This information concerns users with admin permissions!
Please note that the extension management is currently partially performed via the administration portal.
Creating a user via the administration portal
Create an extension for the new user via the administration portal.
Find further information on how to create an extension in the administration portal manual.
As soon as you have created the user via the administration portal and have an extension number for this user, the user can be created in the system configuration of the app. The extension number from the administration portal needs then be connected to the user in the system configuration of the app.
Creating a user via the system configuration
As an admin user, you can add new users to the application and define their permissions.
- First, switch to the system configuration. Go to the app menu and click on the button "Switch to system configuration".
- Re-enter your password.
You are now in the system configuration.
- Go to the user tab.
- Click on the plus icon on the right.
- Fill in the user information such as name and e-mail address.
- Enter the extension number defined in the administration portal
- Set user's permissions.
- Click on save.
The user is created.
- If you wish to edit an entry, you can do it via this view.
- Click then on save.
Please note that after a new user has been created, they will automatically receive an email where they will be able to set their own password.