download link for the Jabra headset was not working
  • Fixed a bug where the loading spinner was displayed when trying to add a contact
  • Fixed a bug where the audio devices were not recognized in the audio settings altough the device was connected and rights were given
  • Fixed a bug where an avatar was shown for contacts instead of the initials
  • Fixed a bug where the participants list for a conference was not displayed correctly
  • Fixed a bug where the content was shifted when focusing a button
  • Fixed a bug where the extension number was not dislpayed in the voicemail information

Release Notes July 19, 2022

NCTI Standard

Current version:

  • Mac: 5.1.2

New features:

  • Added support of Yealink T5 series phones with newer revisions of firmware version 86

Release Notes July 18, 2022


Current version:

  • Maintenance Release


  • NCTI Pro:
  • NCTI PRO MAC: 7.5.00 (22062302)
  • NCTI Pro Android: 7.5.00 (22061505)
  • NCTI Pro iOS: 7.5.00 (22062303)


New features:

  • Due to the discontinuation of the Google Contacts API, the Google integration now uses the People API

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug wich caused rare crashes on the NCTI Pro client for Windows
  • Fixed an issue where the online help of the NCTI Pro client for Windows displayed obsolete journal icons
  • Fixed an issue on the softphone that could result in one-sided audio when the remote party performed Hold → Retrieve


Bug fixes:

  • Various minor bug fixes


New features:

  • The Android app now supports dialing via telephony links

Bug fixes:

  • Various crashes have been fixed

Release Notes June 30, 2022

Administration Portal

Current version:



  • Added CEE languages
  • Implemented new NFON branding
  • Various internal and API improvements

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug related to a missing "timezone" endpoint for routing-prefix extension (API users)
  • Various internal and API bug fixes

Release Notes June 28, 2022


Current version:

  • Maintenance Release


  • NCTI Pro iOS: 7.4.20 (22052001)

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue due to which the app could not properly connect to the UCServer and kept trying to connect

  • Fixed a problem with the display of unresolved phone numbers which were displayed as a sip URI

Release Notes June 28, 2022

Cloudya Mobile App (Android)

Current version:

  • 2.1.1


  • Redesigned the app to match the new NFON branding

Release Notes June 28, 2022

Cloudya Mobile App (iOS)

Current version:

  • 2.0.1


  • Redesigned the app to match the new NFON branding

Release Notes June 21, 2022

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.4.21


  • Improved the Busy notification so that it now contains the End Call and Call back buttons
  • Improved the help text display for adding a contact via the context menu
  • Implemented Cloudya rebranding
  • Implemented cinema-mode rebranding in Cloudya meetings

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug which caused the Pull call into App button to appear when the call was on hold; the Pull call into App button is no longer shown when the call is on hold

Release Notes June 16, 2022

Cloudya Web App

  • 1.4.20-2

Bug fixes:

  • The setting “Call With Desktop Phone(s)” now works reliably for outgoing calls without requiring a reload of the app anymore.

Release Notes June 8, 2022

Cloudya Web App

  • 1.4.20


  • Call Transfer: Origin caller and extension redirecting the call are now displayed in Cloudya call modal window
  • Video rendering (crop the video) in Cloudya Meetings was optimized for Mobile Apps

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where on Jabra headsets outgoing call ringing was played over base station 
  • Fixed a bug where on Jabra headsets after attended transfer the base station remained engaged
  • Fixed a bug where incorrect caller was displayed, if the incoming call was previously transferred
  • Fixed a bug where <Redirected by> is now shown when incoming call was previously transferred
  • Fixed a bug where downloads page for French language is now displayed correctly
  • Fixed a bug related to Meetings where the participant sidebar wasn´t displayed

Desktop App

  • 1.2.8

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where on Jabra headsets outgoing call ringing was played over base station 
  • Fixed a bug where on Jabra headsets after attended transfer the base station remained engaged

iOS App

  • 2.0

New Features:

  • Meet & Share
    • Video in 1:1 calls, dynamic conferences and Meetings
    • Join meeting via URL
    • Join Meeting via link-id (dialpad)
    • Participant controls in a Meeting: raise/lower hand, mute/unmute yourself and camera on/off
    • Moderator controls: lower all hands, mute/unmute all, exclude participants
    • See the Meeting in a gallery view
    • Put Meetings on hold when having another call
    • Pinning a participant-video
  • Switch from WiFi to Mobile Network in an active Meeting
  • Rejoin Meetings from call history
  • Face alignment feature - Center faces in video


  • Support new languages: Czech, Slovak, Romanian and Slovenian
  • Display help to activate video in a meeting
  • Audio menu: Start new call during meeting
  • Improved end call action to minimize the risk of accidentally initiating a new call

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where a call could not be canceled if another call is on hold
  • Fixed a bug where the displayed icons were not shown correctly depending on the favorites type
  • Fixed a bug that allowed switching to GSM even if the SIM card was removed
  • Fixed a bug that did not immediately display a phone number when it was set as a destination in a Call Forwarding Profile
  • Fixed a bug that did not show a phone number in call forwarding profile if it was set without a leading +
  • Fixed a bug that keep the "call with" dialogue active, even if the call has ended
  • Fixed a bug where the incoming number is not resolved correctly, if no display name was selected for the BLF
  • Fixed a bug that shows sporadically wrong time entries in the call history

Android App

  • 2.1
  • New Features
  • Meet & Share
    • Video in 1:1 calls, dynamic conferences and Meetings
    • Redesign of the whole call view
    • Join meeting via URL
    • Participant controls in a Meeting: raise/lower hand, mute/unmute yourself and camera on/off
    • Moderator controls: lower all hand, mute/unmute all, exclude participants
    • Picture in picture mode
    • Put Meetings on hold when having another call
  • Support new languages: Romanian, Slovakian, Slovenian and Czech
  • Request new PIN for subscribed conference after PIN was changed by meeting host
  • Improved handling and notification for incoming calls during a video conference


  • Hide /unhide password in login mask
  • Show numbers of private phonebook entries in services and conferences instead of PBX directory
  • Inform user via a dialog when an app update is available


  • Fixed a bug where Call forwarding banner did not disappear after deactivation
  • Fixed a bug where an on hold call can be resumed after a second call has been started and transferred
  • Fixed a bug where call return failed after transfer

Release Notes June 3, 2022


Current version:

  • Maintenance Release


  • NCTI Pro:
  • NCTI PRO MAC: 7.4.20 (22052001)
  • NCTI Pro Android: 7.4.20 (22051701)
  • ECSTA for SIP Phones: 



  • Implemented several voice quality improvements on the UCServer media server
  • Improved the processing of data streams where jitter has become noticeable. In these situations, communication via the softphone is now more interference-free.
  • If call forwarding is deactivated for softphone line groups via the UCServer administration in the "CTI functions" tab, then all call forwardings set in the line group are removed.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a problem on the softphone that could result in one-sided audio when the remote station performed Hold -> Retrieve



  • Fixed several issues when using the new Dark Mode in the app

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed various crashes
  • Fixed an issue with Xiaomi smartphone in which the distance sensor did not work and, therefore, while holding the phone to the ear, the screen was not disabled


Bug fixes:

  • Closed the security vulnerability CVE-2018-25032

Release Notes June 2, 2022

Administration Portal

Current version:



  • API: Add endpoint .../trunks/{trunkNumber}/available-softswitches
  • API: Added a  list of available announcements to IVR Services
  • API: Added a type to key-assignment endpoints
  • Various internal improvements

Bug fixes:

  • Various internal and API bug fixes

Release Notes May 25, 2022

Cloudya Web App


  • 1.4.19


  • Added the device settings menu to the cinema mode

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug not allowing search results to disappear when erasing characters; search results now disappear from the modal when a user deletes characters
  • Fixed a bug which caused the 3:00 duration not to be displayed in the scheduling meeting dialogue; the 3:00 duration is now displayed in the dialogue


Desktop App


  • 1.2.7


  •  Improved the ringback icon style in the system tray menu (Windows)

Release Notes May 18, 2022

Cloudya Web App


  • 1.4.18


  • Improved integration with Jabra headsets
  • Introduced a prompt for Web app & Jabra headset users to download the latest software that allows seamless integration with Cloudya
  • Outlook Add-in: Added an explanation link to the login page

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug not allowing Click to dial for Business standard customers; Click to dial is now possible for Business standard customers
  • Fixed a bug which caused licenses not to be shows for S or C account users; licenses are now shown for S or C account users
  • Fixed a bug in the user search within the tenant management page


Desktop App


  • 1.2.6


  • Made the system tray context menu available (Windows)
  • Made it possible for the calls to be received if the application is minimised to tray (Windows & Mac)
  • Made the system menu available (Mac)
  • Improved integration with Jabra headsets (Windows & Mac)
  • Added a badge for missed calls or voicemails (Windows & Mac)

Release Notes May 23, 2022

NMonitoring Queues


  • 22.02


  • Added timeline view to call details
  • Added call grouping to certain data blocks as the last column

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed over 130 bugs

Release Notes May 17, 2022


Current version:

  • 6.7.0–9.0

Bug fixes:


  • Fixed a bug which caused the user not to be able to delete conversations
  • Fixed an issue that caused logging into the Neorecording portal to be slow

Release Notes May 14, 2022

Administration Portal

Current version:



  • Added new database fields for static token URL
  • Various internal improvements

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that caused an error while editing a source field under Call Forwarding; editing a source now works as expected
  • Fixed a bug during which it was not possible to search for an extension number in the Call Forwarding target; the search now works as expected

Release Notes May 10, 2022

NCTI Standard for Windows

Current version:

  • Windows: **


New Features:

  • Added support of Snom phones with activated hidden tags feature

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed several bugs that may have caused the screen popup to be opened on the wrong screen if a secondary monitor was disconnected or connected while the app was running
  • Fixed a bug that caused communication with certain Yealink phones to fail after a duration of inactivity

Release Notes April 27, 2022


Current version:

  • 7.4.0


  • MetaDirectory

Security fixes:

  • Fixed vulnerability to zlib memory corruption

Release Notes April 27, 2022

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.4.17


  • Introducing Eastern European languages: Czech, Slovakian, Romanian, Slovenian   
  • Adding Dial-in numbers to the clipboard in the copy invitation

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug causing the phone number to disappear from below the name entry in the search results
  • Fixed a bug that made the checkboxes in the number routing dialogue unusable

Release Notes April 26, 2022


Current version:

  • 7.4.0


  • MetaDirectory

Security fixes:

  • Fixed vulnerability to zlib memory corruption

Release Notes April 19, 2022

Administration Portal

Current version:



  • Added the option "Dial without prefix"

Bug fixes:

  • Added the missing filter display in DIDs column header; the search string is now displayed correctly

Release Notes April 13, 2022


Current version:

  • 13

New features:

  • Outlook AddIn menu "Contact" can be set to permanently on-off
  • Call history can be deactivated via the contact menu
  • Added a HID Test Tool for supporting issues
  • Added HID Headset support for Sennheiser SC30 Control, Sennheiser SC60


  • Improved p-asserted-identity behaviour
  • Improved QoS behaviour under Win11
  • Prevented the system from going to sleep or turning off while the application has an active call
  • Approved SRTP crypto reinitialization for outbound calls
  • The default BLF status colour has been changed to green instead of grey

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an error in Outbound 200OK using TLS
  • Fixed Speednavigator that occurred errored with special monitor sizes
  • Fixed action-URL that have been opened twice with incoming calls
  • Fixed error in SDP header
  • Fixed some RTP issues
  • Fixed RTP Marker bit audio errors
  • Fixed STATE_TUNNEL_ERROR issues during tunnel connection

Release Notes April 13, 2022

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.4.16

New features:

  • Meet & Share is now available on the Web & Desktop App

Release Notes April 5, 2022

NCTI Standard

Current version:

  • Windows:
  • Mac: 5.1.1 (v126.207)


New features:

  • Added support of Yealink T4U phones
  • Added support of Yealink T5 phones with firmware version 86 and password encryption
  • Added the app and the installer localisation in the following languages: Croatian, Czech, Romanian, Slowakian, and Slovenian

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a potential application crash in the Skype for Business (Lync) plugin
  • Fixed a memory leak
  • Prevented error messages in the installer logfile
  • Added missing localisations in the setup GUI of the and Sugar plugins
  • Fixed a memory leak that could cause an application crash after multiple days of operation
  • Fixed a potential application crash in the online phone book search plugin
  • Adapted the online phone book search plugin to the current state of various online phone books


New features:

  • Added support of Yealink T4U phones
  • Added support of Yealink T5 phones with firmware version 86 and password encryption

Release Notes April 5, 2022


Current version:

  • Hotfix


  • NCTI Pro Windows: 
  • NCTI Pro Mac: 7.4.00 (22031501)
  • Android: 7.4.01 (22032402)
  • iOS: 7.4.00 (22031501)

Affected versions:

This vulnerability affects all previously released versions of NCTI Pro 7 and NCTI Pro 6.

  • 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 (all subversions)
  • 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 (all subversions)

Bug fixes:

Release Notes March 30, 2022

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.4.16

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug which caused the call failure notification to be displayed indefinitely
  • Fixed a bug which caused the call notification to be hidden once the connection was established when initiating a Click-to-dial call
  • Fixed a bug which caused a reduction in the sound volume when a callee was busy or had a Do not Disturb actuvated
  • Fixed a bug which caused only the selected headset as audio input/output to control a call


Cloudya Desktop App

Current version:

  • 1.2.5

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug which caused some app icons not to be shown proportionally to other app icons
  • Fixed a bug which prevented pasting via the context menu
  • Fixed a bug which caused the settings in the Desktop App for CRM Connect to be kept after a restart

March 23, 2022


Current version:

  • Hotfix



  • NCTI Pro Windows:
  • NCTI Pro Windows:
  • NFON ECSTA for SIP Phones:


Affected versions:

This vulnerability affects all previously released versions of NCTI Pro 7 and NCTI Pro 6.

  • 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 (all sub-versions)
  • 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 (all sub-versions)
  • ECSTA for SIP phones: 6 (all sub-versions)


Bug fixes:

This update fixes a medium rating vulnerability and critical rating vulnerability. For more information please see

March 18, 2022

Administration portal

Current version:



  • Improved support and validation of E.164 number formatting (e.g +493023125234) for function keys

Bug fixes:

  • It is possible again to use % as a search filter to exclude unmapped destinations

March 16, 2022

Cloudya Web App

Current Version:

  • 1.4.15


  • Improved selection for fax numbers. Only virtual fax extensions can now be selected as destinations for fax.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug preventing the "New version available" banner from being displayed correctly

  • Fixed a bug preventing caller avatar from being displayed correctly

  • Fixed a bug causing the sound to be too loud when dialling a wrong number

March 4, 2022

Cloudya Web App

Current Version:

  • 1.4.14


  • Please note that there is an End of Support for the Desktop App 1.2.3 or earlier


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug so that now export/import is shown to admin users within the Wizard 

February 15, 2022

Cloudya Web App

Current Version:

  • 1.4.13


  • Renamed the CRM Connect Unite license from "CrmConnect.Unite" to "CRM Connect Plus" in the Tenant Management of Cloudya

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug which caused the telephony not to work after logging out and logging in again

  • Fixed a bug which caused the missed calls count not to work until the page was refreshed

  • Fixed a bug which caused the confirmation sound after logging into the app not to play

February 10, 2022


Current version:

  • 7.3.4


  • NCTI Pro Windows:




  • Fixed a problem with the update service

February 10, 2022


Current version:

  • 7.3.4


  • NCTI Pro Windows:
  • NCTI Pro iOS: 7.3.40 (22011202)
  • NCTI Pro Android: 7.3.40 (22011106)
  • MetaDirectory:


New functions:

  • Public field trial: NCTI Pro integration in Microsoft Teams


  • Improved the connection of the ProCall client for Windows to MetaDirectory in connection with the user administrations available in MetaDirectory

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug in the UCServer administration which cased the activation of "Open federation" not to be saved there
  • Fixed a crash related to calls to a parallel-switched line



Bug fixes:

  • Several bug fixes and improvements



Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where on some devices (Xiaomi Mi 10T, Huawei P30) the screen turned black or white after answering a call




  • Changed the switch "Replicate inactive address data" in the replicator "DATEV Basis" to "Do not replicate inactive address data"

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a problem in MetaDirectory user management: Use UCServer user database could not be activated. The "Timeout when connecting to the server" error occurred
  • Fixed an error where the "Microsoft CRM" replicator terminated with the "Error: Failed to search persons in contact source." 
  • Fixed a bug in the "Field Type" causing the "Field Type" not to be taken into account during replication if the "Field Type" was changed after setting up a replicator
  • Client could not log on to MetaDirectory if "Use UCServer user database" was enabled for user management

Release Notes January 30, 2022

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.4.12

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that prevented users from making an outgoing call from the voicemail history.
  • Fixed a bug in the Sennheiser headset integration: Calls can still be made and answered after plugging in the headset again.
  • Fixed a bug in the click to dial functionality. Users do not require microphone permissions of the Web App for placing such calls.
  • Fixed a bug in the call forwarding indicator. Now the top yellow banner shows up (or hides) as soon as a user activates (or deactivates) call forwarding using a star code.

Release Notes January 30, 2022

Cloudya Desktop App

Current version:

  • 1.2.4 (Windows only)

New features:

  • Improved security for the local connection between the Desktop App and CRM Connect.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that caused a 100% processing load on some systems when the application was started.

Release Notes January 28, 2022

Administration Portal

Current version:



  • Added a hint note about saving the extension first when uploading a new voicemail announcement

Bug fixes:

  • Added a time control consistency check. Now the time range needs to be entered in a “from-to” format

Release Notes January 26, 2022

Cloudya Mobile App (Android)

Current version:

  • 1.15

New Features:

  • More appealing visual arrangement of buttons in the call menu

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that terminated calls "on hold" when the call should be transferred
  • Fixed a bug that caused a slight flickering of the interface after a logout
  • The banner "Conference is mute" is not shown anymore when the host joins after the participants
  • Corrected the notification for a successful deletion of voicemails
  • Fixed the search for phone numbers which include space-characters
  • The display of an error message does not overlap with the call history entries anymore

Release Notes January 24, 2022


Current version:

  • MetaDirectory


  • Fixed an issue where a return value was evaluated incorrectly due to a customisation of the replicator for Microsoft Graph and Salesforce. This resulted in the replication not completing successfully.

Release Notes January 14, 2022

Administration Portal

Current version:


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug within the time control section. The limit for dates to be set has been extended. Dates are now sorted.

Release Notes January 12, 2022


Current version:

  • MetaDirectory


  • A problem with the installation of the EWS replicator has been fixed. The EWS replicator could be set up and access to the mailbox was working. However, no contacts were replicated.

Release Notes January 12, 2022


Current version:

  • Windows:
  • Android: 7.3.31 (21122102)
  • MetaDirectory 5.0.16



New functions:

  • The Client supports two new kuando Busylight models by Plenom:        
  • Busylight Alpha Model 2
  • Busylight Omega Model 2


  • In the UCServer administration, the interfaces for SIP federation have been adapted.
  • In UCServer Administration under "Licenses", the "Used" column for UCConnect Mobility Services displays the number of mobile devices currently logged in via Push and no longer the number of users who are allowed to use apps.
  • The display of the "Forwarded from:" information has been improved when it is not a (dialable) phone number, but names such as "SIP45". Previously only the dialable part was displayed, in our example "45". Now the whole information is displayed.
  • The journaling of pickup calls to the provider NFON has been improved for softphone connections. If a call was picked up by another user, it was possible that the journal of the "picked up" subscriber did not show who had received the call (blue journal entry with "spoken to" information).
  • Bug fixes:
  • A problem with DATEV integration has been fixed, where dialling from the DATEV workstation (client view) with multiple assignment of a phone number within the replicated dataset leads to ProCall dialling with a different addressee than transferred by DATEV.
  • If the phone calls of a mobile device were controlled via Bluetooth with the Client for Windows, all calls were hung up by a waiting second call in case of an error. The behaviour was observed when the user had activated a "Busy on Busy" or a "Do not disturb" on the Client for Windows. Now, as expected, only the waiting second call is rejected.
  • Manual configuration changes in .\estos\UCServer\config\eucwebconfig.json were overwritten when the server was restarted and were thus discarded. This problem has been fixed.




  • When starting a softphone call, occasionally a pop-up window appears with a hint that calls can be made via the Android call account. By activating 'Do not show again', you can dispense with this pop-up notice, but change the call account setting at any time.
  • When a call has been forwarded, the call is immediately terminated with the indication 'forwarded'.

Bug fixes:

  • Various crashes have been fixed.




  • When connecting the Active Directory as user administration, an LDAP filter can be specified for reading out the users.
  • The connection to Microsoft Dynamics Online has been improved. Additional fields can be read out using FetchXML.
  • The display for "remembered" contacts in the web search has been improved.
  • Same contacts are now recognized even if the e-mail addresses differ in upper/lower case.
  • The connection to Domino up to and including version 11 is supported.
  • It is now possible to create and use a separate node with data sources from replicators and phonebooks.
  • The function to import contact images from a directory has been reimplemented for Notes/LDAP/EWS replicator,
  • Changed the name "Klicktel" to "" in MetaDirectory administration.

Bug fixes:

  • Query using CGI parameters is now also possible with the new web page.
  • The incorrect evaluation of the (replicator) start times after the change of the summer/winter time was fixed.
  • In case of incorrect or too nested LDAP queries, MetaDirectory rejects them with "Abnormal decoding error".  The error was fixed.
  • When using the UCServer as user administration, a notice is now displayed when the UCServer does the authentication against the Active Directory.
  • A problem with the Datev replicator has been fixed. Now names output in the "Long name" field are separated after the comma and replicated to the First name and Last name fields.
  • The "Digest-MD5 SASL" option for connection to Active Directory has been removed.
  • Fixed a bug where "asterisk search" (full text search) "grabbed" only in simple contact search, not in parameterized search.

Release Notes January 12, 2022

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.4.11

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug causing connection issues for Epos / Sennheiser headsets. Connected headsets were not recognised by the audio wizard.

Release Notes December 23, 2021

Cloudya Mobile App (iOS)

Current version:

  • 1.16


  • Technically refactored the call handler, which led to the stabilisation of the call scenarios
  • Redesigned the call screen to prepare it for upcoming features
  • Resolved the numbers of incoming calls in conferences and calls through services, by entries in private phone books against the entered names
  • Visually and technically refactored the dialpad

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that terminated an incoming call too early when the data connection was poor
  • Fixed a bug that showed an incorrect translation for the default call forwarding profile; the correct translation is now displayed in all languages
  • Fixed a bug that displayed an incorrect icon in the favorites list
  • Fixed a bug that displayed an incorrect BLF status in conferences
  • Fixed a bug that could result in an incorrect number being displayed on a car display
  • Fixed a bug that displayed a wrong number format when a call lasted longer than an hour
  • Fixed a bug that cut off usernames which were too long in the support dialog
  • Fixed a bug that made the "Add a new call" function possible already at the "ringing" stage of a call
  • Fixed a bug that made the shadow under the QuickAccessBar disappear in Lightmode
  • Fixed a bug that made it impossible to answer calls received through a Time Control service
  • Fixed a bug that displayed the "Switch to GSM" function even if no SIM card was inserted in the mobile phone
  • Fixed a bug that prevented some participants from seeing a participants list during a dynamic conference

Release Notes December 17, 2021

Administration Portal

Current version:


Current version:


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed obsolete call recording settings
  • Fixed conference signal join/leave storing
  • Fixed settings for IVR display names which were reset after announcement upload


Release Notes December 15, 2021

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.4.9-1 (hotfix)

Bug fixes:

  • General bug fixes and improvements


Cloudya Desktop App

Current Version:

  • 1.2.3


  • Added a new version of CRM Connect

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that caused high processor usage on older Windows devices

Release Notes December 3, 2021

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.4.9-1 (hotfix)
  • Fixed malfunction of function keys


Release Notes December 1, 2021

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.4.9

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed display with two columns for Favourites. It is now possible to have two columns again.
  • Fixed device stack selection. The app no longer falls back to system default when the user plugs / unplugs audio devices to / from his computer.
  • Fixed missing headset permissions

Release Notes November 30, 2021

Cloudya Mobile App (Android)

Current version:

  • 1.14


  • Resolved numbers of private phone book entries in services and conferences; users now see names instead of phone numbers if the numbers are taken from private phone bookes

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that caused displaying of an overlay error message when switching from search to other pages
  • Fixed a bug in call forwarding that prevented users from returning to a call on hold (first call) while a second call was was ringing
  • Fixed a bug that caused a banner "all calls are on hold" to appear for the host then the host started a dynamic conference
  • Fixed a bug that caused the app to flicker briefly after a logout
  • Fixed a bug for Android 8 that caused the search bar to disappear in some cases

Release Notes November 30, 2021

NCTI Premium

Current version:

  • 3.2.1

Client 3.2.1 (18541.22368)

Bug fixes:

  • Updated certificates that were required to continue to provide support for Zoho Phonebridge and Salesforce Call Centre Adapter

Release Notes November 24, 2021


Current version:

  • 7.3.10 - Service Release 3


  • NCTI Pro Windows
  • NCTI Pro Mac 7.3.10-21101205
  • NCTI Pro iOS: 7.3.10 (21101205)
  • NCTI Pro Android: 7.3.10 (21101215)
  • NCTI Pro ECSTA for SIP Phones:

Bug fixes and improvements:



  • Added Jabra SDK for call control
  • Improved the performance of the chat by adding additional indexes when installing the UCServer update
  • Improved the softphone journal for "pickup" (fetching a call); the subscriber from whom a call was "picked up" now sees the corresponding journal entry in blue font; in the journal browser, the "Talked to" field can be used to determine who picked up the call
  • Improved the behaviour of the call button in the call window so that a new call cannot be initiated immediately after a previous call to prevent an unwanted callback



  • Improved the user interface for iOS 15



  • Added a link to the Android call settings to simplify switching between the Android call window and the ProCall window: Settings -> Line settings-> Android calling accounts



  • Added support of Gigaset N670/N870 Pro (scalable multi-cell system from Gigaset)


Release Notes November 17, 2021

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.4.8

New feature:

  • Added a quick overview of the status and access to the "Call Forwarding Profiles", "DND" and "GSM only" via new navigation buttons on each screen

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed transfer to phonebook contacts
  • CRM Connect: if a contact has more than one number, all numbers are displayed

Release Notes November 5, 2021

Cloudya Web App (iOS)

Current version:

  • 1.15

New feature:

  • Added a quick overview of the status and access to the "Call Forwarding Profiles", "DND" and "GSM only" via new navigation buttons on each screen


  • Removed the text in the bottom navigation to avoid overlapping texts in diffferent languages
  • Made various adjustments of the app to the design changes of iOS 15.x
  • Added an audible end tone for the callee when a call is terminated
  • Added an audible busy tone for the caller when a callee is temporarily unavailable or is in an ongoing call

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that made it impossible to run star codes with "**"
  • Fixed a bug that did not allow for the 2nd choice of a UK number in the call-through menu
  • Fixed a bug that caused the call to be shown as ongoing after a "Switch to GSM", although the call has already been terminated
  • Fixed a bug which caused the app to display the "Switch to GSM" screen after a GSM call has been accepted
  • Fixed a bug in dynamic conferences which caused the title not to be displayed in the local language
  • Fixed a bug that could prevent the user from logging out after not using the app for a long time

Release Notes November 3, 2021

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.4.7

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug in the call forwarding settings so that the details of each rule set are fully available to action and removed redundant spaces
  • Fixed a bug in scrolling and loading of function keys
  • Fixed a bug for call forwarding profile and rule
  • Fixed a bug in missed calls badge upon application restart
  • Fixed a bug in saving functionality in the user tab under the configuration section

Release Notes October 22, 2021

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.4.6-1 (hotfix)

A change which sought to improve the audio device memorisation (deployed with the 1.4.6 WebApp this Tuesday 19 Oct 21) was reverted.

Release Notes October 22, 2021


Current version:

  • 7.2.3


  • NCTI Pro Windows
  • NCTI Pro Mac 7.2.31 (21100403)
  • NCTI Pro iOS: 7.2.31 (21100403)
  • NCTI Pro Android: 7.2.31 (21092903


Bug fixes and improvements:

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a permission problem when monitoring, setting call forwarding, or picking up calls from "additional lines" if they were not assigned to a user.    
  • Resolved an issue that after restarting the UCServer and re-logging in all clients, their idle/inactive presence from before the restart was no longer displayed. Instead, these users were displayed as green/present. Now the appropriate presence, such as idle, is displayed again.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed client start bug.

Bug fixes:

  • The loudspeaker now remains activated if it was switched on during ringing and a call is established.

Bug fixes:

  • If you called a TextChat conversation during an ongoing VideoChat, it was no longer possible to return to the VideoChat. This problem has been fixed.

Release Notes October 20, 2021

Cloudya Desktop App

Current version:

  • 1.2.2 (Windows only)

New features:

  • CRM Connect is now available on the Desktop App and on Windows systems only.

Bug fixes:

  • The Windows app opens correctly when clicking on an incoming call popup
  • When you disconnect from a docking station the Desktop app will now reliably jump to the remaining screen
  • The Desktop app did not get back to service after connectivity loss or sleep mode resulting in a reload loop. This has been resolved.

Release Notes October 20, 2021

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.4.6

New features:

  • CRM Connect installer is now available for the Desktop App under the Download tab. Find following installer versions under the Download tab:


Cloudya Desktop App 1.2.2 with CRM Connect (for Windows)

Cloudya Desktop App 1.2.2 without CRM Connect (for Windows)

Cloudya Desktop App 1.2.2 without CRM Connect (for Mac)


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug in the validation of user input for the function key settings
  • Fixed a bug where login to another user may show click2dial calls of the previous users
  • Fixed a bug that made the presenter mini video disappear occasionally
  • Fixed a bug that caused dropped calls when double clicking on “accept call” in a non-focused window
  • Improved reliability of memorised user selected audio devices (device stack)
  • The delete all button for call history entries is now disabled when the call history has no entries

Release Notes October 15, 2021

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.4.5-2

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a minor bug in the search in combination with pagination.

Release Notes October 13, 2021

Administration Portal

Current version:



  • The timeout occurring while deleting an extension has been resolved

Bug fixes:

  • The handset ID will now be updated when the base device is changed

Release Notes October 8, 2021

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.4.5-1

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where not answered outgoing calls were marked as missed calls in the history tab.

Release Notes October 6, 2021

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.4.5


  • Improved the message waiting indication for missed calls and new voice mails
  • Improved raise hand & lower hand feature so that it is working for moderators and regular participants in all views
  • Letters are now properly centred within the user icon
  • The duplication of call forwarding rules works properly now and creates identical copies.
  • Name resolution of contacts from the phone book has been improved. When dialling a phone number saved to the phone book, the according name of the contact will be displayed. Improved name resolution when you use a known phone number to establish a call.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug in the migration wizard that caused the session to end when you added an admin account. This does not happen anymore.
  • Fixed a bug so that the audio settings can also be saved when you have no active camera device
  • Fixed a problem causing a console error in case multiple parties were creating dynamic conferences
  • Fixed a bug where canceling call forwarding operations recreated a call forwarding rule
  • Fixed a bug where the video of the presenter was visible in preview mode, although it was previously deactivated in cinema mode. User preference is now maintained for the call until it ends.

Release Notes October 6, 2021

Administration Portal

Current version:


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where the DECT handset ID was not updated when assigned to a new base

Release Notes October 1, 2021

Cloudya Mobile App (iOS)

Current version:

  • 1.14.1

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that caused a blackscreen in Apple iOS 15.1 (Beta 2) 

Release Notes September 30, 2021

NCTI Premium

Current version:

  • 3.2.0

Server 3.2.0 (18514.20498):


  • Improvements in search results with numbers stored in alternate formats

Bug fixes:

  • CLI numbers now show in local format, not international
  • Snom Blind transfer and CLI retained on transfer calls

Release Notes September 24, 2021

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.4.4


  • Improved the user interface of the call forwarding settings so that redundant information is no longer displayed
  • Redesigned the conference detail view, improved the user interface of the "copy to clipboard" functionality
  • Added a system notification and a sound to let users know when the internet connection is interrupted and telephony is offline
  • Added an info badge to let users know about missed calls and new voice mails
  • Improved the user interface to show users which voicemails have been listened to and which not; recent entries are now presented using bold fonts
  • Improved the user interface of the voice mails; voicemails are now displayed from the newest to the oldest
  • Adjusted the position of the "slow internet" notification; it is now shown at the same place as other snack bars and no longer on top of the remote video

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that prevented users to confirm queues or other service extensions as destinations for call forwarding rules
  • Fixed a bug that under some conditions caused a freeze during a search by the user
  • Fixed a bug which caused the "lower all hands" button to be shown instead of the "raise hand" button for all conference participants after the first participant has joined; the "raise hand" button is now shown as expected
  • Fixed a bug which caused very long conference names to hide the user interface; now long conference names are truncated and show full name on hovering over a conference name before the members list is loaded
  • Fixed a problem which caused the participant list of a dynamic conference not to be properly updated
  • Fixed a bug which disrupted the unattended transder of calls to phone book contacts; the unattended transfer of calls to phone book contacts now works if a user puts the first call on hold
  • Corrected the icon colour and shape for emergency numbers in the phone book
  • Fixed a bug which caused the app download links to show in the Desktop app; Desktop app users no longer see the mobile app download links on small screens when using the inspect console

Release Notes September 22, 2021

Cloudya Mobile App (Android)

Current version:

  • 1.13

New features:

  • Introduced a new feature which supports shortcuts (DND and Call Forwarding Profiles) with a longpress on the icon in the homescreen


  • Users without the Mobility Option can now use the app to manage their extension, e.g. call history, phone book or extension settings. Receiving and making calls via the app is only available for users with the Mobility Option

  • Improved the syntax check of email addresses for usernames and passwords during the login

  • Adjusted the wording in the click-to-dial menu

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that caused the call-waiting indication tone not to end even though the caller had cancelled the call
  • Fixed a bug which caused the callscreen to disappear sometimes after having accepted a call
  • Fixed a bug that caused the last item in the Favourites list not to be visible due to the bottom navigation bar when scrolling; scrolling down now hides the bottom navigation bar
  • Fixed a bug which disrupted the readability of Imprint and Terms and Conditions
  • Fixed a bug which occasionally caused a crash on a recently installed app on Android 8 after having logged in
  • Fixed a bug that occasionally caused a problem during an active VoIP call by allowing a GSM call to come through
  • Fixed a bug due to a misleading button name which made it possible to delete all call records although none record was selected
  • Fixed an issue which made it impossible for the host to see "manage participants option" when a local contact was added to the call
  • Fixed a bug which caused a wrong icon to be displayed in the detail page f the call history for outgoing calls

Release Notes September 22, 2021


Current version:

  • 7.2.20


  • Metadirectory


  • The CRM Replicator for MS Dynamics 365 did not support the new authentication procedure for MS Dynamics 365; the new authentication procedure is now supported.
  • Enhanced the Dynamics CRM Replicator with new login; adapted the aliases; adjusted the link (variable entry for primary key is now interpreted correctly). The CRM record is now opened properly.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a crash in MetaServer.exe
  • Fixed a bug that caused a communication error with the local database (CSV) and Notes replicator
  • Fixed a bug which caused the LDAP and ActiveDirectory replicator  not to work if the LDAP server to be replicated was located on the same system as the MetaDirectory
  • Fixed an error which occured when using the user management from the UCServer: When the Meta service was restarted, all users had access to all data. Only when the replicators were run, the permissions worked correctly and the respective users saw only the contacts they were allowed to see according to the permissions. 
  • Fixed a problem which made it impossible to remove the database via "Database management -> Remove database"
  • Fixed an issue which caused changes made in MetaDirectory Administrator under Default search\Advanced... to be reset after a server restart
  • Fixed an error for Exchange 2016 EWS Replicator which caused "Autodiscover" not to work
  • Fixed an issue in the Classic page web detail search (search term was not separated and stripped of commas)
  • Fixed a bug in which the Classic page was copied, stored as a separate page and assigned to a separate LDAP node. This setting did not remain over the server restart.
  • Fixed a bug that caused replication problems with DATEV Basis after an update to MetaDirectory 5.x. Replication started and was terminated with "failed" after some time.

Release Notes September 14, 2021


Current version:

  • 7.2.20


NCTI Pro Windows

NCTI Pro Mac 7.2.20 (21081801)

NCTI Pro iOS: 7.2.20 (21081801)

NCTI Pro Android: 7.2.20 (21081306)

Bug fixes and improvements:


Bug fixes:

  • Several crashes of the Client have been fixed.
  • Rarely occurring disconnections during softphone calls were fixed. In case of an error, a call was hung up after 2 minutes with "Timeout connection setup".
  • Fixed an issue in the chat window of chat rooms that the presence of contacts was not displayed if they were not in the favorites/monitor.
  • Fixed an issue with UCServer administration in the Lines section that caused the administration interface to rarely hang when lines were activated.
  • Fixed a rare crash of the Client during a screen share.


Bug fixes:

  • When changing the password in ActiveDirectory, there were problems with logging out or logging in with a new password in the app. This problem has been fixed.



  • Adjusted the headings in the contact search.

Bug fixes:

  • Several crashes have been fixed.
  • In case of too many unread text messages, an incorrect behavior occurred. This bug has been fixed.
  • Occasionally, calls were not signaled in the app when the smartphone was in deep sleep mode. This obsolescence has now been fixed.

Release Notes September 9, 2021

Cloudya Web App

Current version:



  • Incoming call notifications are now shown for a longer time
  • Removed unnecessary space above the hangup button


  • Fixed a bug that resulted in the the ringback tone on outbound calls be sent through the ringtone device instead of the audio output
  • Fixed a bug so that now function keys have a fixed height again
  • Fixed a bug so that call placed on hold now never hides below the ongoing call menu anymore
  • Fixed a bug in the call settings dialogue that kept the camera on the device activated
  • As a result of a bugfix the toggle dialpad button is now shown correctly
  • Fixed a bug where participants of a conference disappeared and appeared in the during the call

Release Notes September 3, 2021

Cloudya Mobile App (iOS)

Current version:

  • 1.14.0


  • Missed calls are displayed as pop-up notification in the iOS lock screen
  • If you have Cloudya set as a "Call Device" in iOS, calls are triggered from iOS contacts or tel. links in Cloudya
  • If the app's access permissions to the microphone are subsequently revoked, the user will now receive a notice and a link to the settings
  • Users without the Mobility Option can now use the app to manage their extension, e.g. call history, phone book or extension settings. Receiving and making calls via the app is only available for users with the Mobility Option

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that did not show the Call Forwardig profiles in the settings menu after updating from iOS hybrid to iOS native
  • Fixed a bug where no call was raised in Cloudya when triggered from the native iOS call list
  • Fixed a bug where the "+" sign did not appear when long pressing the "0"-key in the dialpad
  • Fixed a bug where a call was not ended for a caller one for the callee when the app was closed
  • Fixed a bug where an incoming call is not answered when clicking on "accept" button
  • Fixed a bug where a call could be switched to GSM even though no SIM card was inserted
  • Fixed a bug that in rare cases you had to click the login button multiple times
  • Fixed a bug where the "take session" dialog appeared when subscribing to a conference and entering the conference PIN
  • Fixed a bug where the text for a Call Forwarding profile was not updated in the main navigation when switching profiles
  • Corrections of typing errors

Release Notes September 2, 2021

NCTI Standard for Windows

Current version:


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that caused installation to fail on Windows systems with languages other than one of the supported languages (i.e. English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Spanish).
  • Fixed a bug that could have caused the reading of the telephone settings to fail, which then led to the crash of the app.
  • Fixed a bug that could have crashed the app when the Sage CRM plugin was disabled while debug logging was activated.
  • Removed the screen popup configuration option "use icons" which did not have an effect.
  • Fixed a bug that could have prevented the app from detecting that Outlook was installed.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the action URLs of Yealink Android phones from being deleted when the app was quit.
  • The format of phone numbers that are dialed from Datev is now standardized before the numbers are being used. This now allows to use the dial plan to post process these numbers before they are dialed.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the Open Contact button to work for Datev.

Release Notes September 2, 2021


Current version:

  • 7.2.11


  • NCTI Pro Windows
  • NCTI Pro Mac 7.2.11 (21072701)
  • NCTI Pro Android: 7.2.11 (21072301)
  • NCTI Pro iOS: 7.2.11 (21072701)
  • NFON ECSTA for SIP Phones

Bug fixes and improvements:


Bug fixes

  • minor bug fixes


Bug fixes

  • In certain cases, the app crashed or unwanted calls were displayed when the user logged out of the app and the app was not connected to the server. To avoid this, logging out of the app is only possible when the smartphone is connected to the internet.
  • In the calls in the journal, the callback button was not visible in dark mode. This has been fixed.
  • In certain cases, no audio was heard in VideoChats. This bug has been fixed.



  • Adjusted the headings in the contact search.

Bug fixes

  • Some crashes were fixed
  • In isolated cases, it was not possible to accept an incoming call. This problem has been fixed.
  • An error in displaying an incoming or outgoing call of a contact has been fixed.
  • In certain cases, chat messages were displayed twice. The error has been fixed.

ECSTA for SIP Phones

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a problem where a certain number of consecutive communication failures between the components uaCSTAServer and ECSTA for SIPPhones resulted in disconnection (could only be fixed by restarting both components). The connection between ECSTA for SIPPhones and uaCSTAServer is no longer disconnected in these cases.


Release Notes August 25, 2021

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.4.2


  • Made sure that the invite participant model in conferences enables choosing from contacts
  • Added a functionality to copy a phone number to the system clipboard
  • Added an audio device stack that remembers the last used devices and falls back to the last used device

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug causing a superfluous white window to be displayed when downloading the desktop app; white window no longer appears
  • Fixed a bug occuring with prefix-based call forwarding, in which correct error handling was missing, for example, when entering an invalid country code, such as +5
  • Fixed a bug which caused a call pickup to be shown in a click-to-dial scenario in which a call pickup is not available; now call pickup buttons are only shown when they are available
  • Fixed a freeze in the search functionality when a user entered certain special characters
  • Fixed a bug which caused displaying an incorrect user BLF status for redirected voicemails; now the app shows the correct BLF status
  • Fixed a bug that caused the DND status not to be shown properly when set directly after login; now it is displayed correctly
  • Fixed a bug causing the the call history not to load when a user was in a call; the call history is now loaded as expected
  • Fixed a loading issue that appeared when a user quickly switched between the call history and voicemails tabs
  • Fixed a bug causing a wrong icon to be shown for callback activation in the new "Busy" call notification dialog
  • Fixed a bug causing the page title not to be updated immediately when changing the language and to be still shown in the previous language; the page title is now shown in the selected language

Release notes August 23, 2021


Current version:

  • 6.7

New features:

  • New toggle button to collapse and expand recording details (sidebar)
  • New search bar fo POWERplay Web
  • Export of call recordings in MP3 format from POWERplay Web
  • Export of call fragments from POWERplay Web
  • Export of search results to a CSV file
  • Live Listening feature in Neorecording Portal
  • Audit messages for downloads with Download Client
  • Audit messages for sessions time-outs
  • System provider can configure tenant audit messages
  • Support of Import/Export for ASC Recording Insights (UK only)
  • Support of Cloud drives (S3, Azure, Google Cloud) for Import/Export jobs
  • Support of OpenJDK in addition to Oracle Java
  • New default password rules for new customers
  • Transfer for storage includes transfer for replay
  • Default number of possible failed log-in attempts is set to 10


  • Report Neo

    – Function rights for access to and features in the application
    – Language selection
    – Change of colour palette for diagrams
    – Improved KPI display
    – Improved display of call duration for various types of calls
    – New aggregation tab: Possibility to select duration format (seconds, minutes, hours)
    – Better log in/log out functionality

  • CLIENTcommand

    – Suppress pop-up windows

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug causing the decision criterium "phone number" not to be displayed in the recording planner
  • Fixed a bug related to the phone app toggle


For more information about the new features and changes in English, click Neorecording: What's New in August 2021?

For more information about the new features and changes in German, click Neorecording: Was gibt es Neues im August 2021?

Release Notes August 16, 2021

Cloudya Mobile App (Android)

Current version:

  • 1.12.2

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that caused a very low ringtone to be played for incoming calls

Release Notes August 11, 2021

Cloudya Mobile App (iOS)

Current version:

  • 1.13.1

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that caused incoming calls not to be received correctly in some rare cases
  • Fixed a bug that made it impossible to call certain local contacts with the app, depending on the number format

Release Notes August 11, 2021

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.4.1


  • Replaced ReCaptcha by friendlyCaptcha as a contribution to an even better conformity to European data protection standards

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug which caused an audio loss when changing the audio device during an ongoing call
  • Fixed an issue with conference buttons being uncklickable with more than four participants; conference buttons are working again as expected in different views with a participant-count greater than four
  • Fixed a bug that resulted in search results overlapping the search filter buttons and a missing selection of the contact filter
  • Fixed a bug fo the license page title where the title of the previous page was displayed; the page title is "license" as expected
  • Fixed an error that occurred when entering a call forwarding source but not selecting a proposed source from the menu; now it is confirmed by the select key without a need for an extra confirmation
  • Fixed a bug with prefix-based call forwarding which was missing proper error handling, for instance when you tried an invalid country code, e.g. +5
  • Fixed a bug causing members from a previous conference to be shown in the conference participant list; now the list is updated/refreshed, therefore, participants from a previous session are no longer shown

Release Notes August 10, 2021


Current version:

  • MetaDirectory

New functions/Improvements:

  • Introduced MS Graph Replicator renaming and help customisation for MS Graph Replicator

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an error where the replication start time was displayed incorrectly for "weekly"
  • Fixed a problem where data was not replicated on Windows Server 2012R2 due to a missing security protocol
  • Fixed an issue where MS Graph checkboxes were not available in the directory tree
  • MS NAV objects can now be extended with any attributes (custom fields) according to customer requirements. These custom fields are also delivered via the ODATA interface but are unfortunately not included in the supplied schema. Created a possibility for all attributes of an object to be replicable.
  • Fixed a problem that occured when activating the ActiveDirectory user management – the MetaDirectory "hanged" in the connection setup
  • Fixed a problem with MetaDirectory starting with disabled user management
  • Fixed a problem which occured when changing the settings in "Search -> Default Search -> Advanced", the settings were set back to default after a restart
  • Fixed a problem where the meta with UCServer user management sporadically failed to connect to the NCTI PRO client
  • Fixed a problem that caused a crash of MetaDirectory/Admin and /Service after incorrect specification of a baseDN

Release Notes August 6, 2021

Cloudya Web App 1.4.0

Current version:

  • 1.4.0

New features:

  • Revised the display of incoming and outgoing calls. With the new concept, several incoming calls are displayed at the same time. Furthermore, the notifications allow access to all Cloudya WebApp functions during incoming and outgoing calls

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that occured when adding new function keys – function keys with empty display names were overwritten; existing function keys positions with empty display name are no longer overwritten
  • Fixed a bug that occured with function keys in Favourites, showing contact icons instead of initials; function keys in favourites now show initials icons instead of contacts icons

Release Notes July 27, 2021

Cloudya Mobile App (Android)

Current version:

  • 1.12

New features:

  • Added a notification and display of new missed calls and voicemail which are visible within a corresponding tab
  • Launched an individual in-app rating by the users


  • Added the possibility for users to subscribe to conferences directly from the search
  • Added a feature allowing users to delete single, selected or all voicemails
  • Introduced a feature allowing users to see in the contact details from which data source the contact has been created, if a contact is displayed more than once
  • Improved the name resolution from the PBX phone book

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that caused the app to crash when putting a participant on hold and then switching to the previous page using the Back button
  • Fixed a bug that made the play button on voicemails not visible when the page was opened for the first time
  • Fixed a bug which caused the GSM settings menu not to be displayed on a Galaxy XCover 4s with an active SIM card
  • Fixed a bug that caused the app to crash during an incoming call, if the user a one-off microphone access
  • Fixed a bug during which the mute status was displayed incorrectly in the call screen when switching between screens
  • Fixed a bug which caused all entries in search lists to be displayed twice when switching between screens
  • Fixed a bug which caused the ringtone not to be heard on the paired Bluetooth headset in some cases
  • Fixed an issue which enabled logging into the app only for customers with the correct contract

Release Notes July 28, 2021

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.3.8

Bug fixes:

  • Improved prefix-based call forwarding, making it possible for prefixes with zeroes to be used, for instance +90 (Turkey)
  • Fixed an issue ensuring that sequentially changed call forwarding settings are properly saved
  • Fixed a bug occuring if the search on the phone tab after the same search term has been used on another tab; now the search works as expected
  • Fixed an issue during a conference; leaving a conference is now communicated as a hangup
  • Fixed a bug which caused buttons not to be clickable in the cinema mode whil the snack bar is visible; buttons are now clickable as expected
  • Fixed a bug with device lists by updating the list in all the needed languages

Release Notes July 20, 2021


Current version:

  • 7.2 - Service Release 2


  • NCTI Pro Windows
  • NCTI Pro Mac 7.2.01-21061708
  • NCTI Pro Android: 7.2.00 (21060101)
  • NCTI Pro iOS: 7.2.01 (21061708)

Bug fixes and improvements:


New features:

  • For the softphone connection, TCP or TLS can now optionally be selected as the transport protocol in addition to UDP. When using TLS, the media data is encrypted via sRTP.
  • It is now possible to configure the encryption of the control connection between UCServer and Media Server via the UCServer administration. This eliminates the need for time-consuming manual adjustments in XML files.
  • The custom tabs of the Client for Windows now support the Chromium-based WebView2
  • Via the profiles on the UCServer, softphone lines can be administratively marked as such for the Windows client, allowing the user to automatically distinguish them from TAPI lines.
  • It is now possible to search for keywords via regular expressions in the text chat of the ProCall Client for Windows and display them as a link.


New features:

  • The iOS app now also supports Early Media for softphone calls if this was set for the telephone system during softphone commissioning on the UCServer.


New features:

As of UCServer version 7.2, the following functions can be used on the "Contacts" page:

  • Contacts can be sorted (by display name, presence or phone number).
  • Contacts that are not logged in can be hidden.
  • Groups can be shown/hidden.

Release Notes July 14, 2021

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.3.7


  • Created better fallback name resolution for telephony devices for which no entries yet exist
  • Enabled prefix based matching for a call forwarding rule of the extension, e.g. for incoming calls starting with +44 or +4989
  • Enabled the user to show the login page in a specific language
  • Ensured that the tooltip shows the complete audio device name if the device field is too small
  • Improved support for EPOS/Sennheiser headsets (except SDW type series)
  • Reduced the load on the client and backend such that the client will connect to the new conference event-stream only on demand
  • When creating a function key, now the extension name is prefilled

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug with call waiting indications; now call waiting indications work immediately, without having to reload the app
  • Fixed an issue; the ap now prevents in an edge case that calls are made that are supposed to fail
  • Prevented the suggestion of unwanted translations by the Google Chrome translate plugin
  • Fixed an issue with screen sharing: Screen sharing also works for users of the Desktop App clients

Release Notes July 9, 2021


Current version:

  • 12.4.0

New features:

  • Added a possibility to create a new application database within the settings, if necessary


  • Added TLS support for multiple crypto tags

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug causing a test module to be opened when deleting contacts
  • Fixed an error in Outbound 200OK using TLS
  • Fixed API issues with Google Contacts
  • Fixed Speednavigator errors which occured with special monitor sizes
  • Fixed a bug causing an Action-URL to be opened twice with incoming calls
  • Fixed a bug causing GUI not to get the focus using shortkeys (e.g. Ninja/Classis GUI ALT+TAB)
  • Fixed an issue with Google Contacts Login form to be opened

Release Notes July 9, 2021


Current version:

  • 3.7

New features:

  • It is now possible to create a new application database within the settings


  • TLS now supports multiple crypto tags

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug in which test module has been opened when deleting contacts
  • Fixed an error in Outbound 200OK using TLS
  • Fixed API issues with Google Contacts
  • Fixed an error with speednavigator which happened with special monitor sizes
  • Fixed a bug in which action-URL has been opened twice with incoming calls
  • Fixed an issue in which GUI did not get the focus using Shortkeys (e.g. Ninja/Classic GUI ALT+TAB)
  • Fixed a bug in which Google Contacts Login form has been opened


Release Notes June 30, 2021

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.3.6


  • Phone numbers, which are set as call forwarding targets, are no longer truncated
  • Labels in the conference dialogue now better distinguishes between the pin code of a host and participant
  • When a conference room is empty, the participant count has been tweaked slightly so that it displays correctly
  • The search terms in the search bar are now cleared after a search result item is interacted with

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where editing and deleting of call history items during a call was not possible; it is now possible again
  • Fixed a bug where the contact search did not work when reopening the app with saved credentials; contact search will now consistently work
  • Fixed a bug in the system configuration, when searching for a user in the user page the create new user icon would disappear; the icon will now remain visible when searching for a user
  • Fixed a signalling issue where the Cloudya web/desktop client responds with busy instead of temporarily unavailable when receiving a call while DnD is active; The behaviour is now consistent with the Cloudya mobile clients so that the web/desktop client now responds with temporarily unavailable
  • When in a conference call, the status notification would overlap with the conference controls; this no longer overlaps
  • Fixed some inconsistencies with the implemented check boxes in the history and contact page

Release Notes June 18, 2021

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.3.5


  • Improved the reliability of the conference room when a user then initiates a dynamic conference
  • Ensured the localisation of the "Downloads" links of the login page
  • Adjusted the download links for the Desktop app version 1.2.1

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug in a detached window during the video call in which the button layer was underneath the user name and was not clickable; the buttons are on top and clickable
  • Fixed the behaviour and visual appearance of the mouse cursor for on-hold call items
  • Fixed a bug causing the incorrect selection of the camera during the first log-in; the camera preview of the device settings dialogue now shows the camera that is selected by the user
  • Fixed a bug which caused the number not to updated when the call was transferred; a displayed number in the call view now updates after a call transfer
  • Resolved a bug of the BT600 dongle for Plantronics/Poly BT headsets; it is now possible to also accept calls with the headset when using the recent Poly branded "b" series of the dongle
  • Fixed an inconvenience of the context menu for creating a function key from an external number; now the selected external number would be prefilled in the opened dialogue for adding a function key

Release Notes June 16, 2021

Cloudya Desktop App

Current version:

  • 1.2.1

New Features:

  • The version number of the Desktop App is now available in two locations:
    1) in an "about dialogue" which is now also available for Windows users (previously only available for Mac OS users)
    2) under Settings – Info
  • When invoking the app after the PC was idle for some time, e.g. put to sleep or the user lost internet connection, there is a reload page; previously, the user saw a white screen where the it was necessary for the user to know the hotkey to reload the page
  • Links to data protection policy now open with an external browser
  • The fax preview is now also available in the Desktop App

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug which caused the ringtone not to be played
  • Fixed a bug which caused app store links for other platforms to be displayed when the user downsized the app; now the user cannot reduce the size of the Desktop App windows below the threshold
  • Fixed the behaviour so that the telephony de-registers now when the user logs off

Release Notes June 15, 2021

NCTI Standard for Mac

Current version:

  • 5.0.3

New features:

  • Added native support of Macs with Apple Silicon
  • Added support of Yealink T4 and T5 series phones with firmware version 86


  • Improved support for macOS Big Sur (11.0)
  • Added a GUI for activating and deactivating debug logging

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the display of connection settings when one of the connection names was empty; In addition, a connection no longer has an empty name

Release Notes June 15, 2021


Current version:

  • 7.1.7


  • NCTI Pro Windows
  • NCTI Pro Mac 7.1.70-21051902
  • NCTI Pro Android: 7.1.71 (21052103)
  • NCTI Pro iOS: 7.1.70 (21051902)

Bug fixes and improvements:


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a problem in UCServer administration which caused TURN server settings not to be saved when working with username/password
  • Deactivated the SIP display again after this was reported as annoying in some environments; The SIP display info was activated in version 7.1.5 in the course of a new SIP provider (C+ITEC) and will only be evaluated there in the future
  • Fixed a crash of the ProCall Client for Windows when switching the DPI scaling of the system when starting the client
  • Fixed a problem with text chats when the basic setting was made not to save text messages to the database: the client was sent a false event after 3 hours that there was a new message, although this was not the case
  • Resolved a problem with Outlook presence creation (IM integration) when SIP addresses were case-sensitive


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug which caused ProCall 7 Enterprise not to be opened on m1 Macs
  • Fixed a bug which caused the ProCall Mac client not to be opened on the Big Sur operating system
  • Fixed a crash which occured when putting the app in the background and bringing it back to the foreground when transferring a softphone call


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed various crushes
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes push notifications for real-time communication would reach the Android app and the phone would not stop ringing as a result

Release Notes June 8, 2021

Nmonitoring Queues

Current version:

  • 21.04.3

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug causing cloning a report not to change the creator user correctly. Now if a user clones a report that they cannot edit, they will be able to edit the clone, since it belongs to them and not to the original creator of the initial report;
  • Fixed a bug causing the permissions not to be updated correctly when switching between reports. Now switching between reports using the drop-down menu will update report permissions correctly, stopping users from editing reports they should not have access to;
  • Fixed a bug where users were not allowed to change reports and time period. Now users can always change a Report's Time Period (but cannot save the new Time Period if they do not have permission to edit the report). This allows users to use the report freely without having to create a clone to change the time period;
  • Fixed a bug where unsaved reports could be created even without permissions. Now users cannot create new reports by clicking on the HomePage InfoBox (without clicking on any particular link, but clicking anywhere else in the Reports InfoBox), if they do not have permissions to create a new report

Release Notes June 2, 2021

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.3.4

Bug fixes:

  • Improved and repaired the selection of mobility licenses for Business Standards tariffs; informs administrators that the mobility option is included for Business Premium contract users
  • Fixed a visual bug causing spikes to be shown within the user icon at the contact detail view; the spikes are no longer shown


Release Notes Mai 31, 2021

Nmonitoring Queues

Current version:

  • 21.04.02

New features:

  • Sharing of reports with internal and external stakeholders
  • Easy handling of data blocks for the reports


  • New Home Page for all user classes
  • New Report page
  • New NFON branded user interface 
  • Improved Wallboard
  • Improved Synchronizer
  • Improved exports (PDF and XLS)
  • Various security improvements
  • Implementation of the Turkish language

Bug fixes:

  • Removed disabled items from the Icon menu
  • Fixed a bug ccasionally causing the Alias not to be sent correctly to the Agent page
  • Fixed an issue causing a wrong queue login/logout buttons in Nmonitoring Queues Agent Page when dynamicLoginQueues=assigned
  • Fixed an issue causing the call outcome to appead even if platform is disabled
  • Fixed issues with Agent page font css import not working
  • Fixed a bug causing Synchronizer not to read pjsip and sip agents from queue_log file or db
  • Fixed a bug causing Synchronizer not to read queue_log data
  • Fixed a bug causing Synchronizer not to create users
  • Fixed a bug causing the explore system parameters to show wrong default configuration for the platform
  • Fixed a bug causing the Synchronizer page to crash while importing configurations in Firefox
  • Fxed an issue making Dbtest/Inspector clearer
  • Improved the Security pack
  • Fixed broken icons on Export Report page
  • Fixed a bug in Security: Mitigation of verbose error messages
  • Improved Synchronizer General Actions Panel
  • Fixed the broken header of the tables in the administration section
  • Fixed an issue with protecting items from deletion in Synchronizer
  • Added a way to protect Agents and Queues from Configuration Synchronizer
  • Call list fields: missing TRANSFERRED TO item
  • Quick agent report, filters the realtime view as well without a notice
  • Fixed a bug causing export Jobs not to be filtered by agent
  • Fixed an issue with a month name in XLS/PDF exports
  • Fixed the wrong label "Pause code" for Spanish
  • Fixed a widget configuration queue scroll issue

Release Notes May 12, 2021

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.3.3


  • Added a new feature allowing to copy a conference invitation with the number and PIN of the conference to the clipboard
  • Removed the first-time audio device selection dialogue for users which can only use the app for Click to Dial with a hardware phone

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug causing issues with adding a third party to a dynamic conference
  • Fixed a bug leading to a missing ringback tone when placing an outgoing call; users hear the ringback tone now


Release Notes May 7, 2021


Current version:

  • Metadirectory

New functions:

  • New replicator MS Graph

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a problem where an ASN1 incompatibility resulted in unusable user administration
  • Fixed a problem where the location for replicator with mutated vowel kept resetting to default when replicating
  • Fixed a problem that no entries were displayed in the detail view of the web services / terminals
  • Fixed an issue that the import replicator Office 365 could no longer connect via EWS (see new Graph Replicator)
  • Fixed a bug sporadically causing no results to be delivered until a server restar, when searching AD datasets
  • Fixed a bug causing the mail button on the MetaDirectory interface to be unclickable
  • Fixed an issue leading to a display problem (the text was not readable due to insufficient text height) of the data sources in the group settings
  • Fixed a bug causing a timeout when setting up the NAV replicator after entering the user credentials
  • Fixed a bug causing different results to be presented when searching in MetaDirectory with the same search string

Release Notes May 7, 2021

Administration Portal

Current version:



  • Reduced the initial size of (empty master) lists

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug causing device parameters not to be deployed to all devices when multiple devices are created; all user input parameters are applied to all devices now

Release Notes May 6, 2021


Current version:

  • 7.1.6


  • NCTI Pro Windows
  • NCTI Pro Mac 7.1.61-21042104
  • NCTI Pro Android: 7.1.61 (21041903)
  • NCTI Pro iOS: 7.1.61 (21042104)

Bug fixes and improvements:

  • Windows Client: Fixed a crash occuring when calling back the subscriber in the "Dialtone" state in an open call window which is still open
  • Windows Client: Fixed a bug occuring when a caller could not be transferred (via "blind transfer") on the softphone if the call had previously been placed on "hold"
  • Windows Client: Fixed a crash taking place when starting a video chat from the contact details by double-clicking
  • Windows Client: Fixed a crash where the mute status of the microphone was displayed incorrectly after retrieving a held call
  • Fixed an issue wherein Remote Desktop Services or Citrix environments, the presence setting "inactive when the console is locked" caused the presence to be permanently set to "inactive".
  • iOS: Fixed a bug causing the loudspeaker to be disactivated; the loudspeaker now remains activated if it was switched on during ringing and a call is established
  • iOS: Fixed an issue causing nothing to be heard in VideoChat
  • iOS: Fixed a bug causing the internal phone numbers to be displayed incorrectly; the internal phone numbers are now displayed correctly in the call list
  • iOS: Fixed a bug causing in certain cases TextChat messages not to be displayed
  • Android: Fixed a bug causing an empty message (only spaces) to be sent in TextChat
  • Android: Fixed a bug causing the display of "Recent conversations" to be displayed incorrectly when sharing content with a ProCall Mobile contact; "Recent conversations" are now displayed correctly
  • Android: Fixed an error with the presence display in the search of administratively specified favorite contacts
  • Android: Fixed a bug causing a file with .jpeg extension not to be correctly recognized as an image in TextChat

Release Notes May 4, 2021


Current version:

  • 7.1.5


  • Android: Improved call quality during AV chats and softphone calls (with Connection Service disabled); problems with the volume and that the other party hears an echo have been fixed
  • Android: If a contact is not in the favourites list, the presence is now retrieved in the contact details and VideoChat, if posible

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a crash of the UCServer administration when importing a previously exported configuration
  • Fixed an incorrect status display in UCServer Administration under "Push Notifications"
  • Windows Client: Fixed a problem with 'private' marked calls when the internal rights were only set to "Public" or "Business"; after hanging up, the display partially stopped on the other users about a call
  • Windows Client: When using the function "Open Calendar..." function, too many connections were established to the Exchange Server; this fix affects the MAPI connection to Outlook
  • iOS: Fixed a bug that in a video chat the microphone did not work and thus the other person did not hear anything
  • iOS: Fixed a crash when putting the app in the background and bringing it back to the foreground when transferring a softphone call
  • iOS: Fixed a bug in the NCTIPro MacClient and in the iOS App, causing the phone numbers in the journal not to be resolved correctly in certain cases

Release Notes April 30, 2021

Cloudya Web App


  • 1.3.2


  • Aligned the detail view of a private contact with that in the contact list; the detail view now shows identical user symbols to the ones in the contacts list
  • Visually aligned the dial button in the detail view of a call history item with the dialpad's dial button

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug causing outdated information to appear in the dynamic conference praticipants list; the list is updated correctly when participants join or leave
  • Fixed a bug causing the participants list of a conference room not to update when the network connection changed
  • Fixed a bug causing a logout from the app when the users reloaded the browser tab; reloading a tab no longer causes a logout
  • Fixed a bug causing a failure in the update of a conference room participant list

Release Notes April 28, 2021



  • 3.6

New features:

  • Added CSV export values (transfered to, transfered from)
  • Added a new SSC handler for SSC 2.0 generation
  • Added an additional SRV DNS resolver
  • Added new notification codes for user-to-user messages
  • Added a further attribute to silent license date updates
  • Added a new property for showing TAPI settings if advanced settings are disabled
  • Added a parameter for showing the original phone number
  • Added SIP Credential Deployment via GPO
  • Added a Gravatar contact source interface
  • Added a plugin handler for individual contact sources


  • Improved the rendering engine
  • Improved the speed of the Grid set-up
  • Changed the starting process using a Splash
  • Accelerated SVG objects in the grid view which used to cause timing issues
  • Deactivated the source address detection for SIP
  • Modified expire values
  • Made several improvements of the SIP Stack
  • Improved the RTP sorter handler
  • Adjusted the crypto engine
  • Improved the TAPI TSP connector
  • Improved the paket handler for better jitter behavior
  • Made several TLS impovements for encryption
  • Adjusted the Outlook receiver
  • Improved the Audio packet class
  • Enhanced the Audio-Mixer
  • Adjusted the SDP Header
  • Enhanced the RTP class
  • Prepared a new class for reinitializing new Audio devices
  • br.exe model has been made obsolete (it was needed for graphical settings)
  • Improved the TCP/IP v6 support
  • Improved the RTP-packet latency
  • Changed the Audio-Device Engine for new interface support
  • Improved the TLS class with V1.3
  • Improved the provisioning haptic in several functions
  • Improved the Transfer and Attended Transfer features
  • Made more TAPI services improvements for Terminal-Server environments
  • Changed the local IP address; the e-registration of SIP accounts is no longer required
  • Improved the Virtual Network devices
  • Improved the setup update process/SType recognation
  • Disabled /HideGui for "Windows Start" with regard to many misunderstandings.
  • Improved the SRV DNS resolving
  • Improved the Plantronics, Sennheiser USB support (changed units)
  • Added display information with "- LOG MODE" to be more recognisable
  • Added a feature allowing for the Speed Navigator to be disabled completely (Advanced settings)

Bug fixes:


  • Fixed a bug occassionaly leading to a PickUP issue
  • Fixed a bug preventing the CSV exported contacts via VOP to import correctly
  • Fixed a bug causing the LSAP username not to be shown in the Mia master brand
  • Fixed a bug causing an LDAP Negotiate not to work
  • Fixed some small memory issues
  • Fixed a bug causing the Action-URL handler not to respond with Incoming calls
  • Fixed a bug causing the SSC Stack to have occasional errors
  • Fixed a bug causing some errors the IP address change after DSL reconnect
  • Fixed P-asserted-identity
  • Fixed an error in the data object handler
  • Fixed a bug in the IPC causing errors and adjusted it
  • Fixed a bug causing an error in the provisioning class depending on the wrong attribute count
  • Fixed a bug in TLS 1.3
  • Fixed a bug causing the Network Adapter errors unter special circumstances
  • Fixed a bug causing the Action-URL property "open browser/invisible" not to work properly (onCallDisconnected)
  • Fixed a bug in the RTP Audio packet class leading to occasional errors
  • Fixed a bug in the Setup ICO which prevented it from refreshing
  • Fixed a bug causing the AES encryption module to crash with an access violations hint
  • Fixed a bug causing the repainting of deletes contacts not to work properly
  • Fixed a bug causing the wrong configuration POS for XML provisioning
  • Fixed a bug in Short-Keys
  • Fixed a bug in the TLS 1.2 support having occasional issues during the SIP negotiation
  • Enrolled new XML provisioning properties
  • Fixed a bug causing Call History entries not to be deleted by using the DEL button
  • Fixed a bug preventing the Default skin not to be used with all cirmumstances
  • Fixed a bug causing access violation after repaining local contact cards where the contact originally came from Google
  • Fixed a bug causing a wrong Checkbox handling in the visit card view
  • Fixed a bug causing an undocked windows formular without functionality to be shown under certain circumstances
  • Fixed a bug causing errors in the Jabra device recognition
  • Fixed a bug causing the application to block Shutdown and Restart

Release Notes April 27, 2021



  • 12.2.2

New features:

  • Added a further attribute to the silent license date updates
  • Added a new property for showing TAPI settings if advanced settings are disabled
  • Added parameters for showing the original phone number
    – $OutgoingNumOrigin
    – $OutgoingNumDialed
    – $IncomingNumOrigin
    – $IncomingNumAfterRules
    – $PhoneNumberCleared
  • Added SIP Credential Deployment via GPO
  • Added a new SSC handler for SSC 2.0 generation
  • Added an additional SRV DNS resolver
  • Added new notification codes for user-to-user messages


  • Deactivated the source address detection for SIP
  • Modified expire values
  • Made several improvements of the SIP Stack
  • Improved the RTP sorter handler
  • Adjusted the crypto engine
  • Improved the TAPI TSP connector
  • Improved the paket handler for better jitter behavior
  • Made several TLS impovements for encryption
  • Adjusted Outlook receiver
  • Improved the Audio packet class
  • Enhanced the Audio-Mixer
  • Adjusted the SDP Header
  • Enhanced the RTP class
  • Prepared a new class for reinitializing new Audio devices
  • br.exe model is obsolet now and was needed for graphical settings
  • Improved the TCP/IP v6 support
  • Improved the RTP-packet latency
  • Changed the Audio-Device Engine for new interface support
  • Improved the TLS class with V1.3
  • Improved provisioning haptic in several functions
  • Improved the Transfer and Attended Transfer features
  • Made more TAPI services improvements for Terminal-Server environments
  • Improved Virtual Network devices usage
  • Improved the setup update process/SType recognation
  • Disabled /HideGui for "Windows Start" with regard to many misunderstandings
  • Will add a new property in the next version so that the GUI can be configured to start "minimized"
  • Changed the local IP address; no longer re-registration of SIP accounts necessary
  • Improved systems with multiple Subnets, VPN, VIs like VMware
  • Improved SRV DNS resolving
  • GUI no longer gets the focus with an incoming call
  • Modified the Log-mode
  • Improved Plantronics, Sennheiser USB support (changed units)
  • Added display information with "- LOG MODE" to be more recognisable
  • Speed Navigator can be now disabled completely (Advanced settings)

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug causing the repainting of deletes contacts not to work correctly
  • Fixed a bug causing the wrong configuration POS for XML provisioning
  • Fixed a bug causing the short keys not to work correctly
  • Fixed a bug causing the TLS 1.2 support to sometimes have issues during an SIP negotiation
  • Fixed a bug during which Action-URL handler did not respond with Incoming calls
  • Fixed a bug with the Speed-Navigator position
  • Fixed a bug leading to some SSC Stack errors
  • Fixed a bug causing occasional errors during the IP address change after DSL reconnect
  • Fixed a bug with P-asserted-identity
  • Fixed an error in data object handler
  • Fixed IPC errors and adjusted IPC
  • Fixed a bug causing errors to occur in  Provisioning class depending on wrong attribute count
  • Further fixed Speed-Navigator which dissapeared after changing the monitor sizes with negative size values
  • Fixed TLS 1.3
  • Fixed a bug causing occasional SSC Stack errors
  • Fixed a bug causing Network Adapter to cause errors under special circumstances
  • Fixed a bug causing the Action-URL property "open browser/invisible" not to work correctly (onCallDisconnected)
  • Fixed a bug in P-asserted-identity
  • Fixed a bug causing RTP Audio packet class to cause occasional errors
  • Fixed a bug causing Speed-Navigator  to disappear if the monitor size is changed
  • Fixed a bug causing the Setup ICO not to refresh
  • Fixed a bug causing the AES encryption module to crash with an access violations hint
  • Enrolled new XML provisioning properties
  • Fixed a bug causing the default skin not to be used with all cirmumstances
  • Fixed a bug causing the application to block Shutdown and Restart
  • Fixed a bug causing an occasional Jabra device recognition error
  • Fixed a bug causing GUI to always stay on top
  • Fixed a bug causing the phone GUI to be no longer reachable when minimizing via fast formular wiping
  • Fixed a bug causing the GUI to still get the focus during an incoming call
  • Fixed a bug causing the Plantronics HUB information to appear with each software start if a plantronics headset is used without an installed HUB service
  • Fixed a bug not allowing the GUI to be maximised under some circumstances

Release Notes April 23, 2021

Cloudya Mobile App (Android)

Current version:

  • 1.10.1

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug causing the app to crash when the app runs in the background and an error occurred in the VoIP communication; the app works as expected

Release Notes April 22, 2021

Cloudya Mobile App (Android)

Current version:

  • 1.10


  • Improved control and view in subscribed and dynamic conferences: better management of participants as an administrator and a better overview as a member
  • Improved the extension number display: the extension number is also displayed in forwarding profiles and in their search
  • Removed the "New" label from the app icon, the app icon is displayed as expected

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug causing the app to crash when scrolling the search bar if a call came in at the same time
  • Fixed a bug making it impossible to answer a call via GSM from the call history which was received via a nonpreferred trunk
  • Fixed a bug causing the BLF icons in the conference detail screen and in conference subscription search to function irregularly; BLF icons function as expected
  • Fixed a bug causing the dialpad to disappear when the app was coming out of standby; the dialpad appears as expected
  • Fixed a bug causing the text "dieses Gerät" –when using the app in German – to switch between single and multiple lines in the search view when interacting with the view; the text is displayed in a single line as expected
  • Fixed a bug making it impossible to use a custom phone number as a call forwaring destination without giving access to local phone contacts; it is possible to enter a custom phone number in call forwarding profiles without giving access to the local phone book
  • Fixed a bug causing an incorrect details page to be displayed in the search when searching for external numbers
  • Fixed a bug leading to a wrong detail page being displayed when searching for an external number
  • Fixed a bug in the widget causing a wrong language to be displayed and calls to externals numbers not to work; the correct language is displayed and calls to external numbers are possible
  • Fixed a bug causing the app to crash when using the main navigation while a snackbar was displayed; the app no longer crashes
  • Fixed a bug causing the username not to be displayed when changing the language of the app; after changing the language of the app, the username is displayed in the user menu as expected

Release Notes April 21, 2021

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.3.1


  • Improved setting function keys/BLFs of the supported hardware phones: The number of function keys used to be limited to 129; it is now possible to define a maximum of 1024 keys
  • Improved the tooltip help for new accounts: The tooltip help is now activated by default
  • Improved handling faxes: Faxes can now be downloaded by clicking on the filename in the fax info view
  • Improved user experience for Business Standard contract users without a mobility license: There used to be a "telephony offline" warning; now the users are free to use the web app for Click to Dial and the users receive status bar messages

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug in editing a voice mail causing the edit mode to stay active even when switching to other menu entries; the app now leaves the edit mode when the user goes to other menu entries
  • Fixed a bug causing the search value to remain in the serach bar after ending a call; The search bar is cleared after the call has been ended
  • Fixed a bug causing a small search bar to appear when editing in history; editing is cancelled and a page is reloaded
  • Fixed a bug on the login page causing font size changes when hovering over the autofill suggestions; the font size does not change now
  • Fixed a bug causing tool tips not to work in History, Contacts, Conference menues
  • Fixed a bug making it impossible to select an emergency call country; All emergency call countries are now displayed and selectable in the user settings dialogue

Release Notes April 16, 2021

Cloudya Mobile App (iOS)

Current version:

  • 1.6


  • Improved the display of incoming calls
  • Optimised the app's communication with the local phone book

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug causing the app to terminate a call after multiple handovers (*8) from the desktop phone to the app and back
  • Fixed a bug making it impossible to activate call forwarding to voicemail or busy with the button
  • Fixed a bug making it impossible to scroll a very long list of sessions
  • Fixed a bug making the status bar invisible when switching back to the online mode from the offline mode
  • Fixed a bug making it impossible in some cases to call a number back from the voicemails

Release Notes April 16, 2021

Administration Portal

Current version:


Improvements and bug fixes:

  • Various internal improvements and bug fixes

Release Notes April 9, 2021

Administration Portal

Current version:


New feature:

  • Activated CUSTOMER for API and UI for default emergency call country for extensions


  • Made the column "Hardware" in the "End devices" list visible

Release Notes April 9, 2021

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.3.0-1


  • Updated translations

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug leading to a login fail when logging into the app with email addresses comprising top-level domains with more than 4 characters, such as .shopping, .museum, .berlin or usernames containing an apostrophe, e.g. Marc.O'Reilly; login is possible with all email addresses

Release Notes March 30, 2021

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.3.0

New features:

  • Added a "Raise hand" feature in conferences: participants can raise a hand to express their wish to speak
  •  Improved handling of national emergency numbers


  • Improved conference experience
  • Visually improved the navigation: reduced line spacing when a single menu entry stretched over multiple lines
  • Added support for a call on hold for video so that participants on hold would not see a new video call
  • Improved the overall stability of Plantronics headset support
  • Improved call control support for Jabra headsets (requires special browser plugins)
  • Improved the speed of the user login dialogue for usernames with more than 30 characters (the input took too long in the past)
  • Made switching between connected cameras during a video call more reliable
  • Users are informed when there is no camera device available
  • The dialog for adding new function keys now better indicates what kind of input is expected from the user
  • Added an echo test feature (*85) for video calls

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug in tenant management causing an endless loading spinner when reloading the user data; reloading no longer has such an effect
  • Fixed the following bug: if Google translate browser plugins were installed in the browser, there was an attempt to translate the Web App; there is no more attempt to translate the Cloudya Web App
  • Fixed a bug in the "Add queue" dialogue so that it is now possible to search for a specific queue again
  • Fixed a bug causing the user to enter a pin when joining a subscribed conference from the call history; it is no longer needed to enter a pin when joining a subscribed conference from the call history
  • Fixed a bug causing a ringback tone to be played by the ringtone device when making an outbound call;  the ringback tone for outgoing calls is played via the configured device
  • Fixed a bug with Sennheiser Headsets preventing them to close a call modal dialogue after a previous call of the echo extension via the device settings dialog; the call modal can now be closed as expected
  • Fixed a bug causing "Activate video" not to  reliably turn on video when in screen sharing mode and fullscreen mode; switching between screen sharing and camera or switching between different cameras is now reliably working
  • Resolved a bug causing phone numbers to be incorrectly displayed with a leading %23; these numbers are displayed with a leading
  • Fixed a bug causing the Captcha form to disappear after a page reload; the Captcha form remains visible as expected
  • Fixed a bug causing the search bar not to be refreshed when clicking on the pen icon and then switching between sections (e.g. "delete all" was shown in settings)
  • Fixed a bug causing the Web App not to load with the Safari web browser; login is possible,  though Safari is not recommended
  • Fixed a bug with drag and drop for BLF keys; drag and drop works for BLF keys and search results as expected
  • Fixed a bug causing the users to be redirected to a blank page when manually entering a non-existing path in the Web App; the users are redirected to the telephone view in /main/telephone
  • Resolved a bug in tenant management causing a loading spinner to be still shown after search results were displayed
  • Fixed a bug in the call history; "Add contact" also autofills the phone number when envoked by the context menu of the (i)nfo button
  • Fixed a bug in tenant management where an "All" button appeared when searching for users; this button is no longer displayed
  • Fixed an bug causing a save button to be disabled even if a new valid modified email is entered; the save button is visible and changing the user email works as expected

Release Notes March 16, 2021


Current version:

  • 7.1.40


  • NCTI Pro Windows
  • NCTI Pro Mac 7.1.40
  • NCTI Pro Android: 7.1.40
  • NCTI Pro iOS: 7.1.40

New features:

  • For outgoing softphone calls, the error tolerance for receiving the SIP P-Asserted-Identity (PAI) has been increased if the network operator oversupplies or undersupplies a leading 0 in the destination party's PAI. If special formatting rules have been created in the past at the softphone line location because of such problems, they should be rechecked for correctness.
  • Projects now also work with the softphone. The behavior has been adapted to a TAPI connection. This means that it is now possible to dial with different exchange codes via the "Prepare call" function if this is configured in the location.

Bug fixes and improvements:

  • Several bugfixes and improvements

Release Notes March 12, 2021

Cloudya Mobile App (Android)

Current Version:

  • 1.9


  • In order to prevent making unintentional calls, added a submenu with the function "Start call" which opens in the search, favourites and call history
  • Made the buttons in the bottom navigation larger and moved the spacing a bit from the edge to the center; this allows for easy handling of the elements
  • In the Favorites, added new and more understandable icons for the entries
  • Made it possible to delete one, a selection and all entries from the call history

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug occasionally causing the app to crash after loggin in
  • Fixed a bug causing the search to freeze, which mostly happened on Samsung devices with Android 10
  • Fixed a bug causing a wrong conference name to be displayed when already in a conference and joining another conference
  • Improved the check whether a VoIP connection exists; the message "Losing SIP Connection" will now appear a lot less often

Release Notes March 3, 2021

Cloudya Mobile App (iOS)

Current version:

  • 1.5


  • Improved the display of incoming calls

Release Notes February 24, 2021


Current version:


  • NCTI Pro Windows:
  • NCTI Pro Android: 7.1.31
  • NCTI Pro iOS: 7.1.20


  • Metadirectory:
  • NFON ECSTA for SIP Phones:

New features:

  • NCTI Pro Windows: The logging of the media server can now be set via the UCServer administration in the item "Events". This function should only be used for error analysis; otherwise, the system load may be increased with detailed logging.

Bug fixes and improvements:

  • Several bugfixes and improvements

Release Notes February 19, 2021

Administration Portal

Current version:


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug causing the creation of duplicate services; duplicates are no longer possible
  • Fixed the concurrent line input validation

Release Notes February 8, 2021

Cloudya Mobile App (Android)

Current Version:

  • 1.8

New features:

  • Added a support page with helpful information
  • Enabled a subscription to a conference from the search or the favourites (conferences)


  • In the search, gave the filter categories clearer names; futhermore, they are now displayed at a first glance
  • Improved the handling and design of the call forwarding page
  • Redesigned the bottom bar to match the current Android design
  • Optimised the position of the snack bar
  • Speeded up the search by reducing the number of search requests

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug causing a registered phone number ro be displayed wrong if it were taken from an older session; registered phone numbers are displayed correctly
  • Fixed a bug causing the text in the navigation bar to be displayed in bold; the text is displayed as expected
  • Fixed a bug causing the bottom app bar to disappear and remain hidden when switching tabs; the bottom bar remains visible
  • Fixed a bug causing the loading of the search list to take a long time

Release Notes February 3, 2021

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.2.4-3

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a rare issue causing the icons in the menu not to be displayed correctly

Release Notes January 29, 2021

Cloudya Web App

Current Version:

  • 1.2.4-2

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug causing Clicktodial (C2D) not to work without an audio input device
  • Fixed a bug causing the outbound ringback tone to be played via the ringtone device; the ringback tone in outgoing calls is played via the configured speaker device

Release Notes January 29, 2021

Administration Portal

Current version:



  • Allows deleting unregistered Yealink devices


  • Various internal improvements

Bug fixes:

  • Various internal bug fixes

Release Notes January 29, 2012

Cloudya Mobile App (iOS)

Current version:

  • 1.4.2

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug causing the ringtone to continue playing after answering a call; the ringtone stops as soon as the call is answered

  • Fixed a bug causing Call Forwarding to display wrong user interface elements for "busy"; after switching to "busy" in forwarding profiles, the background is displayed correctly

Release Notes January 27, 2021

Cloudya Web App

Current Version:

  • 1.2.4-1

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug causing a user to get unmuted when opening the device settings dialogue during a muted call

Release Notes January 26, 2021


Current version:


  • NCTI Pro Windows:
  • NCTI Pro MAC: 7.1.20
  • NCTI Pro Android: 7.1.12
  • NCTI Pro iOS: 7.1.10


  • Metadirectory:
  • NFON ECSTA for SIP Phones:


  • Major Release: V7
  • User interface improvements
  • Easy content sharing
  • Simplified adaptation for business process integration
  • Administrative configuration
  • Large softphone environments

Release Notes January 25, 2021

Cloudya Mobile App (Android)

Current Version:

  • 1.7.1

Bug fixes:

  • Fixes a crash when registering a mobile number on Android 11

Release Notes January 22, 2021

Cloudya Web App

Current Version:

  • 1.2.4


  • The settings dialog for devices settings has been completely redesigned and includes now a preview for video as well as volume controls for the selected audio device. 


  • A newly designed device setting dialogue has replaced the device settings menu
  • When in a conference, participants receive a better visual image when they are muted by the moderator (microphone off, red background)
  • "Call via custom number" has been removed from the context menu
  • Fixed a bug making "New, Edit and Delete" buttons invisible in case of long function key descriptions; the buttons are visible
  • Fixed a bug causing missed calls to appear in blue in the detail view of a missed call history; missed calls are shown in red
  • Fixed a bug causing "Edit profile" header to be displayed instead of "Create profile" in the Callforwarding setting page; "Create profile" is shown as expected
  • Fixed a bug leading to the mute/unmute function errors with Plantronics headsets; mute and unmute works as expected
  • Fixed a bug on the login page with Downloads; the link is a direct link to the NFON Downloads page
  • Fixed a bug causing a ringback tone to play in addition to a media stream played to the user; a ringback tone is played if there is no early media played already
  • Fixed a bug showing titles over some buttons when hovering over them; the titles have been removed and only the icons are displayed
  • Fixed a bug causing the object to drag and drop to become invisible; the drag-and-drop object is visible
  • Fixed a bug with missing translations for the system configuration access button; the translations are available
  • Fixed a bug causing a disruption in a subscrubed conference room control when a participant starts a dynamic conference; a subscribed conference control works as expected
  • Fixed a bug not letting call forwarding profiles to be saved; call forwarding profiles can be saved
  • Fixed a bug showing an unnecessary text in a browser title under Settings; the correct title is shown
  • Fixed a bug making calls with a double click impossible; it is possible to make calls with a double click

Release Notes January 22, 2021

Cloudya Mobile App (Android)

Current Version:

  • 1.7

New features:

  • Possibility to create a Cloudya app widget on the Android home screen which allows you to call your favourites and conferences without prior opening of the app

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug causing an unstable app operation after having closed the details page in conferences; the app operates in a stable way
  • Fixed a bug causing the app to crash when using Call with and starting a call from Favourites; the app works as expected when using the Call with function when a number is dialled from the Favourites list
  • Fixed a bug causing the absence of conference options when starting a dynamic conference when in an external call; it is possible to start a dynamic conference when calling to an external number
  • Fixed a bug causing a malfunction of BLF signalisation; the BLF signalisation has been optimised
  • Fixed a bug causing the a pickup group title to be displayed incompletely; the width of the pickup group dialogues has been optimised to better fit the width of the text therein
  • Fixed a bug in Details causing the searchbar to disappear when closing the detail page of the entry and therefore making the search impossible; the searchbar is available as expected
  • Fixed a bug causing the head up notification for missed calls not to display the latest missed call; the latest missed call is displayed in the notification as expected
  • Fixed a bug which made making calls impossible after activating and deactivating the flight mode; VoIP calls are possible shortly after the flight mode has been deactivated and the Internet connection has been re-established


  • Wording in the search has been improved
  • The settings menu has been redesigned; the menu items have been regrouped and thematically structured as well as adjusted according to improved user experience specifications
  • Enabled opening a submenu in the settings when tapping on the entire menu item
  • Improved the behaviour and view of the app when there is no internet or the internet connection is lost (offline mode)
  • A mobile number is correctly displayed in the settings menu if the number has been registered
  • The Favourites list is only updated when necessary
  • The phone ID is displayed in the personal settings; this will be helpful when contacting the support 

Release Notes January 7, 2021

Cloudya Mobile App (iOS)

Current version:

  • 1.4

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug causing incoming calls to remain in the state "connecting" when answered; incoming calls no longer get stuck in this state

  • Fixed a bug causing calls to end immediately after answering in certain scenarios

  • Fixed a bug with attended transfer causing the first call to be simply hung up

  • The list of available voicemails will now load reliably

  • The button for „call pickup“ is now visible even with very long favorite names

  • The title in the "Pickup groups" dialog is now translated into all available languages

Release Notes December 23, 2020

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.12.3.-1

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug for users of Platronics headsets which caused the green call bar to keep counting minutes aftetr the call has been terminated; the green bar is not displayed after the call has been ended

Release Notes December 16, 2020

Administration Portal

Current version:



  • Fax documents are now correctly deleted when the checkbox “delete after sent” is checked on new efax extensions. Please note: With this update, the default value for the setting “delete after sent” is set to “off” for all existing efax extensions

  • IP Whitelisting has been moved to a separate page; you can now find it under Administration > IP Whitelisting; formerly it was located on the customer edit form

  • Various internal improvements

Cloudya App Update for iOS 14.3, as of December 12, 2020

As of Saturday, 12.12.2020, version 1.3.6 of the Cloudya app is available for download from the App Store. This version contains a critical update that is necessary for the use of the app under iOS 14.3 which will soon be released by Apple. Unless the Cloudya app has already been updated
automatically, this must be done manually via the App Store on the iPhone.

Why an update is critical
As communicated on Friday, Dec. 11, the previous versions of the Cloudya app are not compatible
with the latest iOS 14.3. The old version is non-functional and freezes completely, making phone calls impossible and also blocking the device and calling functionality of the device holistically until Cloudya is stopped. Our developers have developed a hotfix in a very short time, which was already uploaded to the app store on 11.12. and is now available after passing Apple's approval processes. The functionality under iOS 14.3 is thus fully given as under the previous versions of iOS.

Yours sincerely,

Jan-Peter Koopmann

Cloudya App Compatibility with iOS 14.3, as of December 11, 2020

With the availability of the second release candidate of iOS 14.3 this week, our Quality Assurance
(QA) team has determined that this version is not compatible with the current Cloudya app.

The app is not functional on iOS 14.3 and freezes completely, making phone calls impossible. The
bug can be reproduced and can also cause the device and its calling functionality to be blocked
entirely until Cloudya is stopped. Recent changes in 14.3 have led to this bug, so our development
teams have only been able to work on an updated hotfix since yesterday.

At this time, we, therefore, strongly advise against installing iOS 14.3 which is expected to be available
from Monday, December 14, on devices that have or are using Cloudya.

Our development team is already in the process of creating a hotfix which is expected to be uploaded
to the App Store in a very timely manner. Depending on Apple's release processes, this will be
available as early as the release or a short time later. We will inform you separately as soon as the
new version is available for download.

Yours sincerely,

Jan-Peter Koopmann

Release Notes December 7, 2020

NCTI Standard for Windows

Current version:


New features:

  • Searching for the calling number in Outlook considers additional phone number fields that had not been searched before

  • Added support of Yealink T5 phones with firmware version 85

  • Added support of Yealink T4 phones with firmware version 85


  • Updated the help links

  • Activation/deactivation of web phone books is now done per user and no longer globally for all users on the computer

  • Improved the error message about failed login attempts due to input of wrong credentials

  • The screen popup no longer attempts to display the address of callers found via the web search

  • Removed support of Yealink firmware v82

  • Users of a 64 bit version will update to the new 32 bit version

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that could have prevented the dialing of URLs from web sites

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the correct number from being dialed in Italy

  • Fixed a bug that caused the screen popup not to react for five seconds after opening when the web search was activated

  • Fixed a bug that could prevent the app from properly terminating when it was quit in certain cases


NCTI Standard for Mac

Current version:

  • 5.0.0

macOS support:

  • Added support for macOS Big Sur (11.0)

  • The macOS releases Lion (10.7), Mountain Lion (10.8), Mavericks (10.9), Yosemite (10.10) and El Capitan (10.11) are no longer supported (NCTI standard 4.4.5 is the last release to support those macOS releases). 

New features:

  • Added support for the UI dark mode


  • The help menu will no longer feature a Spotlight help search item since the app uses a web based help instead of the macOS help system

  • Renamed the addresses preferences to contact preferences

  • Minor GUI changes in the dial window to better support macOS Big Sur

  • The dial window GUI was changed so that the redial list now expands downwards, not upwards

Bug fixes:


    Fixed a potential glitch in the software update preferences GUI where the GUI elements where stretched/condensed for a moment while the system profile details were expanded/collapsed

Release Notes December 4, 2020

Administration Portal

Current version:



  • Determined reason for slow extension saves and improve saves

  • Various internal improvements

Release Notes December 2, 2020

Cloudya Web App

Current Version:

  • 1.2.3

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug causing an inconsistent display of the function keys and their translations; the function keys are displayed consistently and in the selected language
  • Fixed a bug that caused participants to be added multiple times to the same conference; the same participant is only added once
  • Fixed a bug displaying two checkboxes instead of one when deleting contacts; one checkbox is shown as expected
  • Fixed a bug causing the dialpad toggle button to overlap the conference participants' list; the dialpad toggle button is separated and no longer overlaps the participants' list
  • Fixed a bug making two incoming calls possible at the same time; when receiving a second incoming call while the first one has not been answered yet, the first call remains in the foreground, it is no longer possible for the user to accept the second call by accident
  • Fixed a bug that hindered viewing voice message details
  • Fixed a bug causing entries to be doubled in the audio settings when the headset was on and the settings were open
  • Fixed a bug in which call forwarding settings misleadingly suggested that the "busy" option was overruled
  • Fixed a bug displaying a voice message button if a user received an incoming queue call; the voice message button has been removed for the case when the user receives a queue call
  • Fixed a bug causing a browser bookmark to cause a white page; the white page is no longer shown


  • All phone numbers in the call history view are dispayed in the same format
  • The fax preview also renders user-defined variables for a fax cover sheet
  • In the call forward settings, the toggle button for activation remains visible and operatible, even for destinations entries with more than 42 digits
  • It is no longer possible to add a second call forward rule with the same source
  • Users will receive an error message if a camera cannot be activated
  • Changed the title of the add function key dialogue such that it reflects better what happens

Release Notes November 26, 2011

Administration Portal

Current version:


New features:

  • Introduced a new database field

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug causing an error when adding a new router and specifying the IP address/hostname if the IP/hostname already exist;
  • Fixed a bug not allowing to add a new Gigaset device


  • Improved the speen when saving extensions

Release Notes November 19, 2020

Administration Portal

Current version:


New features:

  • When creating multi-port devices, it is possible to create all ports by one click (checkbox)

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug not showing the imprint in the footer when klicked on; the hyperlink to the imprint works as expected
  • Fixed a bug in uaCSTA settings if an invalid port is entered; it is only possible to add valid ports now
  • Fixed a bug only allowing the country drop-down list to be sorted by number; it is possible to sort the country list by name
  • Fixed a bug causing an error when new Polycom devices were added; it is possible to add new Polycom devices
  • Fixed a bug causing an error when new Fanvil devices were added; it is possible to add new Fanvil devices
  • Fixed a bug causing the redirect to login not to work; the redirect to login works as expected

Release Notes November 19, 2020

Cloudya Mobile App (Android)

Current Version:

  • 1.5

NEW: The app will now prefer the cellular network of the smartphone over VoIP when an emergency number is dialed. In case the dialed emergency number is also an extension, the user can manually choose to dial the extension instead of the emergency call. Emergency numbers are determined based on the country of the cellular network. While abroad, the app will suggest a matching national emergency number when the emergency number dialed by the user is not reachable in the country he is in.

  • New With a long-press on the phone number in the call-history detail-view, this number can be copied to the clipboard.
  • New The settings now show all inbound numbers that belong to the Cloudya account of the user.
  • Design and wording fixes in regular call, dynamic conference and conference room.
  • The voicemail submenu can be opened by tapping on any part of the entry.
  • It is possible to mute the ringtone of an incoming call.
  • If a call fails, the correct reason is now displayed in the header: "Call failed", "Temporarily unavailable" and "Busy"
  • With long participant names of a conference, the mute button is no longer overlaid
  • If the user inserts an external phone number in the call forwarding setting, this number will be taken over correctly.
  • The text in the mail-body of the voicemail forwarding contains the correct names.
  • The app can be reactivated at any time by putting it in the voicemail area in the background.
  • The animation of who is speaking at the conference has been improved.

Cloudya Mobile App (iOS)

Current Version:

  • 1.3

NEW: The app will now prefer the cellular network of the smartphone over VoIP when an emergency number is dialed. In case the dialed emergency number is also an extension, the user can manually choose to dial the extension instead of the emergency call.

  • Speed up number to name resolution on an incoming call.
  • Deletion of multiple voicemails at once has been enabled.

Release Notes November 13, 2020

Important note: We strongly recommend updating to the latest NCTI Pro version (

NCTI Pro for Windows

Current version:


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug allowing to remotely execute commands (e.g. JavaScriot, ActiveX) in the Windows client in the underlying Microsoft Internet Explorer, via the contact portal or the Multimedia Business Card or Federation, using chat messages, enabling a potential attacker to transfer any (malicious) software to the system and execute them

Release Notes November 06, 2020

Administration Portal

Current version:


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug handling devices in multi-select-activate. NCTI Pro device must not be activated by multi-select-activate without NCTI_LICENSE.


  • Allow delete of unregistered *aastra* devices.

Release Notes November 03, 2020

Cloudya Web App

Current Version:

  • 1.2.2


  • Double clicking on a call item immediately initiates a call
  • Functions keys may now comprise multiple star-codes, for instance for setting a fix call forward to your Voicemail
  • Users get informed that function keys have been saved and made aware of synchronization delays affecting Desktop Phones
  • The selected audio device, for instance a headset, is now also honored for Early Media audio notifications. Previously such audio messages always played via the standard speaker.
  • Changed function keys are now synchronized more reliably for users that also use the Desktop App client
  • Text on queue settings page is now aligned to the center
  • Additional padding space for the label "Incoming calls" in the call view

Release Notes October 31, 2020

Administration Portal

Current version:


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug causing DDIs to be listed twice for inbound numbers; DDIs are only listed once
  • SOAP: Fixed a bug causing deleteTRUNK to delete the associated lync/msteams devices


  • More information fields have been added to the mobile app section


Administration Portal

Current version:


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug leading to an error message when editing IPEI/IPUI handsets

Release Notes October 27, 2020

Cloudya Mobile App iOS

Current version:

iOS 1.2


  • Improvement in the layout of the contact details

Bug fixes:

  • The DND button remains visible even with long phone names
  • Dynamic conferences can be set up as usual
  • The position of the dialpad remains stable when DTMF signals are entered

Release Notes October 9, 2020

NCTI Premium

Current version:

  • 3.1.1

Server 3.1.1:

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed bug in which if directory download failed, all UC users were disabled
  • Fixed a bug causing an incorrect display of the calls table in Activities; the calls table in Activities correctly fits the width of the page
  • Fixed a bug causing an incorrect saving of the trunk length field; the trunk length field is saved correctly
  • Fixed the message archiving issue
  • Legacy chat messages are now blocked
  • Fixed an issue with newtownsoft dependency with Azure components
  • Windows 10 major upgrade (Oct 2018 Windows update 1803) no longer causes UCServer to stop working


  • Complete Transfer and Conference options are now supported in the Demonstration PBXValidation is carried out on "City" when registering a Serial Number
  • View Others' Appointments Security Policy has been removed as the feature has not been frequently used
  • After a Major Windows updates, if the Server Database has been moved, Server will try to recover by looking for backup in C:\windows.old\windows\system32\config\systemprofile
  • Licensing restriction for Sites has been improved
  • Updated Areas.lib to support Singapore dialling codes
  • uaCSTA username can be used for the name/number name for UC server
  • uaCSTA supports "Contact" values without angle brackets (<>)
  • Improve performance for sites with many extensions by increasing the number of threads allowed

Client 3.1.1:

New Features: 

  • New user interface
  • New Addin Library 3.0.1910.108
  • New Addin Library 3.0.1912.216

Bug fixes:

  • DATEV patched to fix bug preventing the ability to dial from DATEV
  • Custom dialer no longer generates a crash when detecting IE browser text box
  • Integration Icons have enough space to show correctly on Phone Window
  • SFCCA: Call event no longer shows contacts' Address State as Call State
  • Sorting/Grouping Features works correctly in Presence
  • Messaging shows in the Task Tray Menu correctly
  • Configuring Outlook integration links to the User Outlook Profile correctly
  • Started Deploying correct Outlook Model dll V5.16.0
  • CLI is shown correctly in the bottom panel of the Presence Window
  • Availability State names are consistent throughout software
  • The Phone window shows the correct time zone for the Contact
  • Focus is no longer taken from other applications when a new call notification arrives
  • Task Tray Menu Height is consistent across "Panes"
  • Advanced Dialling Rules no longer causes "unhandled exception" error
  • Fixed an issue causing the name to be truncated in Presence
  • Availability options are not shown if they have been disabled from Security Policy
  • DND/FWD options are not shown if they have been disabled from Security Policy
  • When actioned through Availability Events - Setting Fwd Busy now correctly shows Extension status as Available (no fwd)
  • User Selected Language Works Consistently
  • Disabled searching in the Address book and the Task tray if CRM does not have "Live" Capabilities, e.g. Zoho Phone Bridge
  • Fixed a trask tray text in search field when using the Dutch language
  • Images show on search results correctly
  • Issues caused by Windows Resolution and Docked Presence have been resolved
  • CRM Online Help Links Dynamically
  • Show Presence on answer working correctly
  • Hot Keys now work correctly, except in the Edge browser which is a current known limitation
  • When Security Policy Feature for "Presence" is disabled for a user, double clicking the taskbar menu icon will no longer display Presence
  • Fixed an error/crash generated by connect.exe when user logs out on Citrix environment
  • Busylight and Blynclight can work simultaneously
  • Making multiple calls or searching CRM contacts no longer impacts product performance
  • PC Client Code Signed correctly
  • Scaling CRM icons in the drop-down list has a consistent size
  • City name showing correctly as: 'S-Hertogenbosch
  • External LED Detected correctly
  • Fixed a .Net error when using search function of presence screen
  • CRM capabilities are shown correctly with respect to Activity Logging
  • WebEx Meeting is detected correctly
  • Umlauts are shown correctly in Presence
  • Fixed a bug causing advanced dialling rules to be deleted
  • German translations have been fixed
  • Fixed a bug causing check boxes overlap Spanish translation of Interface > Advanced option text
  • Creating a new contact from call history has correct number formatting


  • "Other" Integrations Available through "Unlock Codes"
  • Right-click is no longer required on Presence Window; it has been replaced with the hover
  • "Help" has been introduced into the Task tray
  • Descriptions have been added to the Task tray
  • New layout of the Task tray has been added
  • Extension icon has been replaced with initials on Presence
  • Improvements to Tray menu spacing based on sub text
  • Zoho Phonebridge Integration supports two-factor authentication
  • Improved Google Places Integration search when number is non-geo e.g. 0800
  • Character limitation on messaging has been extended to 2000 characters (per message)
  • Improved chat message sizing issues
  • Updated "Lync Call" status to be "Skype for Business Call"
  • Dutch translations have been updated
  • Improved presence consistency in display of colour and image when names match in presence
  • CLI matching on ACT 2010 integration has improved fidelity and will only find records based on exact matches
  • Recent calls translation of “yesterday” and “today”
  • Show "Notes" field from CRM as a column in the Address book search result
  • Updated Areas.lib to support Singapore dialling codes
  • Support has been added for Blynclight external devices
  • CTRL+Enter now creates a carriage return/new line to Chat messages
  • Outlook OWA integration supported
  • OutlookModel (Redemption) v5.19 update, Outlook 2016/2019 and Outlook Centennial (Windows Store) compatibility
  • Support has been added for Edge dialing handler
  • Added the Duration to the end of the text subject when writing CRM call activity
  • Translation applied to CRM Activity Logging
  • OutlookModel (Redemption) v5.19 update,  Outlook 2016/2019 and Outlook Centennial (Windows Store) compatibility
  • Addin Library: 3.0.1903.106
  • Improved behavior of optional configuration controls on CRM configuration form
  • Addin Library: 3.0.1903.329
  • Addin Library: 3.0.1904.125
  • Missing translationhas been added in Configuration > Call Events
  • Addin Library: 3.0.1907.105
  • SSL Certificate updated for Zoho Phonebridge integration
  • Removed the ''Hunt Group'' text from caller information
  • Updated New Zealand Area codes
  • Simplified copyright text on the version page
  • Help is displayed if IE is not installed
  • Cached-only CRMs always have their ''Cache'' option selected but disabled

CRM Library 3.1.1:

New Features:

  • ReallySimpleSystems: New addin
  • Simplicate: New addin
  • Yoobi: New CRM

Bug fixes:

  • ConnectWise-Rest: ConnectWise-Rest bug fix has been introduced
  • Exact-Online: the adress field bug has been fixed
  • NAV: the configuration layout bug has been fixed
  • Zoho CRM: fixed the local account server bug; fixed a failure to get record when fields are missing; caching records are skipped if an error occurs
  • Zoho PhoneBridge: integration on unload is no longer disabled (because it disables integration for all users)


  • Autotask: Config Test button uses IntegrationCode and query if a user is an API User
  • ConnectWise-Rest: Lookup sites are related to Company
  • ExactOnlineRest: config labels have been changed to Client instead of App
  • Exchange: Catch and log caching exceptions. Return correct physical address instead of always getting Business
  • NetSuite: re-login and retry have been introduced if SESSION_TIMED_OUT is thrown
  • ReallySimpleSystems: Additonal files have been added
  • Saleforce: Keep OAuth browser is logged in if in SAML mode
  • Salesforce: include ActivityDate (aka Due Date) again, but this time converting assumed Universal start time into Local time
  • Salesforce: Supports SSO
  • Salesforce: setting ActivityDate field ha sbeen discontinued
  • Sugar: Use correct pop url everywhere
  • Sugar: Doesn't append forward-slash to url in config
  • Sugar: Ability to use the LDAP authentication without a key (sends password in cleartext) has been added
  • Sugar: "LDAP authentication" has been added (untested)
  • Workbooks: Send task date in universal sortable format
  • Workbooks: Improved error handling during search
  • Workbooks API: Log requests and exceptions have been optimised
  • Workbooks API: WebException response content on failure has been included
  • Zendesk: "due_at" phone activity field has been removed

Release Notes October 9, 2020

Important note: We strongly recommend upgrading the Cloudya Desktop App for Windows or Mac to the new 1.2.0 version.

Cloudya Desktop App

Current version:

  • 1.2.0


  • Introduced support for the Meet&Share feature
  • Updated the app infrastructure

Release Notes October 9, 2020

Administration Portal

Current version:


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug making selecting and deleting multiple bases and handsets impossible; selecting and deleting multiple bases and handsets works as expected
  • Various internal bug fixes


  • Enabled creating multiple ipei devices via a multiline textbox
  • Support PIN for admins has been added in the service portal header portlet

Release Notes October 8, 2020

Cloudya Mobile App Android

Current version:

  • Android 1.4

New features:

  • It is visually confirmed in the app when a participant ends the call

  • The conference admin has the ability to mute all participants


  • The user experience has been reshaped in the following areas of the app:
    – search,
    – incoming call,
    – outgoing call,
    – dynamic conference,
    – conference room call
  • In this version of the app, we have focused on texts and translations:
    – some labels have been rephrased,
    – missing translations have been added,
    – some icons and their alignment have been refined

Bug fixes:

  • Registration of the mobile phone number is only possible in an international format, starting with a "+" (e.g. +49891xxx)
  • The input cursor in the dialpad is always correctly positioned
  • During a connection setup, it is possible to initiate another call without terminating the first connection
  • It is possible to restore a deleted voicemail
  • An attended transfer is only possible with an active call

Release Notes October 2, 2020

Administration Portal

Current version:


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug making the change of the external ringtone impossible; it is possible to change both internal and external ringtones
  • Various internal bug fixes


  • Various internal improvements

Release Notes September 30, 2020

Administration Portal

Current version:


Bug fixes:

  • Various internal bug fixes


  • A new GDPR pin field as well as a mobile number field have been introduced in the Administration portal for authorising incoming inquiries to our customer service
  • Various internal improvements

Release Notes September 25, 2020

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.2.1

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug causing a user to appear muted in a conference view whereas the user was active and has been muted in the previous call; the mute button shows the actual mute state of the user
  • Fixed a bug causing a custom click-to-dial number to be displayed hardly visible in the call modal screen; the custom click-to-dial number has a much better contrast
  • Fixed a bug causing conference participants (name and number) to be shown in blue in the conference view; the name and number of the conference participants are displayed in black
  • Fixed a bug causing an unwanted scrollbar to appear under the left sidebar if the user name is very long; the scrollbar is no longer displayed
  • Fixed a bug causing an unwanted horizontal scrollbar to appear at the bottom and, therefore, hide the logout button if the user name is very long; the scrollbar is no longer displayed and the logout button is clearly visible
  • Fixed a bug causing the call pull icon to be shown double in the background when making an outbound call; the single icon is shown
  • Fixed a bug causing the external numbers not to be shown for incoming calls on the right; the number is visible for incoming calls from an external and internal numbers
  • Fixed a bug causing the icons to be displayed in the incorrect colour and thus be invisible in a click-to-dial modal dialogue; the icons are displayed in the correct colour and are visible
  • Fixed a bug causing the hint for the password rules to appear at the top left-hand corner instead of next to the new password field when opening the change password dialogue; the hint is displayed next to the new password field
  • Fixed a bug not letting more than 25 results to be shown when searching for fax recipients, even after having scrolled to the end of the page; the user is shown more than 25 recipients, the next page with the results appears when scrolling to the end of the first page
  • Fixed a bug causing video and screensharing buttons to be visible in the conference view (the features being currently disabled for this mode) after a user has had a call with someone with these two features available; the buttons are no longer shown if the features are disabled
  • Fixed a bug in which even after screensharing has been cancelled by the user, the screen sharing button was displayed such as if screensharing were still active; the button is displayed correctly (screensharing has not been yet activated)
  • Fixed a bug causing the user to be muted in a current call if he has muted himself in the previous call; two-way audio is available for the current call
  • Fixed a bug not letting the user send faxes with custom coversheets; it is possible to successfully send faxes with and without coversheets


  • The "X" button is no longer displayed in the search field when the search field is empty
  • Visual improvements in the default phone view which make it more consistent
  • If the permission to use the microphone has not been granted, Windows users receive a warning message
  • If the app has no access to the camera or to the screen for sharing, users receive a warning message
  • Improved visual consistency of the notification bar

Release Notes September 23, 2020

Administration Portal

Current version:


Bug fixes:

  • A user interface bug making it possible to leave an inbound trunk number edit line without confirmation while editing an extension has been fixed; it is now not possible to leave the edit line without confirmation
  • Various internal bug fixes


  • Various internal improvements

Release Notes September 4, 2020

Cloudya Mobile App Android

Current Version:

  • Android 1.3

New Feature:

  • Introduced a pickup call feature allowing the user to easier get an incoming call from another extension in the pickup group by simply clicking on the "pickup call" button; the green pickup call button appears next to the name/number when a function key extension receives a call


  • In the "Take over a session" dialog, overlong phone names have been shortened to show the date and time of the available sessions
  • Refinements in the layout of the navigation menu
  • Improved stability of dynamic conferences


  • The mute button is always functional on Huawei phones
  • All dial-in numbers of the call-through option have been fully enabled in the manual mode
  • The status of the microphone and loudspeaker button in an active call is updated correctly even if the screen changes
  • When changing the language, the page title is updated correctly
  • All texts on the call forwarding settings page are displayed in the selected language


Cloudya Mobile App iOS

Current version:

  • iOS 1.1

New features:

  • Introduced a pickup call feature allowing the user to easier get an incoming call from another extension in the pickup group by simply clicking on the "pickup call" button; the green pickup call button appears next to the name/number when a function key extension receives a call


  • When a call is made to voicemail, the name of the caller is displayed in the call list instead of "Voicemail"

Bug fixes:

  • Adding participants to a dynamic conference works properly again
  • Fixed a bug causing a call with a suppressed phone number where a random name from the local phone book is no longer displayed

Release Notes September 1, 2020

Cloudya Web App

Current Version

* 1.2

Cloudya Meet & Share

  • 1:1 video or shared screen from a remote party is displayed in the “phone” view
  • New button in the “phone” view to start own video in an ongoing call
  • New setting to select the camera device in the list of input/output devices
  • New button in the “phone” view to share screen in an ongoing call
  • Ability to toggle between embedded or fullscreen mode
  • Ability to preview own video/shared screen

For a more detailed description how to use Cloudya Meet & Share, please consult the manual at

Release Notes August 27, 2020

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.2

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug causing a call failure if no microphone was connected to the computer
  • Fixed a bug causing an incorrect Busy Lamp Field (BLF) status display in the user detail view; the correct BLF status is shown regardless whether the contact state is unregistered, ringing, available or busy
  • Fixed a bug in the user portal where you could find already created users in the list of users to be imported; this is not displayed anymore


  • Changed the maximum ringing duration of a call from 60 to 120 seconds
  • Improved the visual alignment of the conference room title with the arrow icon and added space between the conference room name and the amount of participants
  • The button to add a call forwarding profile is now greyed out when the button is disabled
  • When users attempt to save a call forwarding profile that already exists, they would now receive error messages in their chosen language
  • The call forwarding settings are now also available under the URL
  • The snack bar displays error messages for a longer time, making them more noticeable for users
  • Contact search is performed only when the search request of the user contains characters or numbers, but this does not happen when it is just an empty string.
  • The list of users in the user portal always shows their permissions (green tick); this information was previously unavailable

Release Notes August 20, 2020

Cloudya Mobile App Android

Current version:

  • Android 1.2


  • The user can copy telephone numbers from/to the clipboard to/from the dialpad
  • The version number of the app is displayed in the user menu
  • On incoming calls and in the call lists, the person name to a phone number is always resolved with priority against the phone book of the Android device
  • After a participant has been taken into a dynamic conference, all calls become unhold
  • A call is now signalled with vibration when the Cloudya App is in the background
  • Adjustment of the font size for username and password in the login screen
  • The scrollbar is only shown in the phone book display if necessary
  • A incidental double tap in favourites, call list entries and search results is prevented
  • If navigate to the home screen during an active call, the Cloudya App is actively placed in the background. The user can bring the app back to the foreground at any time via the task menu
  • It is not possible to log out of Cloudya without an internet connection, the user is now asked logging out when online

Bug fixes:

  • The date format of an incoming voicemail is now correctly formatted
  • In the receipt date of a missed call, a leading 0 is now displayed until the 9th calendar day
  • If no forwarding is set for a new extension, the forwarding option cannot be activated
  • The BLF icons of the participants in the detail view of a subscribed conference are updated correctly
  • All changes in call forwarding are now saved in complete form

Release Notes August 19, 2020

Administration Portal

Current version:



  • A bulk operation flag for creating a base with assigned ports has been added
  • A validator to avoid problems with device names has been added
  • The DID destination selection (drop-extension,destination,emergency-destination)  has been improved

Bug fixes:

  • Various internal bug fixes

Release Notes August 12, 2020

Administration Portal

Current version:


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug making the activation of multiple NCTI Pro devices possible
  • Various updates and bug fixes

Release Notes August 7, 2020

Cloudya Web App

Current version:


New Features:

  • Introduced a pickup call feature allowing the user to easier get an incoming call from another extension in the pickup group by simply clicking on the "pickup call" button; the green pickup call button appears next to the name/number when a function key extension receives a call
  • Introduced a pickup call feature allowing the user to get an incoming call from another extension in your pickup group by simply clicking on the global pickup call button which appears to the right of the search field when another extension in the pickup call group receives a call
  • A new 1.1.5 Desktop App release for Mac is available for download in the WebApp under Settings/Download


Cloudya Desktop App Mac

Current version:

  • 1.1.5

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug causing the app not to request microphone permissions on an initial use of the Desktop App; after the user has logged in, the app requests the user to grant the microphone permission
  • Fixed a bug occasionally causing the Cloudya logo not to be shown in the app menu
  • Fixed a bug causing the button overlap in the conference view
  • Fixed a bug causing the app to reload by itself without the user initiating it

Release Notes August 6, 2020

NCTI Standard Mac

Current version:

  • 4.4.5

New Features:

  • Enabled NCTI standard to use AppleScript files for call handling that send Apple Events to 'System Events'. Before this change, calling such an AppleScript led to an error message. Now, the user will be asked to grant (or deny) permission.
  • Added support of Yealink T5 series phones with firmware version 85


  • Improved firmware detection to support Yealink T53, T53W, T54W, and T57W phones in scenarios where they previously were only supported in the first connection attempt
  • Updated the help link
  • Removed superfluous double slash from the beginning of phone numbers that are being dialed from Outlook via a click on the phone icon

Release Notes August 6, 2020

Administration Portal

Current version:


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug causing the incorrect drop down position and size
  • Fixed a bug causing several issues with customer emergency number lists; customer emergency number lists are limited in size and scrollable
  • Fixed various internal bug fixes


  • Updated and added translations for labels and tooltips

Release Notes July 29, 2020

Cloudya Web App

Current version:

  • 1.1.16

Bug fixes:

  • In the conference room view, a bug which caused the app to display the self-mute button has been fixed; mute all button is displayed
  • A bug causing the button overlap in a conference has been fixed
  • A bug causing the link to the App Store or Google Play Store to disappear if a user navigated in the Cloudya app in the landscape view has been fixed
  • In the conference view, a bug causing the colour overlap (light blue text with the green background) has been fixed; the blue text has been replaced with the white text; improved readability
  • A bug making adding/editing a call forwarding destination has been fixed; it is possible to add/edit call forwarding destinations
  • A bug causing the send fax button to be colourless has been fixed; the send fax button has the correct colour
  • A bug making it impossible to unmark a fax number as favourite once it has been marked as favourite has been fixed; it is possible to change the selection
  • A bug causing the download links in the App Store and Google Play Store not to be working has been fixed
  • A bug causing the Sennheiser websocket to remain open after the user has logged out from the app has been fixed; the websocket connection is closed after the user is logged out
  • A bug causing the app to reload by itself without the user initiating it has been fixed
  • A bug causing the drag area to be invisible and making it impossible to initite a call via Drag&Drop has been fixed
  • A bug causing two microphone icons to appear in the conference view has been fixed
  • In a dynamic conference, when starting a second call while the first call is already in progress, the button name has been changed from "add participant" to "start a new call"


  • In a dynamic conference, when starting a second call while the first call is already in progress, the button name has been changed from "add participant" to "start a new call"
  • Some translations have been optimised 

Release Notes July 24, 2020


Current version:

  • 2020-07-23

    Bug fixes:

    • Yealink: translation errors and typos in the Dutch language have been corrected
    • Yealink: in a call transfer, the callee's phone number is displayed in the local history after the call was ended
    • Polycom Soundstations: dialling from the local history is now possible
    • Polycom VVX: the auto dial timer is working after it has been set in the administration portal
    • Snom: it is possible to set VLAN settings for Firmware 10.1.x and higher
    • Gigaset N870/N670: it is possible to set distinctive ringtones for internal and external calls for Firmware 2.33 and higher


    • Yealink: provisioning and service menu have been accelerated

    Release Notes July 15, 2020

    Administration Portal

    Current version:


    Bug fixes:

    • Performance improvements when editing timecontrol service, ivr service, group service, skill service, queue service


    • Updated and added translations in Polish and other languages

    Release Notes July 7, 2020

    Cloudya Mobile App Android

    Current version:

    • Android 1.1.1

    Bug fixes:

    • Various crashes which mainly occurred under Android 10 have been fixed

    Release Notes July 1, 2020

    Cloudya Web App

    Current version:

    • 1.1.15

    Bug fixes:

    • Ringtone on/off button will now properly switch the ringtone on and off
    • The button label to switch to system configuration is now shorter in several languages
    • The buttons to select/delete multiple contacts now have the proper color
    • The language selection on the login page now uses the proper hover effect
    • The call history detail view now shows a trashcan icon to delete the entry
    • Editing source based call forwarding rules can now be cancelled correctly
    • The view will no longer switch to the active profile when editing an inactive call forwarding profile
    • A loading indicator is now shown when saving a fax cover sheet
    • When changing the password, the password hint is now shown next to the password field


    Administration Portal

    Current version:


    Bug fixes:

    • Performance improvements for target selection in time controlled services 

    Release Notes June 26, 2020

    Cloudya Mobile App iOS

    Current version:

    • iOS 1.0.7

    Bug fixes:

    • A bug causing a Cloudya user not to hear the other party during an active call when switching the internet connection between Wi-Fi and 4G has been fixed; the audio connection functions in both directions
    • A bug causing the ringtone to continue after the call has been taken has been fixed; the ringtone stops as soon as the call is taken

    Release Notes June 25, 2020

    Cloudya Mobile App Android

    Current version:

    • Android 1.1

    Bug fixes:

    • When the user changes the call forwarding profile in another Cloudya client, the call forwarding profile is correctly updated in the app
    • In call forwarding, if a syntactically correct phone number is entered, a message "should this phone number be saved" with an OK button is displayed; it is possible to add the number that is not in the phonebook
    • If changes are made to the call forwarding profile, they are only made to the default profile. If another call forwarding profile is activated, the system switches to the default profile when changes are made
    • Several bugs causing unexpected behavior in the call forwarding settings have been fixed, e.g. in optical signalling of activated call forwarding, adding telephone numbers
    • A bug causing history and call forwarding profiles not to load has been fixed
    • A bug causing a conference not to end for other participants after it has been ended by the moderator has been fixed; a conference app is ended for all participants when ended by the moderator
    • When a call is received from an unknown number, the phone number is displayed instead of the SIP number
    • A bug causing a vibration of the device during an active call when the user receives a second call has been fixed
    • A bug causing a ringtone during an ongoing VoIP call when receiving incoming GSM calls has been fixed; incoming GSM calls are signalled with a call waiting indicator (if activated), not with a ringtone
    • A bug causing a value to be displayed under categories in the settings (app notifications) on some Samsung smartphones has been fixed; "Cloudya" is displayed under categories
    • A bug causing the disappearance of the language selection when going back to the login page after having previously accessed the imprint or the terms and conditions has been fixed; the language selection is available
    • A bug causing a call to a queue, time control service or other service when calling back a caller via the call history has been fixed; the original caller is called from the call lists
    • The correct "Data Protection" label has been integrated for English, French and Dutch
    • For German language, the hint text for entering the username and password in the input field has been corrected
    • A bug causing a constant value to be displayed when no phone number has been selected in call forwarding has been fixed; the entry remains empty
    • A bug causing missed calls not to be displayed in the app has been fixed; missed calles are displayed both on the device and in the call history
    • A bug causing incoming call not to be displayed on the lockscreen of the device if the app is not running in the background has been fixed; the incoming call notification is displayed on the screen


    • Search results in the phonebook are updating and displayed faster
    • It is possible to move the incoming call screen either by tapping or by swiping up/down
    • A warning message is displayed to the user if she/he tries to log in or reset the password without an existing Internet connection
    • The app requests missing but required permission after the start
    • Languages can be selected in the app even if the corresponding language pack has not been installed

    Release Notes June 18, 2020

    Administration Portal

    Current version:


    Bug fixes:

    • A bug causing an incorrect skill login/logout tooltip has been fixed

    Release Notes June 12, 2020

    Cloudya Web App

    Current version:

    • 1.1.14

    Bug fixes:

    • In Firefox, the red microphone icon in the address bar disappears as expected when a call is ended
    • A bug that made creating a call conference impossible when quickly double-clicking on a conference object has been fixed
    • In call forwarding, when duplicating profiles, the appearance of the select profile dropdown list has been improved
    • A bug that caused the incoming call dialogue to stay active after the call was answered using a headset button has been fixed
    • When no audio device is available, the audio settings icon shows "No audio device found or missing permission"
    • A bug that made two simultaneous calls possible has been fixed
    • If the option "Allow external number" is not activated in the Administration Portal, the user reveices an error message "You are not allowed to use an external number as a destination" and the loading spinner disappears
    • In the system configuration, scrolling is possible when searching for users
    • In the system configuration, the list of licences is scrollable

    Release Notes May 28, 2020

    Cloudya Web App

    Current version:

    • 1.1.13

    Bug fixes:

    • A bug that caused a reload of all the png files when entering a new character in the searchbar has been fixed
    • A bug that caused the deletion of the first voicemail in the list has been fixed; it is possible to delete the selected voicemail
    • Better wording for call waiting indication has been implemented ("saving call waiting"/"call waiting has been saved successfully")
    • Snackbar is fully visible on top of the darker background
    • A bug that caused the call dialogue to stay active after the call has been cancelled has been fixed
    • If the callee is busy, the caller can request a call back
    • Participant list in a conference room view is scrollable
    • It is possible to send a fax independently of the fax number formatting (with spaces or without)
    • Missing translations for call forwarding, skills, queues and eFax have been added
    • Joining a conference room and transferring a PIN has been made more reliable
    • When making changes in a call forwarding profile, the app shows the selected profile
    • A bug that cause the duplication of the names in the conference participants list has been fixed
    • The "incoming call" dialogue has been optimised
    • If an already existing name for the call forwarding profile is entered, the user receives an error message
    • Missing translations have been added
    • Call forwarding profiles are sorted by number instead of the name (the older forwarding profiles are at the top, after the default profile)
    • When entering the system configuration, the confirmation dialogue has been removed
    • The add button in the migration wizard is no longer blank
    • Obsolete sorting options have been removed from the migration wizard
    • In migration wizard, a selection of either "app" or "admin" is no longer necessary to receive a Cloudya welcome mail with the activation link
    • A bug that caused a console error when accepting an incoming call has been fixed


    • Faster page loading has been enabled
    • Search filter has been optimised


    Administration Portal

    Current version:


    Bug fixes:

    • Member selection for group services has been made faster


    • Maximum use count for database connection instances for stability has been increased

    Release Notes May 26, 2020

    NCTI Standard Mac

    Current version:

    • 4.4.3

    Bug fixes:

    • A regression of release 4.4 that prevented LDAP search from working and caused the application to crash on recent macOS releases when LDAP search was activated has been fixed
    • A regression of release 4.4 in the Contacts plugins that caused the Contacts app to crash on macOS releases up to 10.13 has been released
    • A regression of release 4.4 that prevented the names and remote call states from being displayed in the Local Users window has been fixed
    • A regression of release 4.4 that prevented the app from being able to access the macOS contacts on macOS 10.15.1 has been fixed
    • A bug that could have caused the application to crash if specific debug values were set has been fixed


    • The app has been adapted to tightened notarisation requirements from Apple
    • Support for firmware versions and of Snom phone models D385, D735, D765, and D785 has been added

    Release Notes May 20, 2020

    Administration Portal

    Current version:


    Bug fixes:

    • It is also possible to save call forwarding to external numbers


    • Maximum use count for database connection instances for stability has been increased

    Release Notes May 15, 2020

    Cloudya Web App

    Current version:

    • Web App 1.1.12-9

    Bug fixes:

    • The app does not carry out an automatic screen reload for Mac OS X (the same applies to the desktop environment V1.1. and higher)


    Administration Portal

    Current version:



    • Preperational deployment for further security improvements


    Administration Portal

    Current version:


    Bug fixes:

    • Rule sets are available when cancelling call forwarding for new profiles

    Release Notes May 13, 2020


    Current version:

    • 11.9

    New features:

    • A TAPI server functionality
    • Further provisioning handler for the RegisterWizard
    • New Parameter-Whitelist container for XML Provisioning
    • New TCP connector
    • Enhanced XML provisioning
    • Register Wizard XML Provisioning
    • Initial & Hotdesking Provisioning
    • Greek language

    Bug fixes:

    • SIP SDP has been corrected
    • Memory leak due to high memory usage has been fixed
    • Errors in the external configuration handler have been fixed
    • Phone shows the correct number of the selected "9" TAPI device lines
    • An error in the backup repository handler interfering with the configuration file has been removed
    • An error in the outlook receiver has been fixed
    • An error during the phone setup (MS Unicode error) for Microsoft Windows B1909 has been fixed
    • Preferred-identity issues have been fixed (anonymous_with_double_brackets and further bracket issue)
    • A bug causing a crash when no network is available (codeword: netherland FIX) has been fixed
    • The AddIn input field accepts inputs after Microsoft Outlook changes
    • A Microsoft update error for Windows 10 1903 in combination with Office 2016+ has been removed
    • UI has been fixed (Main form repainting)
    • RTP Issue during phone calls has been solved
    • French language resources have been improved
    • German language resources have been improved
    • A lot off small and important issues have been solved (e.g. Brand name issue, GUI hopping, Icon issues...)
    • Security nag which came with the MS Office Updates in Q1 2019 has been fixed
    • A bug causing software crash under certain network conditions has been fixed
    • Some typos have been corrected
    • DNS issues occuring under certain circumstances have been solved
    • Error in TCP Stack has been fixed
    • TAPI error during atteneded transfer has been removed
    • Marker bit causing issues in the RTP audio stream has been resolved
    • An error in Updater has been removed
    • SRTP/TLS errors have been fixed


    • TCP connector has been improved
    • Code signing certificate has been changed to Sectigo (formerly Commodo)
    • Decoding engine has been improved
    • XML importing logic has been changed
    • Starting process has been improved
    • TAPI services have been improved
    • IPC handler has been further improved
    • RTP_event (DTMF) has been improved
    • IPC handling has been improved
    • Crypto engine has been improved
    • License module has been enhanced
    • RDP handling has been improved for better audio quality
    • Packet handling has been improved for better jitter behavior
    • Backup handler has been improved to solve "Bad configuration"
    • DTMF has been improved
    • The jittering behavior has been improved
    • DTMF signaling has been improved
    • Logging information has been improved

    Release Notes May 13, 2020

    Cloudya Web App

    Current version:

    • Web App 1.1.12-8

    Bug fixes:

    • The app displays internal eFax extensions and the global phone book entries
    • The account activation link is active for 7 days since the account creation
    • The name of the default call forwarding profile can be changed


    • All fax messages for an extension can be deleted

    Release Notes May 12, 2020

    Cloudya Mobile App iOS

    Current version:

    • iOS 1.0.6

    Bug fixes:

    • The call forwarding indicator is correctly displayed; there is no more overlapping with other UI elements
    • A transfer of a current session to another mobile device has been enabled
    • DND status is carried over to another device after logging out and then logging in, independently of the platform (Android or iOS)
    • Joining a conference room and transferring a PIN has been made more reliable


    • The status bar has received a colour scheme with a higher contrast to improve readability

    Release Notes May 11, 2020

    Cloudya Mobile App Android

    Current version:

    • Android 1.0.4

    Bug fixes:

    • Response time of the app on the first incoming call when the app is restarted has been reduced
    • A second login on devices even without a SIM card or an existing session has been enabled
    • A second incoming call receives a "busy" signal or is forwarded if the call waiting indication has been set or the call forwarding has been activated
    • "Busy" is displayed both visually and audibly when DND has been activated
    • Further languages have been added to the dialogue "toggle conversation" 
    • A behaviour in which BLFs, call history anf favorites were not updated anymore after a certain amount of time has been fixed
    • A GSM number is registered in the correct format after installing the app
    • The call volume for the Samsung Galaxy S10 has been adjusted
    • When the app is closed and the phone is locked, all missing calls are shown on the screen and incoming calls are displayed on the screen with "accept" or "reject" options


    • App stability when receiving a GSM call has been optimised
    • App is available in German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish and Croatian

    Release Notes May 5, 2020

    Administration Portal

    Current version:


    Bug fixes:

    • Deleting extentions is possible even if some APIs fail
    • The "Delete after sent" checkbox has been reenabled for eFax


    • Logs for Patton and other APIs for faster problem detection have been improved

    Release Notes May 4, 2020


    Current version:

    • 6.3.0

    Bug fixes:

    • Downloading multiple files from POWERplay Web has been made possible
    • ZIP file for downloaded recordings in POWERplay Web has been adjusted
    • Wording in export dialog box has been changed
    • Long recordings (> 30 min.) can be replayed in POWERplay Web
    • User Call Activity Detailed Widget no longer causes long loading times when logging into Insight Neo
    • User Call Activity Detailed Widget is displayed correctly
    • User right „Has access to employees and their data” no longer permits users to change the tenant’s superuser account


    • New user interface design with NFON's look & feel has been developed
    • New domain: has been created
    • New Audit Trail Module in system monitoring has been added
    • Litigation Hold function in POWERplay Web has been added
    • WEBcommand license (BETA) for web-based recording control has been added
    • CLIENTcommand has been enhanced
    • POWERplay Pro has been enhanced
    • Recording content validation has been added
    • System notification when the system is about to delete recordings has been added

    Release Notes April 30, 2020

    Cloudya Web App

    Current version:

    • Web App 1.1.12-7-1

    Bug fixes:

    • Participant list in a conference room view is scrollable
    • More than 25 unassigned phone extensions are shown
    • A Cloudya user receives a welcome email even when the first and last name fields are left blank and can set a password
    • A primary extension is removed from the user when the extension is deleted from the user; it is possible to add new/same phone extensions
    • The error when creating a user via the migration wizard has been removed
    • The error when resetting the user password as admin has been removed; a user receives a reset password email, can define a new password and log in
    • Password change has been made more reliable

    Release Notes April 24, 2020

    Cloudya Web App

    Current version:

    • Web App 1.1.12-7

    Bug fixes:

    • Participant list in a conference call is scrollable
    • No incoming calls are possible when DND is active
    • The error message for external incoming calls in the browser console bar has been removed
    • An external call forward is correctly displayed when using control codes (for more information, visit
    • In the backend, each user belongs only to one customer account (the user can have multiple other accounts for administration, but can only belong to one customer)
    • Backend responds when call forward is active
    • A Cloudya user receives a confirmation email after a passwort reset


    • Contract synchronisation with the backend ensures users have all permissions in Cloudya


    Release Notes April 9, 2020

    Cloudya Web App

    Current version:

    • Web App 1.1.12-6

    Bug fixes:

    • Call forward rules can be set to anonymous to filter unknown callers
    • Call history displays who has redirected a call
    • Dynamic conference view is fully shown in the correct language
    • The participants list is refreshed when someone leaves a conference
    • Calls do not get signalled when "do not dial" is set
    • Call modal dialogue closes on its own when using Click-to-dial
    • Correct date and time settings of voicemail recordings are displayed
    • Call forwarding bar is shown again
    • eFax history shows the correct time of an incoming fax
    • Correct number is displayed for an eFax
    • Access to NFON global directory is set in the service portal


    • Search pace and "privacy by design" are improved
    • Search functionality is optimised
    • Sort order in the Wizard is improved
    • Error message "Add Extension" is handled properly
    • Direct login to system configuration via an html link is possible
    • Cloudya treats the "busy state" the same way as a desktop telephone


    Release Notes 7th April, 2020

    Cloudya Mobile App Android

    Current version:

    • Cloudya Mobile App Android 1.0.3

    The new Cloudya App includes following features:

    • Improved Stability and Performance
    • Improved user experience
    • Reliable core telephony
      •   Answer / Hang-up
      •   Hold / Resume
      •   Call transfer
      •   Mute / Unmute
      •   DND
    • Notifications for missed calls
    • Bluetooth / Handsfree support
    • Answer Calls from Locked Screen

    We recommend logout & deletion of older Versions before installation of 1.0.3. Compatible with Android 8.0 and later versions.

    Release Notes 25th March, 2020

    Cloudya Mobile App iOS

    Current version:

    • Mobile App 1.0.5

    Bug fixes:

    • Resolved audio problems on second incoming call
    • Resolved problem with login page during start up
    • Resolved calls falsely answered with busy
    • Resolved paste problems when copying phone numbers
    • Resolved audio problems when switching between VOIP and GSM call
    • Resolved CAPTCHA problem when resetting password
    • Resolved click to call problems if VoIP is deactivated
    • Resolved call initiation from call history problem if VoIP is deactivated
    • Resolved local contact photo is now displayed
    • Resolved dial problem if previously entered number is deleted


    • Overall stability and performance has been improved
    • Initiation of dynamic conferences has been improved
    • Stability of search component has been improved
    • Local contact search has been improved

    Release Notes 4th March, 2020

    Cloudya Web App

    Current version:

    • Web App 1.1.12

    Bug fixes:

    • Correct user notification in German / English upon call termination  
    • Loading spinner is animated again
    • Resolved problem when sending fax without cover sheet
    • Details in fax cover sheet are displayed correctly
    • Password reset E-mails are sent out when requested
    • All available and linkable extensions are displayed now
    • Function codes with leading # character can be saved



    • Improved permission check for setting external call forwarding
    • E-mail templates were adapted to comply with the HTML standard
    • Web App can be used in two browsers simultaneously without being logged out after closing one of the browsers
    • Accessing settings has been improved

    Release Notes 14th February, 2020

    Cloudya Web App

    Current version:

    • Web app 1.1.11

    Bug fixes:

    • Call waiting indication (CWI) now works correctly
    • Fax history with more than 25 messages displays now latest faxes correctly
    • Memberlist in conferences is now presented correctly


    • User experience for audio jack has been improved

    Release Notes 7th February, 2020

    Cloudya Web App

    Current version:

    • Web app 1.1.10

    Bug fixes:

    • The landing page will be displayed in user’s localised language without reload flicker now
    • The UI of the fax cover sheet view has been improved
    • The entries of the fax history view are sorted better now
    • The outbound call functionality is more robust now
    • Multiple performance optimisations have been made
    • Faxes can now be send with covers again
    • Internal fax recipient numbers will now be displayed again
    • Voicemail for legacy accounts will now be supported in a better way
    • Better support for clients with multiple phone extensions
    • The system displays better help in cases when sending faxes is not permitted

    Release Notes 5th February, 2020



    • Enabling of two factor authentication for following Yealink devices (SIP-T19P_E2 / SIP-T41P / SIP-T41S / SIP-T42G / SIP-T42S / SIP-T46G / SIP-T46S / SIP-T48S / SIP-T52S / SIP-T53 / SIP-T53 / SIP-T53W / SIP-T54S / SIP-T54W / SIP-T56A / SIP-T57W / SIP-T58A / VP59 / CP920 / CP960)

    Release Notes 31th January, 2020



    • Enabling of two factor authentication for following Yealink devices (SIP-T48G / SIP-T40G / SIP-T40P / SIP VP-T49G & CP860)

    Release Notes 24th January, 2020

    Cloudya Web App

    Current version:

    • Web app 1.1.9

    Bug fixes:

    • The compatibility with INFO dual tone multi-frequency (DTMF) and call recording has been improved
    • The help mode switch is now working flawlessly
    • Long favourite names will now be supported in the telephone view
    • Long favourite names will now be displayed better in the conference view
    • Contacts can now be deleted from search lists
    • Usability and convenience of the login screen menu has been improved
    • User interface for multiple call forwarding has been improved

    Release Notes 13th December, 2019

    Cloudya Web App

    Current version:

    • Web app 1.1.8

    Bug fixes:

    • The login button behaves correctly when using Chrome autofill to enter credentials now
    • Fax history with more than 25 messages displays latest faxes correctly now
    • No PIN is requested anymore when calling a subscribed conference room from the context menu

    Release Notes 6th December, 2019

    Cloudya Web App

    Current version:

    • Web app 1.1.7

    Bug fixes:

    • Conferences can now be terminated correctly by clicking on the hang-up button when using Firefox.
    • Audio device settings made in the app are considered correctly now. Audio is passed via the configured device.

    Release Notes 27th November, 2019

    Cloudya Web App

    Current version:

    • Web app 1.1.6

    Bug fixes:

    • User permissions are now stored correctly in app settings
    • When adding a contact from the detail view of a call history entry, the telephone number is correctly prefilled in the add dialogue now
    • A superfluous blank line on top of the fax cover sheet list view has been removed
    • Go back button in the delete contact dialogue is now visible on screens with less than 1280px
    • New Desktop App Download is available

    Release Notes 15th November, 2019

    Cloudya Web App

    Current version:

    • Web app 1.1.5

    Bug fixes:

    • Call initiation using the context menu via a right-click works correctly now
    • Newly subscribed conference rooms are no longer listed twice. Rooms are now only shown once
    • Labels in the settings menu show the full language name instead of two-letter country code now
    • Check boxes in the edit mode of the contact section are now correctly ticked when selected

    Release Notes 15th November, 2019

    Administration portal

    Current version:

    • Administration portal

    Bug fixes:

    • Deleting of extensions from device lists under Skype for Business / Microsoft Teams devices is no longer possible. This was an error.

    Release Notes 8th November, 2019

    Cloudya Web App

    Current version:

    • Web app 1.1.3

    Bug fixes:

    • Queues are loading correctly again
    • When entering an external number in the call forwarding dialogue, the select button is now visible again
    • Generic sources are no longer offered for selection in call forwarding dialogues, if they have already been used in a profile
    • In conferences, add user and lock room buttons are no longer displayed to non admin users of the conference anymore
    • Voicemails can now be deleted again. The delete button is now visible.
    • Now the dial button remains grey as long as the telephony is offline
    • The name field in custom cover sheets of eFaxes is no longer mandatory
    • Name shortening in the conference view has been adjusted in order to avoid unnecessary shortening
    • The highlighting behaviour of the item list in the voicemail view has been adjusted
    • Faxes can now be sent again

    Release Notes 1st November, 2019

    Cloudya Web App

    Current version:

    • Web app 1.1.2

    Bug fixes:

    • On outgoing calls to destinations with permanent call forwarding (condition “always”), the caller sees now the correct name and number of the forwarding destination
    • When creating an ad-hoc conference no PIN is requested anymore


    • The info icon is now aligned properly with other call history entries
    • The header style is now correct

    Release Notes 1st November, 2019

    Cloudya Mobile App iOS

    Current version:

    • iOS 1.0.1

    Bug fixes:

    • Status notification „ringing“ is now shown correctly when calling a GSM number
    • A rare behaviour was fixed, during which buttons became invisible during the call, thus preventing the user from hanging up. Buttons are always displayed correctly now.

    Release Notes 25th October, 2019

    Cloudya Web App

    Current version:

    • Web app 1.1.1

    Bug fixes:

    • Busy or unavailable tones on outgoing calls are correctly played now
    • Initiating of an outgoing call to an external contact via the context menu works correctly now

    Release Notes 25th October, 2019

    Cloudya Desktop App

    Current version:

    • Desktop App 1.1

    Bug fixes:

    • The Windows desktop app displays incoming call notifications even when it is minimised now

    Release Notes 18th October, 2019

    Cloudya Mobile App iOS

    Current version:

    • iOS 1.0.0

    Bug fixes:

    • Audio works now properly at the beginning of the call; audio lag has been removed
    • User is now forwarded correctly to the login screen, if the session is invalid
    • Putting an external caller on hold now works correctly
    • Call history now displays the name of the local contact instead of the phone number only
    • Settings panel now behaves correctly when scrolling with a swipe gesture
    • Call function menu now behaves correctly while call is on hold
    • Function codes can now be called properly via BLF
    • Optimised call management. Incoming calls that arrive during the ringing phase of a concurrent outgoing call no longer overlay the outgoing call dialogue
    • Issue where no audio was transmitted on a second inbound call has been fixed
    • Display name is now updated with the new caller's name after transferring the call
    • Mobile app behaves correctly now when searching for non-existent entries
    • External numbers can now be added to conferences
    • Call option button now works as designed
    • Audio issue has been fixed, there was no audio when receiving a second call via GSM and returning to the first call
    • Ringing text is now shown consistently when making an outgoing call to a GSM number
    • Info button for ad hoc conferences was removed since there is no further info to display
    • Mute button in conferences now behaves correctly, the button now shows the status when a participant is muted
    • Permission dialog is now only shown once after installing the mobile app and logging in for the first time
    • "Register phones number" dialogue is only shown once now
    • Correction of the French translation of "call through number"
    • History call items are now loading correctly when selecting the info icon
    • Contact list is now loading correctly when forwarding a call
    • Call history now automatically updates properly after ending a call
    • DND status now works as designed
    • After the device name was changed in the iOS settings, the device name in the mobile app is immediately updated without a restart of the app
    • Call history shows now the correct list of outbound calls
    • Conference control icons order in conference rooms has been corrected, admin user and regular user now have the identical view

    Release Notes 18th October, 2019

    Cloudya Mobile App Android

    Current version:

    • Android 0.2.1

    Bug fixes:

    • Second incoming call is now shown correctly as a pop-up
    • Call function menu works properly while a call is on hold now
    • Conference controls are now displayed correctly in ad-hoc conferences
    • Function codes can now be called properly via BLF
    • Contact pictures are now loading correctly
    • Mute status is now shown correctly when a call is on hold and calling a second number
    • Mute button in conferences now behaves correctly, the button now shows the status when a participant is muted
    • Ring back tone now works consistently
    • "Call was ended" snackbar no longer inhibits the call view
    • Pressing the loudspeaker icon during ringing now correctly enables the loudspeaker
    • History and voicemail pages have been improved, empty pages don’t show endless loading spinner
    • Call through now works correctly for users with a registered GSM number
    • Mobile app is now always asking for a GSM number registration after re-login
    • Voicemail issue has been fixed, voicemails that have been played directly before logout of the app where played again after re-login
    • Text colour of the local contact search is now displayed correctly
    • After the device name was changed in Android settings, the device name in the mobile app is immediately updated without a restart of the app
    • Call history now displays the name of the local contact instead of the phone number only
    • Mobile app behaves correctly when searching for non-existent entries
    • External numbers can now be added to conferences
    • Call option button now works as designed
    • Correction of the French translation of "call through number"
    • Contact list is now loading correctly when forwarding a call
    • Call history now automatically updates properly after ending a call
    • DND status now works as designed

    Release Notes 11th October, 2019

    Administration portal

    Current version:

    • Administration portal


    • Call forwardings for E164 Numbers will now work

    Release Notes 2nd October, 2019

    Administration portal

    Current version:

    • Administration portal


    • Improvements for future products

    Release Notes 24th September, 2019

    Cloudya Mobile App Android

    Current version:

    • Android

    Bug fixes:

    • Call through now works also properly with Android 10

    Release Notes 20th September, 2019

    Cloudya Web App

    Current version:

    • Web app 1.0.21

    Bug fixes:

    • Overall stability and performance has been improved
    • Source based call forwarding works correctly with numbers containing +
    • Directory entries are now visible again
    • Search in conferences works properly now
    • Calls answered via a Plantronics headset are no longer sporadically put on hold
    • Call forwarding using drag and drop works correctly now
    • USB identifier is not shown in audio settings anymore
    • Generic sources such as "All internal calls“ can now be used for source based call forwarding
    • Default audio devices are now kept if dis- and then reconnected
    • Faxes can now be sent to internal numbers as well
    • Ad-hoc conferences can now be created with external phone numbers
    • Migration wizard now works for large numbers of extensions as well
    • Function key targets are now pre-filled when added via content menu
    • Assigning phone extensions works properly now
    • Search results for phone / history and contacts section are now displayed correctly


    • User experience has been improved in order to comply with the style guide

    Release 20th September, 2019

    Administration portal

    Current version:

    • Administration portal


    • Improvements for future products

    Release Notes 5th September, 2019

    Cloudya Mobile App Android

    Current version:

    • Android

    Bug fixes:

    • Secure storage is working correctly on Android 10 now

    Release Notes 4th September, 2019

    Cloudya Mobile App Android

    Current version:

    • Android 0.2.0

    Bug fixes:

    • A call can now be retrieved properly after being put on hold
    • App works properly after re-login now
    • Call forwarding profiles are correctly selectable now
    • Voicemail history is shown correctly now
    • Using „call with“ on Samsung Galaxy S8 works properly with mobile app now
    • A security issue in the authentication mechanism has been fixed
    • Pop-up for registering GSM number is only displayed once before skipping registration
    • Ringtone is now audible when calling an external number
    • Ringtones are now working consistently
    • Member list of a conference is now shown correctly
    • Voicemails can now be played successfully
    • App now behaves correctly during start-up phase, after killing the app.
    • GSM numbers can now be registered correctly
    • DND works as designed now
    • Making outbound calls works consistently now
    • The app does no longer ask the user to re-enter his login data, after the app was killed 
    • Signalling behaviour of incoming calls has been improved
    • Mobile app displays the correct information after transferring a call now
    • Mute status is now shown correctly when placing a new call, if the last call was ended by the interlocutor
    • Mute status is now handled correctly when caller unmutes callee that was previously put on hold while muted
    • Phonebook search is now case insensitive 
    • The mobile will no longer continue ringing if the call is answered on a desktop phone
    • Mobile app can now be used over 3G networks
    • Security for sensitive data has been improved
    • When setting the App to DND and restarting it, it will now still be in DND mode.


    • The login process has been optimised
    • User experience in conference calls has been improved. Admins and users see different icons now
    • User experience for DTMF has been improved
    • User experience in ad-hoc conferences has been improved
    • User experience in displaying long names during the ringing phase when placing a call has been improved
    • User experience has been improved in order to comply with the style guide
    • Missing labels translations have been added
    • Overall stability and performance have been improved

    Release Notes 28th August, 2019

    Cloudya Mobile App iOS

    Current version:

    • iOS 0.2.3

    Bug fixes:

    • Now the mobile app properly ends a call after a timeout when iPhone goes offline
    • Editing of user settings works as designed now
    • Status message after call transfer has been corrected
    • An issue inhibiting the user from scrolling through the ″call through list″ has been fixed
    • An issue inhibiting the user from calling a number from his favourite list in the native contact app, when the mobile app was selected as preferred dialler, has been fixed
    • An issue causing a status delay, preventing the user from holding, transferring or hanging-up a call has been fixed
    • Phone number registration can now be done correctly during first login without App permissions interfering
    • C2D calls (call with feature) initiated by the iOS mobile app can now be hung up properly
    • When setting the App to DND and restarting it, it will now still be in DND mode  
    • Call view displays the correct state after accepting another incoming call now
    • Scrolling through sessions after changing languages works properly now


    • Security and stability in the authentication mechanism has been further improved
    • Stability has been further improved. There are less dropped calls now.
    • User experience in conference calls has been improved. Admins and users see different icons now
    • User experience has been improved in order to comply with the style guide
    • Overall stability and performance have been improved
    • User experience in displaying long names during the ringing phase when placing a call has been improved
    • User experience in displaying devices with very long device names has been improved
    • User experience in ad-hoc conferences has been improved
    • User experience for iPhone X, Xs, Xr has been improved. Colour in the notch area and in conference mode is displayed correctly now
    • User experience in muting and unmuting call has been improved

    Release Notes 27st August, 2019


    Bug fixes:

    • Polycom VVX: Polish phonebook key has been fixed and is now visible
    • Yealink: new German labels have been added

    Release Notes 21st August, 2019

    Cloudya Web App

    Current version:

    • Cloudya Web App 1.0.20-1

    Bug fixes:

    • Search for call history will now return proper results again
    • Detail view for call history and voicemail no longer show a page loading indicator

    Release 8th August, 2019

    Administration portal

    Current version:

    • Administration portal

    Bug fixes:

    • Function key editing is no longer very slow or running into timeouts
    • Call forwarding source can now be edited in user defined call forwarding profiles
    • When resetting the password, the system communicated an error. This has now been fixed.


    • Adjustment of French labels in the administration portal
    • Improvement in primary device definition when activating devices

    Release Notes 8th August, 2019

    Cloudya Desktop App

    Current versions:

    • Cloudya-1.1.0-win
    • Cloudya-1.1.0-mac


    • The Desktop App will now work as a browser of the Web App
    • The Desktop App will now automatically stay up-to-date to the latest version of the Web App
    • The Desktop App does no longer need to be updated for new versions of the Web App
    • The Desktop App will no longer require an update for every new version of the Web App

    Release notes 7th August, 2019

    Cloudya Web App

    Bug fixes:

    • Password reset e-mails are now being sent out correctly again
    • Call forwarding profiles can be added again

    Release Notes 1st August, 2019

    Cloudya Mobile App iOS

    Current version:

    • iOS

    Bug fixes:

    • It is now possible to initiate VoIP calls via 3G mobile networks
    • The status of an attended transfer is no longer shown as successful prematurely 
    • Search will now search for conference services in the list of subscribed conferences
    • Audio is properly muted for conference rooms on hold
    • It is now possible to initiate ad-hoc conferences
    • In ad-hoc conference calls, the list of participants is now properly shown after putting participants on hold and resuming
    • It is now possible to transfer calls which are on hold
    • The list of conference rooms is now refreshed after login
    • Muting calls works correctly now
    • Successful transfer will no longer result in “all calls on hold” shown
    • In conference calls, the proper controls are now shown to moderators and participants
    • The list of call through numbers can now be properly scrolled
    • Calling from the native iOS phone app “favourites” will now properly initiate the call through Cloudya
    • The call status & controls are now immediately available for ongoing calls
    • The permission dialogue will no longer interrupt the registration of the mobile number on first launch of the app
    • The UI will now react normally after a call was initiated with another “call with” target such as a desk phone
    • The DND status is not properly shown after launching or restarting the app
    • A second incoming call is now properly shown in the app when answered


    • UI improvements for dynamic conferences
    • UI improvements for the “call with” dialogue
    • UI improvements for the “notch” on iPhone X, Xs & Xr
    • Improved UI for ongoing calls with participants with very long names

    Release Notes 1st August, 2019


    Bug fixes:

    • All devices: Call forwarding target is now shown in display
    • Yealink CP920: Deactivation of key tones


    • Yealink firmware 84: Adjustment of misleading labels
    • Yealink T57W: Enablement of special characters and German umlaut in virtual keyboard

    Release Notes 26th July, 2019

    Cloudya Mobile App Android

    Current version:

    • Android 0.1.8

    Bug fixes:

    • Rollback from Version 0.1.7

    Release notes 25th July, 2019

    Cloudya Web App

    Bug fixes:

    • Calls to extensions on DND will now be signaled as “busy” instead of displaying an error code
    • When telephony is not available, outgoing calls will now result in an error dialogue
    • The app will now detect and recover more reliably, when telephony is not available
    • Resuming outgoing calls on hold works again now
    • Sending faxes works again now
    • It is now possible to send the same PDF multiple times
    • The app menu is always shown even when the user has no extension assigned
    • The dialogue for fax details now looks as intended

    Release notes 16th July, 2019

    Cloudya Web App

    Bug fixes:

    • Browser cache does not need to be cleared manually anymore. New changes will be displayed directly
    • Sending of eFax files works correctly in all scenarios
    • Issues related to duplicated ringing tone and endless ringing are fixed
    • User is not logged out anymore when entering the wrong password for switch to system configuration
    • Improvements in system configuration (session end handling, delete button, mouse hovering, display and scrolling of users, only supported tariffs are listed)
    • Displaying of the calling party number when calling via non default trunk now correct
    • Resetting password possible from mobile phone
    • Call through is working with all number formats
    • Emoji's are now supported for device names
    • Logout from a queue using Web app is possible
    • Various improvements on performance, stability and reliability
    • Several UI adaptations (icons for conference and incoming calls, call forwarding display, dragging of favourites for call initiation, USB identifier for audio equipment removed, colours and animation on the login page)

    Release 16th July, 2019

    Administration portal

    Current version:

    • Administration portal

    New features:

    • Call forwarding rules can now again be created via the administration portal

    Bug fixes:

    • Confirmation behaviour in the source based call forwarding dialogue corrected
    • Performance improvements in the source based call forwarding entry


    • Adjustment of French labels in the administration portal
    • Device type name improvement
    • Handling of edge cases in the primary device settings


    Release notes 27th June, 2019

    Cloudya Web App

    In case the update changes do not appear immediately, we recommend clearing the browser cache. Find more information on how to clear the Google Chrome cache here.

    New features:

    • UX improvement for outgoing calls – automatic switch to phone view
    • Diverse UI Improvements

    Bug fixes:

    • Failed call attempts are now shown with the proper failure code
    • Changing the “call with” setting will no longer trigger unwanted calls to conference rooms
    • Help for initiating new calls now properly shows “new call” instead of “add participant”
    • Search will now search for conference services in the list of subscribed conferences
    • On new calls the microphone is no longer shown as muted if it was muted in the last call
    • Initiating a new outgoing call will automatically switch the view to telephony
    • Call forwarding to groups, queues & skills now work as configured

    Conference room controls have been improved, in particular in the following points:

    • In conference calls, participants don’t see the controls for admins anymore
    • In conference calls, moderators can now correctly toggle mute for all participants
    • In conference calls, moderators can now mute / unmute is each participant individually
    • In conference calls, the icons for hang up and mute are now shown side by side
    • In conference calls, the mute icon is now always red for muted participants
    • In ad-hoc conference calls, the list of participants is now properly shown after putting it on hold and resume
    • Conference rooms will now show the correct status and number of participants in the overview
    • System Configuration: e-mail addresses are now properly validated during user creation
    • System Configuration: the list of all users shows all columns properly indented
    • System Configuration: The search bar is no longer shown in for the migration wizard

    Release 27th June, 2019

    Administration portal

    Current version:

    • Administration portal

    New features:

    • Adding of duplicated numbers will now be avoided. Extensions cannot have same numbers as emergency numbers.

    Bug fixes:

    • Several security improvements
    • General bugfixes and improvements


    • Adjustment of French labels in the administration portal

    Release Notes 25th June, 2019


    Current version:

    • Ncontrol 4.15.22

    Bug fixes:

    • The profile number will now be displayed in front of the profile name under the call forwarding settings
    • Adjustment of French labels in the product
    • General bug fixes and improvements 

    Release Notes 21st June, 2019

    Cloudya Mobile App Android 0.1.6


    • It is now possible to initiate ad-hoc conferences 
    • Conferences can now be properly terminated for all participants by the moderator
    • Conferences initiation no longer offered if there is only one single call on hold
    • The list of conference rooms is now refreshed after login
    • It is now possible to transfer calls which are on hold
    • The status of an attended transfer is now longer shown as successful prematurely 

    Release Notes 28th May, 2019

    Cloudya Web App

    In case the update changes do not appear immediately, we recommend clearing the browser cache. Find more information on how to clear the Google Chrome cache here.

    New features:

    • Ad-hoc conferences can now be initiated also without consultation

    Bug fixes:

    • It is no longer possible to assign an already assigned extension to a user
    • The date format in call history is correct now

    Release Notes 16th May, 2019

    Cloudya Web App

    In case the update changes do not appear immediately, we recommend clearing the browser cache. Find more information on how to clear the Google Chrome cache here.

    Bug fixes:

    • Ringback tone on outgoing calls is now played on the right audio device
    • No more one-way-audio when changing microphone/speaker setting on operating system level during a call
    • Queues can now be sorted alphabetically
    • Source based call forwarding settings are now working again
    • Cancelled incoming calls are no longer shown in the phone view
    • Dialling star codes with two leading asterisk-character is now possible (e.g.**11)
    • A few UI improvements

    Release Notes 8th May, 2019

    Cloudya Mobile App Android

    Current version:

    • Android 0.1.5

    New features:

    • Callthrough number selection depends on your country location now
    • Redial via call button
    • The default time format has been changed from am/pm to 24h

    Bug fixes:

    • Reliability on signalling incoming calls has been improved
    • Transfer is now possible also for incoming calls
    • One-way audio issues after hold/unhold have been fixed
    • Ringback tone on outgoing calls is now played in all situations
    • Cloudya App does no longer crash when a call is initiated via the native dialer app
    • Improvements for online/offline mode detection
    • Call forwarding settings are working again
    • When adding a second call it is now possible to call an external number
    • Missing translations have been added
    • A few UI improvements

    Release Notes 2nd May, 2019

    Cloudya Mobile App iOS

    Current version:

    • iOS 0.1.8

    Bug fixes:

    • Improvement of the search layout
    • When adding a 2nd call it is now possible to call an external number
    • Visual feedback after a call was ended
    • Stability improvement in poor network conditions

    Release Notes 17th April, 2019

    Cloudya Mobile App iOS

    Current version:

    • iOS

    New features:

    • UI for iPhones with notches (e.g. iPhone X) has been improved
    • Callthrough number selection depends on your country location now
    • The handling of multiple external audio devices (e.g headset, hands-free devices) has been optimised
    • Redial via call button
    • The default time format has been changed from am/pm to 24h

    Bug fixes:

    • iOS permissions (e.g. microphone access) are now asked again if the app is de- and reinstalled again
    • The reaction speed for the search component has been improved
    • Transfer is now possible also for incoming calls
    • One-way audio issues after hold/unhold have been fixed
    • Ringback tone on outgoing calls is now played in all situations
    • Mobile app starts also during an active GSM call now
    • Call stability has been improved in instable Wi-Fi environments
    • Reliability on signalling incoming calls has been improved
    • Missing translations have been added
    • A few UI improvements

    Release Notes 9th April, 2019

    Cloudya Web App

    In case the update changes do not appear immediately, we recommend clearing the browser cache. Find more information on how to clear the Google Chrome cache here.

    New features:

    • The default date format has been changed from dd/mm/yyyy to per default
    • UX Improvement for Call Transfers – Unneeded UI elements have been removed

    Bug fixes:

    • Changing the audio input device during a call does not put the callee on hold anymore
    • Conference rooms can now be found again via search
    • Attendent transfer is now working also for incoming calls
    • Call swap/unhold a callee is now working again
    • Oneway audio issues in some situations are fixed
    • It is now possible to transfer callees that have both originally called you
    • System Configuration: Adding an existing user to a new Customer does not trigger a new welcome mail anymore
    • System Configuration: Sorting users alphabetically in the System Configuration is now working correctly

    Release Notes 2nd April, 2019

    Cloudya Desktop App

    Current versions:

    • Cloudya_win_1.0.3
    • Cloudya-1.0.12-mac

    Bug fixes:

    • ReCaptcha is now working correctly in case of a failed login
    • Login works correctly when "Remember me" is selected

    and all features and bug fixes mentioned below in the Web App release


    Cloudya Web App

    In case the update changes do not appear immediately, we recommend clearing the browser cache. Find more information on how to clear the Google Chrome cache here.

    New features:

    • The Web App version number is now shown on the info page
    • The default time format has been changed from am/pm to 24h

    Bug fixes:

    • eFax entries in history can now be deleted
    • Orbit/call-pull button will now be shown on running calls on the extension
    • Settings: user name changes are no longer discarded when the account is changed in the top of the page. A new modal validation window was added.
    • Audio device settings are now no longer lost when the PC is woken up from idle mode
    • Icon to redirect call to voicemail is now displayed correctly
    • Call forwarding profiles button is now shown instantly after creating the first profile
    • The “cancel” icon is no longer missing in call popups for failed calls
    • The Web App no longer terminates active calls when starting a download
    • Login app sound is now triggered correctly when starting the app
    • System Configuration: user changes are no longer discarded when the account is changed in the top of the page. A new modal validation window was added.
    • System Configuration: an extension can no longer be linked to multiple users
    • System Configuration: when deleting a user which is in multiple accounts from one of the accounts, deleted the user completely. This is now fixed


    • Improvement of GUI elements during an active call. In ringing state, when trying to reach somebody, an incoming call will not be signalised.

    Release Notes 13th March, 2019

    Cloudya Mobile App iOS

    Current version:

    • iOS 0.1.4

    Bug fixes:

    • When trying to start an ad hoc conference and cancelling the call to a second party, while the first call is still on hold, the app was not responding to any of the two calls. This is now fixed and ad hoc conference initiation works correctly.
    • The call-through number was changed in order to have a leading plus
    • Forwarding call screen: tapping on list icon opens favourites / BLFs now
    • Now the app displays the number pad instead of normal keyboard for number registrations
    • After login, the view jumps from dial pad to favourite list if favourites exist in mobile client. This is now fixed
    • User can now redial when callee is busy in mobile client
    • Performance improvements with large local phonebooks
    • Logging out from the app works correctly again

    Release Notes 12th March, 2019

    Cloudya Web App

    In case the update changes do not appear immediately, we recommend clearing the browser cache. Find more information on how to clear the Google Chrome cache here.

    New features:

    • Source based call forwarding is implemented. You can now add rules to your call forwarding profiles


    • Improvement of "How to" tutorial after login – now with short video animations
    • Now only the user himself can change his username, not the admin
    • Мissing translations in device list were added
    • Style and layout fixes for multiple items in under the Download tab

    Bug fixes:

    • Sending FAXes is possible again
    • Users are now listed correctly in the System Configuration
    • Parallel ringing settings: now all internal calls can be selected
    • Autocomplete in function key component (settings) lead to never ending loading. This is now fixed
    • Admin Sidebar is now reachable in mid-size windows

    Release Notes 7th March, 2019

    Cloudya Mobile App Android

    Current version:

    • Android 0.1.4

    Bug fixes:

    • The app handles calls properly in combination with GSM now. During an ongoing GSM call, no VoIP call can be initiated and or received. However, in case of an incoming VoIP call, the user receives the fall back GSM call instead.
    • Tapping on a missed call notification now opens the call history
    • Tapping on list icon on call forwarding now properly opens list of favorites
    • Now the app displays the number pad instead of normal keyboard for number registrations
    • Phone calls now transmit proper audio when the app is in background
    • Calls can now be initiated from the native contact app
    • Numbers and letters on the dial pad do no longer overlap
    • When trying to start an ad hoc conference and cancelling the call to a second party, while the first call is still on hold, the app was not responding to any of the two calls. This is now fixed and ad hoc conference initiation works correctly.
    • Call Through now works properly when initiating a call from the call history
    • The registered mobile phone number is now discarded on logout. Incoming calls do no longer arrive on the device.
    • Logging out from the app works correctly again
    • Mobile phone number can now be properly registered again
    • Performance improvements with large local phonebooks

    Release Notes 21th February, 2019

    Cloudya Web App

    In case the update changes do not appear immediately, we recommend clearing the browser cache. Find more information on how to clear the Google Chrome cache here.


    • Redial via call button has been improved. For redialing, just click the green call button in the dial pad twice.
    • Telephony offline status bar is now visible on every first load/reload
    • Admin - System Configuration improvement of the adaptive UI: Permission button is only shown if you have access to more than one account
    • Admin - System Configuration: Menu does not get restored after page reload when in the permission tab
    • UX Improvement number selection (call forwarding / parallel ringing target): the double confirmation for entering phone number targets has been removed

    Release Notes 15th February, 2019

    Cloudya Desktop App

    Current versions:

    • Cloudya_win_1.0.2
    • Cloudya-1.0.9-mac

    New features:

    • A new installer for the Windows Desktop app has been included.

    Cloudya Web App

    In case the update changes do not appear immediately, we recommend clearing the browser cache. Find more information on how to clear the Google Chrome cache here.


    • User permission listing: the assignment handling has been improved
    • Labels have been improved in several dialogues
    • GUI improvements: icons are now better visible in conferences

    Bug fixes:

    • Private contacts can now be added to the directory
    • Contacts can now be added directly from the call history
    • E-mail addresses with special characters will no longer be rejected
    • Fax handling has been improved
    • Fax history is now again loading correctly
    • The handling of voicemail settings has been improved
    • The error occurring during function keys loading has been resolved
    • The error occurring while searching has been resolved

    Release Notes 8th February, 2019

    Cloudya Web App

    In case the update changes do not appear immediately, we recommend clearing the browser cache. Find more information on how to clear the Google Chrome cache here.

    New features:

    • A download section was added to the Settings. Here you can find the Desktop Apps for Windows and macOS.


    • Drag & drop behavior of function keys was improved
    • Adaptive UI improvements – the orbit/handover button is only visible during an active call
    • New note “telephony offline” will be displayed if there is no audio device on your PC/Mac available
    • Colours of disabled icons were updated

    Bug fixes:

    • New contacts can now be added to the contacts section again
    • Setting a speed dial as function key is working again
    • User settings (parallel ringing, intercom, call waiting, voicemail settings) are working again
    • Improvements for Firefox/Safari – Audio devices can now be selected
    • The ring back tone behaviour now improved
    • New participants can now be added to a conference
    • Function codes with 2 stars can now be saved

    Release 9th January, 2019

    Administration portal (

    • bugfix: call recording permissions ignored
    • bugfix: saving extension doesn't work
    • bugfix: GET targets/X-services/Y/inbound-trunk-number response time sporadically too long ~20s
    • bugfix: not possible to add a new Siemens or Kirk device, exception error
    • new: sorting of firmware versions adjusted. New firmware to be found on top of the list.
    • general bugfixes and improvements


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