Headset microphones are generally used in conjunction with earphones or headphones. There are a wide range of headsets available. Headphones featuring two earcups and an arm-attached microphone support stereo sound, but severely limit the perception of ambient noise. These headsets are also available with a neckband. Single earcup headsets permit better perception of ambient noise. Mobile phones and smartphones often come with in-ear headphones and a microphone attached to the cable. In the case of wireless headsets, the microphone is directly connected to the in-ear headphones via an arm of varying dimensions. Professional headsets generally have a button for muting the headset microphone.
Headsets with integrated microphone can be connected to other devices, such as a telephone, by means of wired or wireless technology. Various different plugs are used for wired connections. Headsets frequently come with the same type of plug as that used to connect a normal telephone receiver to the telephone. Common types of plug for this purpose are RJ9 and RJ11. System telephones often have manufacturer-specific interfaces.
Wireless connections can be established by various means. The Bluetooth standard is one of the most popular wireless connection methods. All modern mobile phones support Bluetooth. DECT technology can be used to bridge larger distances between the telephone and the headset.